Is Jesus a god or a man?
By ehdzzie
@ehdzzie (331)
3 responses
@marmalaide (470)
11 Aug 07
He is both God and man, because he is the Second part of the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I always think of the Trinity as like a clover leaf. The leaf has three separate parts, but also, it is one leaf.
It can be quite hard for us to understand how God can be more than one thing at the same time, but if you think about it, most of us are two things at the same time. For example, imagine a man called Bob who has a son called Dave. And then Dave has a son called Fred. Dave is a son, but he is also a father. And both of those roles combine to make him Dave.
@bluemestizo (429)
• United States
21 Jul 07
This question has been battled with in many years since day one. According to the Scriptures from John the Apostle he referred God became flesh and dwelt among us. God was known as the Word, in greek meaning Logos -- so it was said the Word was in the beginning, the Word was God and the Word became flesh as they said.
In Hebrews it said that Jesus shared the same traits of humanity, feelings, emotions and such but was said to be without sin.
And one more thing -- if he were a man, first off humanity would have considered him a lunatic, insane and out of his mind when he said these words to His disciples and to those who doubted Him:
I am the Light Of the World
Can any of you prove that I am found with sin?
I am the Way, The Truth, and the Life
Before Abraham was, I Am
I am the Good Shepard
I am the Bread Of Life
I and my Father are One
I am the Resurrection and the Life
He said many other things that no man has dared to say. But according to the Scriptures what He said, he lived it and did it.
Now this is not to convince you because stories from the Bible is an act of faith and only those who allow their live to dwell in God's Spirit can understand what was written.
This has been posted by a non-religious guy nor does he follow any religion -- The Dark Angel