Will you attend all the invitation
By noyida
@noyida (795)
July 8, 2007 10:52pm CST
Last weekend is an auspicious date in the calendar for year 2007. Its 07 07 07. I had received 6 wedding invitation on that particular date. It is such a popular date that the local registrar of marriage had to turn down some couple who wished to be solemnised on that date.
The invitation not only burn my pocket and burst my budget it also burst my stomach with all the Nasi Beryani (a special dish served during wedding). If you receive so much invitation, will you attend them all?.
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12 responses
@ladyjava (1184)
• Malaysia
9 Jul 07
I would try to attend all if time permits and especially if the bride or groom is someone I know. To avoid budget bursting, I would probably buy the same "economical" present for them all - just to avoid headache as well. I guess the occasional bursting of tummy over Beryani is acceptable for me.. heheh love beryani..yummy!
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
9 Jul 07
i would like to try and attend all invitations, too. but it's kinda difficult especially if you are a busy person. i haven't tried to hop to one gathering to another and another in the same day. that sounds so stressful to me... anne
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@noyida (795)
• Singapore
10 Jul 07
I didnt get for them any present, it too troublesome. The best is to give "Ang Pow". Since I had another 3 invitation the next day, I didnt attend all. Only 4 that I terlarat to go, but the other two kirim ang pow aja. Mana tahan beb to eat beryani sampai 6 jemputan. itu pun cuma 1 rumah aja makan beryani the rest just eat kueh and drink. Balik balik trus berbongkak atas katil.

@joice86 (1078)
• Philippines
10 Jul 07
Wow, good for you that you a lot of people is inviting you... At least you know that people remembers you during those special moments of their lives, lol...
For me, if i received that so much invitation then i will go if those people are really my friends, but if not, then maybe i will just go to those important people in my life...
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@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
10 Jul 07
No, I definitely wouldn't attend all those weddings in one day - surely it would be pretty near impossible due to times and locations. I would go to the wedding of the person I was closest to, and give them 100% of my time. I would have to kindly refuse the others telling them reason why.
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@noyida (795)
• Singapore
10 Jul 07
Its kind of different here in Singapore for a Malay wedding. We attend the wedding just to eat, chit chat a bit with the family of the bride or groom and go off. There is no need to wait for the bride n groom to be around. If you are being invited and could not attend, its a kind gesture to just give them your gift (cash) via someone who will be attending. Thanks though.
@syain1972 (1011)
• Singapore
9 Jul 07
Banyak nye!!! Lucky thing, I only had one invitation and that also I ask my Sis-In-Law to kirim as my son had to go for his grading test at the Toa Payoh Sports Hall for his TaeKwando... Phew, you must have a lot of friends and relatives.... Otherwise, you wouldn't be invited to so many..... If I were in your shoes, I don't I can attend to all. Most probably, I'll just someone to kirim for me.... It's tiring and by the time you go to the 3rd invitations, I think my waist would have cringed for help.....hahaha...:D
@noyida (795)
• Singapore
10 Jul 07
What to do, people just love me and want to invite me. I didnt attend to all but just kirim the other two which are in the west. Mana tahan, plus need to attend another 3 the next day. Lucky thing that we manage to drive to all the weddings, if have to naik turun bas, just go Tampines/Eastern area only lah.BTW, ya, I have a lot of friends and relative. and you are also my friend. Thank you for being my friend.
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
9 Jul 07
Hello noyida,
I will attend all the invitation within a day as long as I am able to drive and to eat *smile* I had a few invitation on that particular date but only managed to go to four places. My baby started to cry due to hot weather and I didn't have a choice instead of going home and 'sleep' with my baby son *laugh* Well, the food was delicious and my stomach was full... the next best thing to do is SLEEP *smile*
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@noyida (795)
• Singapore
10 Jul 07
How I wished to attend all the invitation. Itukan Fardu Kifayah, but then I really cant help not attending the other 2 cause frankly, I didnt know the bride nor the parents of the bride. I was invited by her aunties. That is why I didnt make an effort to attend the 2 wedding further another 4 which I attended are closed and good friends. Hmm, macam ular sawa lah ye...jangan marah. I pun sama, balik solat trus bobok.
@circumstance (283)
• Malaysia
9 Jul 07
just go some of them no need to go all the place, just choose most important one and go.. others just send a regard.. dont be like pak pandir
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
9 Jul 07
i don't really love going to parties. it's not that i hate it. i love to be with people. but parties just make me feel so stressed. so, if i was like you last july 07, 2007, i will never attend all those weddings in a day. it could have made me sick. i might attend to one... maybe to the person i am closest to. and i know they will understand me anyway... anne
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@nfhs79 (861)
• Malaysia
11 Jul 07
We had terrible day on the week before 070707. So we think its nothing and no more special about this date. My husband had to stay up all night until 2/3 am in the morning to set up aisle (pelamin) for people who married that day! Too much also worst, too little also worst. If I can get bonus, its fair. But, I think no hope. :) I cant go to any wedding for those 7.7.7 or 8.7.7 days. :) Hope people will be more reasonable when pick their wedding dates. Can married in any date and the important is the marriage itself not the dates or so ever. :)
@sakura_ryuzaki (348)
• Philippines
9 Jul 07
as long as they will not be a hassel to my schedule why not... and as long as my budget can handle it.
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@squaretile (3778)
• Singapore
10 Jul 07
wow - you went to 6 weddings?!
I heard the music from one malay wedding nearby on Sunday afternoon, but didn't hear much in my neighbourhood on 070707. I have been attending weddings almost on average one a month, but super surprised that no invites for this hot date. my hubby went for two on 080707 though. guess my friends were not organised enough or booked early enough to secure venues for 070707.
yah weddings are an expensive affair. i try to avoid chinese wedding dinners as far as possible. ultimately the hotel earns and the wedding couple doesn't get anything, they are lucky if they break even. i much prefer attending church weddings, buffet reception type weddings. much more freedom, not so long & boring, and not sooooooooo costly!!
i had a friend who would have loved to attend all three that she was invited to on 070707 but was forced by family to go for one particular one. they all happened at the same time, so she would have to choose ultimately after all. cannot halfway leave for one.
So if it were me, I'd just choose one, unless the timing is ok to attend more than one, or if i were really close to them and would like to be there to witness their union, not out of obligation or stuff like that. :)
@mari_skye (1637)
• Philippines
9 Jul 07
Yup, the date is a really significant date to those who want to get married. Here in the Philippines, I hear there were also a lot of couples who scheduled their wedding day on this particular date because they believe that 7 is a luck number.
Well, if I were asked to a number of weddings, I would have chosen only one and see if I can have a rain check with the others.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Oh my! You will have such a busy week! Are all those weddings to be held on the same day? That is some kind of coincidence, don't you think. Maybe it should be nicknamed, the day of love. I wonder why so many people picked that one day in particular. Do you think these couples know each other? Perhaps it is a holiday of some kind. My best suggestion would be to pick two or three and make a quick visit, before hopping to the next one. As far as your budget goes, save your money for only your closest friends weddings. Most people invite the maximum number of guests hoping to increase wedding or cash gifts for the couple.