And What Is Your Explanation For This?
By sigma77
@sigma77 (5383)
United States
July 11, 2007 4:00pm CST
Assuming that you believe in God (of some sort), then it is safe to assume that we are all manifested from God. Our spirit or soul can be said to be a part of God, like a connection to the Divine. So I ask this question. If before I was born and my spirit inherited my body, I was a part of God (in spirit), then why do I need to come to earth in the form of body and spirit to find God? If I was manifested from God, then I was already near to God in some way. Do you see the difference? Then when my body dies, my soul continues and would it not still be a part of God? This is not about religion. Again, if I already was a part of God, why did I come to earth to try and discover God again? Couldn't I just stay in spirit form and remain close to God? Thanks.
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15 responses
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Hmmm, now this is a very interesting question Sigma.
I suspect that the true answer might only be known to 'The Creator'. But, that certainly shouldn't inhibit our free-form speculation. My thoughts are based on a belief that we do have a spiritual purpose in life, that their is a creator, and that the Human race does have a destiny to fulfill.
So, here goes: I suspect that taking carnal form is the role of each spirit. It is only through an understanding of negative that we truly appreciate positive. It is only through an understanding of weight that we can comprehend weightlessness. It is only from an understanding of darkness that we can truly grasp illumination. If our souls only knew grace and goodness, and we had an overview of other souls struggling with carnal knowledge, then we would have no empathy for the difficulty of the weight, and dark aspects of temptation.
I suspect that The Divine Plan does include a greater purpose than simple incarnation, and the life-lessons we accumulate. My suspicions are that we are each on the road to complete understanding of all that was, is, and will ever be. I imagine that to truly comprehend that kind of esoteric knowledge, we must accumulate it incrementally. Omniscience is as foreign to humans as text-book reading is to ants.
When I first read your post, I envisioned the Akashic Records, i.e. the accululated knowledge of all this has ever been, and ever will be. And, quite frankly I imagine that it would take many incarnations to be able to handle that immense storehouse of information.
I also suspect that our Creator is far wiser than your or I. And, realizes that if given the choice we would usually and consistently take the easy road. How would we ever learn to overcome obstacles if we knew only goodness and grace? And, had never known the joy and sorrow associated with experienceing those obstacles?
Balance can never be achieved if one side remains forever untouched.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Hello Sigma,
I think that we must be able to compare goodness to its counterpart so as to fulfill our greater destiny. I don't think the end-all is basking around in Heaven; wings or no wings (lol). As I mentioned, I believe there is a greater purpose for humankind.
Since The Creator seems to have a propensity to create, I see it as unlikely that when this Earthly experiment is concluded, that active creation will cease. Instead, I see creation morphing into more and perhaps different experiences than the carnal life form.
Life as we know it is cumulative. This builds on that to create a completely different third substance or entity. Gene sequences share certain basic characteristics, yet higher life forms have added, or morphed sets of chromosomes above and beyond lower life forms on this planet. It all builds on something else. So, I see it as exceedingly unlikely that humankind is not just a stepping stone to another aspect of Creation.
I also believe that when mankind is sufficiently developed, that The Creator intends to share all knowledge with those who choose to accept the responsibility. And, to impart greater responsibility with regard to a more active role in The Divine Plan. I believe that our Earthly challenge is to develope as much as possible, then come back again to develop some more, then repeat it all over again -- until we are capable of grappling with the enormity of The Divine Plan.
I think that if life was only about losing the connection with The Divine, so as to desire nothing more than to regain that connection in the afterlife, then this would make The Divine a punisher of the innocent. And, I find that very difficult to believe. Instead, I have faith that The Divine has a specific purpose in mind for our species ... if and when we grow and expand our understanding to the point where The Creator expects us to reach.
Does this make sense?
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Ok. Nice explanation. Toward the end you ask about knowing goodness and grace and never having to overcome obstacles. According to what I know or have been taught, one may go to Heaven where there is nothing but goodness and grace and love. So I am wondering why I had to come here to overcome obstacles? I don't see the purpose for that in the context of this discussion. Heaven is eternity, while this time on earth is but a speck of time in comparison.
As you have stated, the Creator knows much more than we might. As far as balance goes, I am assuming that I might have to experience Hell before I can know Heaven. Does that fit the context of your last sentence? I am not sure I agree with your statement about having to know darkness before light (and similar references). Ants reading textbooks? Perhaps if we could print them in smaller size type, an ant could indeed read Thanks, Luna.
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@sweetaspie52 (2359)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I believe it is a part of recieveing God into your life while you are on this earth and then staying faithful to him until the day he calls you home to be with him--everything and everyone has a purpose to be here on the earth God has plans for everyone and only he knows what they are that is the best answer I can come up with. This is what I think
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@sunshinecup (7871)
11 Jul 07
I don't think we are part of God, but with God in spirit form before birth. I think we choose to come here for our own reasons, mainly to learn something(s) of our own choosing. I believe God is with us when we plan this trip and we even lay out a blue print of our lives before hand. Picking our situations we will experience, even at what age so we can learn from them the lesson we are looking for. I think we have to leave God completely in order to learn and focus. Just like school children that have to leave their parents for a day of schooling.
@LCecelia (1124)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I like your analogy of the children leaving their parents. It brings to mind the fact that children leave their parents and realize that they NEED their parents to some extent. Thats the way it is when we finally realize that we need God.
I agree that we are not a part of God but that we were made in His image.
What you say about us choosing to come here and that God was with us when we were planning the trip, I've never heard it put quite that way so I don't know whether I believe that or not. I truly never pondered that line of reasoning.
Tell me, how did you come to that conclusion?

@livewyre (2450)
12 Jul 07
I don't accept the presupposition that because somebody believes in God, that they believe that we are part of God in quite the same way as you imply. I believe that Man was created by God so that he may have true choice to accept or reject God. That is why we are on earth, we have free will to reject God as so many people do. If we were in God's overwhelming presence there would be no element of choice.
God rejoices in the worship that comes from a creature who has the ability to choose not to worship. I don't think I can explain this fully, as I cannot hope to have access to the thinking processes of the Almighty Creator, but this is the outline of my understanding which I hope will one day become clear to me.
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@livewyre (2450)
13 Jul 07
I don't think we will ever figure WHY God did this, but I can understand why he might desire worship from a being that has the freewill to reject Him.
I also understand as a Christian, that once he put us on earth, he already knew that we would stray from Him and therefore he must have known that this was going to cost Him the life of his own Son...
I find that hard to figure out too!
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I understand what you are saying. But I can't figure why God would put man on earth as a test of accepting Him or not. In my view, all creation is a postive experience of the highest degree even though we may not always see it that way. Thanks.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I'm no philosopher or anything, sigma, but I would say for the same reason His Son had to take on human form, suffer and die on the cross for the atonement of our sins. I think that we would have to be human in order to undergo temptation, recognize our frailties. We would never get to experience these things if we remained in spirit form. Hope this makes sense to you. As I see it, life is a trial or test, and we receive our reward(good or bad) according to how we withstood the test.
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@LCecelia (1124)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Well put. I would also like to add that I see life as a journey as well. There are many obstacles in our way along the way, some good, others not so good. It is in how we react to them that we learn and grow (spiritually?) and move on to the next leg of our trip.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
12 Jul 07
We are part of God. And we reincarnate over and over again,(that is we die and return to live another life.)Yes your soul continues. You come back to earth to live another life for several reasons. First, because life in the physical is so exciting,(it doesn't matter that this life is total illusion, nothing is, as it appears,) also there are no opposites in the 4th dimension, like Up and Down, Good and Bad, Black and White, Here and There. Everything just Is. So we can experience these contrasts here in the 3rd Dimension. (for instance, the Astronauts in space,realise there is no Up or Down.)So we don't really reincarnate to discover God. Rather we reincarnate to discover ourselves as part of God.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
12 Jul 07
That is an interesting concept for sure. I am more wondering that if I was with God before coming to earth in spirit (I am assuming this might be true) , then I am on earth a short time and all the while seeking to get back to being with God (such as going to Heaven). Reincarnation adds a knew twist to the mix. If reincarnation exists, then there is no reason for me doing anything to get to Heaven after I die. I would just go on living in some form (be reincarnated as a human or otherwise) and never know Heaven or Hell for that matter. Thanks.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
12 Jul 07
You will get to heaven, no problem, because there is no where else to go!
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
12 Jul 07
The sign of true love is letting someone make his/or her own decision on their own. If your spirit never had the chance to make that decision would that be true love. When sent to earth you have a choice to make, either serve God or not.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
16 Jul 07
Yes, so many questions and all of them very very interesting. I would really like to know wherein does science meet philosophy and do the two merge? I believe it’s a never-ending discussion and debate.
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@urbandekay (18278)
12 Jul 07
You make a lot of assumptions. For a start our life may be for the purpose of soul creation or soul refinement.
It is not safe to assume we are manifested from God, that is an unwarranted assumption; at least one you would need to find some convincing reasons to accept.
all the best urban
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Hello Urbandekay,
The interesting thing about posting a topic is that it is the topic of one's own choosing. Which means that the poster can present whichever assumptions or presumptions that they choose.
That's the beauty of this type of question -- we, the respondents are subject to answering based on the parameters of the original poster. Hmmm, it makes it much more of a challenge, don't ya' think?
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
13 Jul 07
Good morning Urbandekay,
I stand corrected. You are right in pointing out that any respondent is entitled to question anyone else's theories or suppostions.
However, it is ridid, in an abstract question such as this, to proclaim that someone need find some convincing reasons to accept their own personally held belief or theory. All great thinking begins with unwarranted theories. That is the nature of theory ... a proposed explanation, whose status is still conjecture, or an untested idea or opinion.
I wouldn't want anyone reading this thread to discount the value of Sigma's question simply because his supposition is theoretical. Raising thought-provoking questions opens discussion. And, it is this kind of discussion that has lead to most of man's greatest advancements.
I think this is a superb question. Because, it has caused me, as a participant, to stretch the limits of my pre-conceived notions. Way to go, Sigma!
@urbandekay (18278)
12 Jul 07
No, it trivialises it. Just as the poster is free to choose their assumptions so the respondent is free to question them. Select unwarranted assumptions and they're bound to get questioned.
all the best urban

@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
11 Jul 07
The Bible says that we are created in the image of God. Our bodies were created from dirt. Before Adam sinned, he had direct communication with God. After he sinned, he lost that commication.
Everyone that came or comes after Adam has to believe with Jesus did on the cross for our sins. Once you are saved, you pray to God through Jesus. Jesus is now the intercessor between God and man.
If you do not accept what Jesus did, you are not able to communicate with God. In fact, when you pray, God does not even hear that prayer. The first prayer that he hears is the prayer of salvation. If you reject Jesus and what he did, then you will go to hell and be forever cut off from God. Like the sign says, "Abandon All Hope." Without God We are all hopeless.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
12 Jul 07
I understand your curiosity, I was like this when I was learning about God as a child. I use to try to figure out where God came from and I always ended up with a headache.
This is the way I learn things went it comes to those kinds of things. I study the Bible and if I have a question then God will answer it in many different ways. Sometimes in his words, sometimes through a minister, and sometimes, not at all.
There are some people who will make up answers, just to avoid telling you that they do not know. I am not one of those people. God has and will make known to use certain things, but then there are some things that we wont know until we get to heaven and there are probably some things that we may never know.
One thing that I do know is that God is a spirit and we only have the bodies that we have now, in order to exist in this world. When we are caught up to meet him at his return, we will be changed. The bodies that we have now house our soul and or spirits which is the real us. I believe that this is the part that is made into God's image.
Remember even Jesus took on an earthly body when he came down to die on the cross. But again, I am not 100% sure, but this is my guess.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
16 Feb 08
My belief is that we are all sent down from Heaven by God. We are sent here to learn about free will and making good decisions. I believe that God could keep us near Him in Heaven and never give us the chance to learn about free will but that isn't how it works. He doesn't force or demand anyone to follow Him, believe in Him or have faith in Him...just as he doesn't make anyone good or bad. We have free will...we choose what we believe in, what good we do or what bad we do. When our time here is through we're judged. We answer for what we have done in this life both good and bad.
Look at all the ppl that were born as innocent babies (we all were) and how differently each person has turned out. Some good, some bad, some almost saints, some so evil it's unspeakable. Why did each person turn out differently? Because we all have free will...we choose what we will do in our lives.
I hope this helps and that you understand what I'm trying to say.
@cheodej (102)
• Germany
12 Jul 07
i can't also explain why. what i believe in since i was a kid i'll stick with it. when you ask so many questions about God or His existence or our role of life to God, can't get enough with the answer. believe in wonder and you'll never ask the same question again. :)
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@divine_real (40)
• Philippines
12 Jul 07
It is like when Jesus came to earth to save men from sins. As the Bible speaks we actually are Gods people separated from him by the sins of our ancestors adam and eve. From the time they ate the forbidden fruit in garden of eden we are separated from God and when were born we inherited sins from our forefathers and we regained connection by virtue of the sacraments then as we grow older there were those earthly calls that again departed us from being part of God unless we go for repentance when we die yes we are still part of God if during our lifetime we've been living the life under God's will otherwise there is that hell awaiting all of us.
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@ChampagneGiggles (699)
• United States
13 Jul 07
I disagree with your views. Our spirits were never part of God - we were created separately from Him. Yes, we were made in His image, but it could be said that my son was made in my image as well. We were designed to crave fellowship in the same way God desires relationships with us. We are not divine or perfect, so in no way can we be part of God. Which then gives perfect reason for our being on earth and finding Him. After we die, our souls continue and find perfect fellowship with God, but just because I am closely associated to someone does not mean I am that person or part of them.