why do people pray the creations and not the creator

@neerja (36)
July 8, 2007 3:16am CST
iam a strong believer in god..and i know that everybody who r true believers believe in one supreme power, then why do people pray to the creations and not the creator...? why do we have so many ways of praying and believing.?
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4 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
8 Jul 07
Because not everyone has the same experiences, backgrounds, histories, ideas, thoughts, cultures.... the list goes on and on. Just because you say that all true believers believe in one supreme power doesn't make it so. In saying that, basically you are saying "I'm right and all of you are wrong" which is just spreading more religious intolerance and hatred. The reason there are many religious beliefs is because there is simply no way to prove a religious belief. People across the world have had different stories about how the world came to be, who had a hand in it, what causes what to happen, and all those sorts of things forever. There is no way to force everyone to have the same beliefs, and trying to do so simply leads to bloodshed. I don't personally thing there's anything wrong with people having different beliefs. What is wrong is when they try to force their beliefs on others, or discriminate based upon them. I have my own very strong personal religious beliefs, but I have never in my life told anyone they had to believe the same way I do, and I don't believe my Gods would want me to do so.
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@neerja (36)
• India
11 Jul 07
hi, well lecanis iam not saying that iam right and others are wrong,its my personal way of thinking ,okay i would like to give you an example, if u were the creator of humans and the motto of the humans was to pray to the creator but they pray every other thing except for the creator then how would you feel.. iam not saying that god has feelings and stuff its just an example,i know it sounds a little weird but its a simple logic to understand.iam no way forcing anybody to think the way i do but just want to share and know people's view. we may have many ways to achieve our goal but only the right way can take us there likewise i believe only one right way can take us close to god.
• India
8 Jul 07
So simple dear.. Give a monotonous work to a man, some will distance from it after days, some may not even turn up, some will go on for ever.. but when he is given a choice,such as sweet, sugar candy, cholactes, icecream and more things of such sort he will greedily try one and switch over to other,though in essence all these eateries are made of sugar. The ultimate aim,that man should eat atleast one, is succeded without any hardship. Similarly, when the Man prays different forms and follows different practices to earn God's grace..If u thrust man only to follow/pray the creator he maynot even try. Nothing wrong i feel,Neeru. BTW, I viewed your profile now, you became a mylottian six months before and why you have only 17 posts. Are u busy with some other programs.If willing kindly share here.
@neerja (36)
• India
11 Jul 07
hi, thanks for your respond ,yes iam quite busy with a lot of things so i hardly find time for things like these not very much into mylot thats why but whenever i find time i do post some stuffs ,well saivenkaat802003 i agree with all that you said but jus think about this,if u are a scientist and have invented something or created something with a lot of mediums like chemicals,acids,machinary etc and your invention has the ability to respond to your questions and if that thing is asked about its inventor it would say that it was the chemicals that built it... that would not be right..because there are lot of other things involved in it and the main credit goes to you. if we are created by god then we have to give him all the credit not to his creations because they are created by him we need to judge the supreme one.. jus like, to achieve a goal there are several ways, but only one right way will get us there not all.
@cobradene (1171)
• India
7 Nov 07
There shouldn't be a problem with us having different ways praying and believing. They are all just expressions of the self. The mind keeps taking different forms and opinions until it reaches one single truth which is formless and beyond all opinions. It's not necessary that true believers believe in one supreme power and the others who believe in worship of different forms are not true. There are different kinds of worship and they all lead to the same goal. By, worshiping the form you realise, the formless, and by worshiping the formless you realise that it is the formless that resides in the form. The different deities are all different forces of the creator. They are all different aspects of nature. And ancient man was so spiritual, he saw the creator hidden in various forms so he gave them an expression and worshipped him thus. All kinds of worship is right. Ramakrishna himself worshiped Krishna and Radha, then Rama, then Kali, and he also tried Namaz and also worshiped Christ, and by worshiping in different ways he attained the Supreme. :)
@neerja (36)
• India
9 Nov 07
there are different kinds of worship and they all lead to the same goal. this is what you said. ok let me ask you something.Supposingly you helped one of your most closest freind when he was in need of something and the same friend instead of thanking you asks his father to thank you or say someone else whom you dont really know,how would you feel.?Is it not his duty to thank your directly instead of asking someone else to his job. coming to the next point people who believe in different forms are true believers of false powers.They dont realise that what they pray is created by none other than but by the hands of humans.and why would god create substitutes for himself? why would he give his own credit to others?
• Indonesia
22 Jul 07
what is your religions, have learn about islam.. or other religion, you have to do it.. and you will konw waht you ask for it..
@neerja (36)
• India
24 Jul 07
hi, iam a muslim.this question that i have put up is for the non muslims who do not pray the creator instead pray other things or creations.being a muslim i believe that everyone should know the purpose of their life and should worship the almighty, our only "ALLAH".