who calls the shot in your house?

@maiax2k6 (535)
July 9, 2007 9:29pm CST
is it you, your spouse, mom, dad, eldest sister, grandpa, your landlady, your bunkmate (if your in a dorm) just who makes decisions in whatever things big and small in the place where you live right now.
4 responses
@bluishrose (2289)
• Philippines
13 Jul 07
I live with my boyfriend right now and he's the man of the house! He makes the decision but he confides on me and ask my opinion before deciding.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
10 Jul 07
Hubby and I both talk the situation over and both come to an agreement what we feel and think is right =) So over here its 50/50
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
10 Jul 07
I wear the pants in my family! And I have my wifes permission to say that...j/k. We do have dissagreements on the way things should be done but we usually talk it out few is the times where we really get upset over the mundane things that everyone has to deal with.
• China
10 Jul 07
In my home,my father and my mother always call the decision together,despite the problem is small.But my views have little effect on the decision. In my dorm,we six will gather and discuss.