Are You Waiting?
By sigma77
@sigma77 (5383)
United States
July 10, 2007 2:08pm CST
I think most of us are waiting for something good to happen in our lives. We spend time waiting to receive a sign or some clue from God or the universe so that we know how to proceed. In truth, it is the universe and God that are ready to grant us our wishes, if we but only have the faith to ask. Are you in the state of waiting or asking? Do you believe that you deserve all that you might ask for?
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17 responses
@bonita_anonymous (92)
• Philippines
11 Jul 07
I do ask a lot of things from God but there are some things that we ask from Him that God doesnt want us to have because He knows that it will not do good to us.
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@bonita_anonymous (92)
• Philippines
13 Jul 07
Well a lot of bad things happens to us but we should not look at it in a negative way. We should look at it in positive way. Its God way of teaching us a very important lesson and opening our eyes on what God's want us to see and learn from it.
@pendragon (3348)
• United States
11 Jul 07
I think we all expect good things,whether we 'deserve' them or not,lol.I believe in layering that subliminal hope with working towards what you want, and that those that help themselves are helped a little by the fates.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Hello Sigma,
Rather than considering myself to be in a state of waiting, I instead see myself as remaining open. Life has brought me great happiness, and great sadness. Success and failure. Accomplishment and disappointment. Sometimes I make the right decisions when opportunity comes a knocking -- sometimes I don't.
Yet, today my life is so much better than it was a decade ago. So, I'd have to say that remaining open is working for me. When I think that I've made a horrible mistake, somewhere down the road, it seems that it wasn't such a big mistake afterall. Meaning that circumstance seems to have worked out for the best. I don't know whether this is the result of what I earlier perceived as a mistake, or in spite of it.
I do my best to remain optimistic. I make a point of looking for not only the positives in situations, but the learning opportunities as well. And, I learned a very long time ago to truly listen to my intuition. I believe it to be some kind of guidance. Perhaps Divine intervention, or cellular memory, or collective consciousness, or who knows what. I can say with complete honesty that choosing to really value my own inner voice has lead to only one possibly great error in my lifetime, and it was a long time ago. I don't pine over the situation, because that would be contrary to my life philosophy. Instead, I believe that my decisions then were probably for the best, both now and tomorrow.
So, I guess that my recipe for life is to access inner guidance (whatever the source), make a choice, then act -- trusting that all will work out as it should. I cannot imagine sitting back and waiting for good things to occur, since I believe that walking the path is ultimately more beneficial than sitting down in the middle of the path, waiting for circumstance to intersect with my life.
I also don't worry too much about making mistakes, because most can be remedied. And, it is only through trial and tribulation that we develop wisdom. I think the key is to avoid as much peripheral damage as possible. I.e, making a concerted effort to see that my personal decisions do not negatively impact others, whenever possible. In this way, it is only myself, and perhaps my husband who might suffer the consequences of my decisions. I'll also mention that I never endeavor to make important decisions without discussing them with Hubby first -- as my life decisions do impact his life as well.
I also actively manifest. Meaning that I do establish goals and plans, and psychologically energize the outcome. I'm also very comfortable asking for guidance, and help. And wholeheartedly believe that the help does find its way to me. So, call it a combination of self-determination and belief or faith.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
11 Jul 07
You seem to have a great idea about what your life is about and how to live it. So many times I have feared making a mistake and the consequences and most times my fears were unfounded. I think you have said something profound in that you make a choice and then take action instead of "waiting" for something to happen. I am always amazed at your clarity in your writing. Must be that "pure" NM well water that does
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
10 Jul 07
I have been praying and having faith for a husband for the last 10 years. It has not happen, but I want it too bad to give up. I totally believe in the way that the Bible says that a husband and wife should live.
I am constantly working on myself. I read somewhere that said, if it hasn't happened yet, keep working on yourself, so that is what I am doing. This is my biggest dream, so I can not afford to give it up, if I do, I will have no hope.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
11 Jul 07
I think you are right to not give up. Perhaps if for some reason you have a desperate need for a husband, that desperaation makes it harder for you to find true love. If you can live with yourself as you are, as in your case single, then I think that opens the door for more of what you want. I have similar feelings about wanting a wife, but I know becoming desperate will not help.
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@reignissah (13)
• Philippines
11 Jul 07
God is able to do more than what we can ask for or imagine. Out of God's love and generosity, absolutely He will always provide you the best. God will never withdraw or deny you of good things since He is a loving Father who knows the best for you. At this period, let me encourage you to have the joy of waiting,trusting the Lord that He is at work in the heart of that "man" that will come into your life. While waiting learn how to walk on God's own pace. Dont rush you might bump on a wrong path. May you have the joy of waiting.
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@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
13 Jul 07
Very nice thought you have up here . WAITING .. for your dreams to come true ..waiting to realize your long cherished goals ... But if The Almighty shirks from His responsibility of making even simple wishes to bloom's wishing for the ultimate without waiting !!!Guess .....
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@reignissah (13)
• Philippines
11 Jul 07
You dont have to believe God because in the first place, He dont need you to believe Him, He can and will always exist even you are faithless. Man has no capacity to love and will never find true love unless he humble himself to His creator. God is love.
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@cryw0lf (1302)
• United Kingdom
11 Jul 07
You, to me you talk bull-.
God gave me free will to not believe in him, so i wont. And i dont have to believe in god to find my true love.
And i respect the fact you believe in god. but you cant tell me what is and what isnt. And if your a true believer you wouldnt tell me what to believe.
I am incrdedibly insulted by you.
i HAVE found my true love and i know. So ya know, keep your opinions to yourself and ill keep mine to my.
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@reignissah (13)
• Philippines
15 Jul 07
I am sorry there is a typographical error.
"Whatever you sow you shall reap"

@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
10 Jul 07
I believe in the God of the Bible. I have put my trust in Him. The only difference between our beliefs is that I belief that you create your own path. God is on the Throne, and He has given us a manual. It is the Bible. If we do not walk the true path we are in error. I do not believe in asking God for worldly thing. I do thank Him for what He gives me, but do not expect anything.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Thanks for your ideas. You say we create our own path. I mostly agree, but the path to what? I think that path includes asking for whatever we desire and having faith that the universe wants us to have it. But not without giving thanks for our current situation and feeling that we deserve more.
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@CarolaMuller (1210)
• Italy
11 Jul 07
I'm waiting, yeah. But I will not say for what. It's my secret :3
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@sweetaspie52 (2359)
• United States
11 Jul 07
to answer your question honestly I do believe that God hears everything you ask for such as prayers for your friends and loved ones but I do not believe in asking God for materialisic things such as cars,and new clothes and such I believe that you ask him to help- you find a job for these things he will point you in the right direction as the good book says Through him all things are possiable -but I do not6 believe him just putting a new car in your driveway. As for me believing am I worthy of everything I ask for I will leave that up to the Good Lord I never asked for anything special for myself only for my loved ones good health and my friends also God bless you
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
11 Jul 07
One day you may look out your window and see a new I understand what you are saying. You know, you do deserve a few special things in your life. Asking good things for others is a good way to experience a few good things for yourself. Take care.
@ranjeetkolarkar (1595)
• India
13 Jul 07
i agree with you. each one of us is waiting for better things in life. And hope is one thing which drives one to his/her actions.
A person might not at all deserve whatever he/she might ask for, but his/her actions are definitely propelled by the hope of getting what he/she has asked for.
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
13 Jul 07
I love this discussion. At one time I wasted many many years waiting for signs and clues.I more or less sat on my a$$ waiting . It was only when I was able to open my mind and think for myself, that I saw the signs and clues. They had been there all the time I was just not able to see them as I was not willing to do the work. I lived in denial for so long that I was blind to the world around me.And when I was shown that the flaw was in MY Thinking, was I able to make the changes I wanted and needed. There is so much more that I was able to learn, and I try to keep an open mind and see what is coming toward me.The following is an excerpt from a article written by M Nemeth,PhD imagine you are driving, there is a fog swirling around you, every action you take to compensate makes the fog worse. Suddenly the fog clears, and you see a ten ton truck coming toward you it is a quarter of a mile away, and you are on the wrong side of the road. Do you ponder how you got on the wrong side of the road? do you think back to your parents driving and try to figure out how that might affect your own. do you work on accessing your inner driver? No, you pull over on to the right side of the road and get out of the trucks path.
As for asking Yes I do ask but mostly it is "open my eyes that I may see, the wonderful gifts thou has has for me".
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@touchofjupiter (157)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Waiting is good in some cases. But, waiting for life to start is crazy... life slips away quickly. Take a hold of life and run with what you've been given. You can "ask" sometimes until the cows come home and never receive. It has nothing to do with faith... how do you know that what you are asking for is really right for you anyway? Taking a hold of the life you have without always looking for that "pie in the sky" is just plain smart. Who knows ... if you spend all the time "asking" and hoping, you could have just wasted the last 10 minutes of your life. Then what? Just go with the flow.
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@reignissah (13)
• Philippines
11 Jul 07
Waiting is inevitable in this life. Everyone has their own season of waiting. A mother waiting for her child to be born (and that is 9 months of waiting), for a student waiting for his graduation. A bride waiting for the groom on their wedding day. A mother waiting for his son to come home. Well, have you ever recall waiting for a promise to be fulfilled? Waiting moment has different emotions, it could be a joyous anticipation or it could be a sad moment of truth. My mother waited for me for eight years. She longs for a reunion. But the time that was set was never meant to be a joyous reunion. I came home at the time expected but I saw her lying down on a coffin. I was too late to respond to her long suffering, waiting for her only son to come home. I missed her, she passed away waiting for me.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
11 Jul 07
I am sorry to hear that you did not get to see your mother before she passed on. I see what you are saying about waiting, as in the mother waiting for the birth of a child. That gives me something to contemplate as far as waiting is concerned. Thanks.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
15 Jul 07
I am definitely waiting for something good to happen but until I make the effort myself it is never going to happen! I have to step out of my comfort zone to improve my life significantly it also means making a huge gamble but if I stay the way I am then my life is going nowhere and I will never break out of my depression, waiting and longing and praying solves nothing, I have to do and stop putting off the inevitable.
@LCecelia (1124)
• United States
10 Jul 07
I can truly say that I'm in the waiting state. There have been so many disappointments in my life to date that I'm afraid to "ask" for anything else. I don't think that I necessarily "deserve" all that I might ask for but it would be nice.
I'm not a very materialistic person so I don't ask for a million dollar house or car. I just ask for enough so that I can pay my bills and not worry about what I'm going to have for dinner or even if I'll have enough to buy toilet paper.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
16 Jul 07
A couple of things came to my mind while reading your discussion intro.
First off, although you didnt' exactly say this, it just came to my mind that most people do spend their lives waiting for something to happen. Waiting for things to get better. They think, once this particular thing happens, I can be happy.
I don't think it works that way. I think people need to learn to be happy now. People need to try to appreciate the small blessings that are in their lives right now.
No matter how good your life is, there will always be something more that you want or hope for. At least, that's how I think it is with most people.
As far as having faith and asking...I don't think it's quite that simple. I think it's good to have faith and I think it doesn't hurt to ask. But I tend to be more of a believer that "the lord helps those who help themselves". I'm not sure where I learned that one. I don't know if it comes directly from the Bible or if it's simply something I heard along the way, but it has always stayed with me.
Just asking isn't going to get us what we want or need. We have to work for it and even then, sometimes we don't get what we want.
That leads me to the song title that says something along these lines...Thank God for unanswered prayers.
Sometimes, what we want isn't always the best thing for us. Sometimes what we don't get, could be a blessing in disguise.
I just think it's a waste of time to lament about what we don't have when we should be more thankful for what we do have.
Of course, this is easier for me to say than it might be for a person who has more hardship in their life than I do...