Do you choose dietary supplements or a healthy diet?

Dietary Supplement Pills - this is an image of dietary supplement pills
United States
July 8, 2007 11:14am CST
One of the big issues in the United States and some parts of the world is obesity, excessive eating, junk food and people starting to get fat. But what do you do when you want to lose weight? Do you rely on pills to lose the weight? With so many brands like TrimSPA, HydroxyCut, Dexatrim -- The list goes on. Or do you rely on healthy diets? Do you choose low carb? Do you exercise? Do you go to the gym or an aerobics class?
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3 responses
@tizraa (10)
• Sweden
8 Jul 07
when i wanna lose weight, i just dont eat nothing after 18.00..just some fruit like apple..or what you depend to like.vegetables is also good. One time a week i just eat little chochlate..but only three times a day just one normal meal.
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@banta78 (4326)
• India
12 Jul 07
I feel if one has to lose weight and stay fit and healthy, one should eat well balanced diet and do exercise regularly. It can be as simple as going for brisk walks, to doing aerobics and kick boxing. One should try to be as active daily it will help burn the extra flab. One should also avoid eating junk food, drink plenty of water and get adequate rest. Cheers:)
@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
9 Jul 07
I think that a healthy diet combined with exercise is the best way to go for losing weight. I don't necessarily choose any special diet such as low carb, I just try not to eat too much of the high calorie or high fat foods. I don't eliminate any particular foods from my diet, but limit the portions of the more fattening ones. I also try to add as much water into my diet as I can.