who is watching Big Brother 8 tonight?
United States
4 responses
• United States
12 Jul 07
I can't stand Jen or Joe. I want Joe out of the house. And I would like to see Jen leave also. I was hoping Danielle would use the veto and they would put up Jen.
But that didn't happen.
• United States
9 Jul 07
Not sure who you are talking about the one that is the nanny. I didn't catch who it is. If you are talking about the girl names Jen who freaked out about her picture (she was too much for me) crying over it and everything. Whatever.
The single mom is one who was put up for eviction.
All I know is Joe gets on my nerves. He needs to leave the house.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
11 Jul 07
i just got done watching it. it was pretty good. i liked the veto competition. jen is such a psycho. i can't believe she lied about nick and was so jealous after only being there a week.
@rdougl (469)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I think it started off slow this year. Even though Evil, Jen and Joe are starting to make things interesting. It will be a boring show until someone gets ticked off. Evil will get mad at Jen some more this week I'm sure. But that won't last long, cause both of them will be off in the next 2 weeks. I could really see Eric, Nick, and Kail turning the tables on everyone. I think Danielle, Jessica, and Amber are clueless about the game. Seems like they would pair up with Jameka and take over the house. Are they playing the game or are they on vacation?