How Long Do You Think We Should Fight Islamist Extremist Terrorism?
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
July 12, 2007 10:25am CST
Islamist Extremist terrorists have vowed that they are willing to fight against the West for generations if that's what it takes. They have been killing us for decades, so there's no reason for us to doubt them there.
We have been actively fighting back for 6 years now. Already, France, Italy and England have allowed inroads for Sharia Law. Much of the free world is protesting AGAINST fighting the terrorists.
Apparently, we're supposed to continue the "lay back and take it" attitude that was such a failure for decades.
Are we willing to fight against Islamist Extremism? Or should we just go out and buy prayer rugs, learn Arabic and Praise Allah?
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15 responses
@ColeCash1977 (246)
• Columbus, Ohio
12 Jul 07
There is not much we can do short of genocide. Of course, killing them all is not a completely terrible idea, just an unpopular and impractical one.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Jul 07
Apparently killing US all doesn't seem so unpopular or impractical to them.
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@venshida (4836)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I think we need to fight it as long as it needs to. I believe in live and let live, and I really do not believe anyone should impose their life style on anyone else. You are right about some of the European countries allowing Sharia Law, and look at what it has gotten them. There society is not safer how many times have they being attack or some plot foil. These people mission is to terrorize the west into submission to their crazy laws. I say no, I am willing to fight to defend the freedoms we have here in America.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Jul 07
Right, the more the nations give in, the worse it gets for them.
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
12 Jul 07
They will have to kill me before sharia law takes over in my country. I mean, if it seems like it could happen then that will be the time I will go out and look for where I can actively fight it myself.
I should think that intelligent humans would see the flaws in Islam and choose not to follow a killer and pedophile instead of Jesus.
In the mean time I just feel sorry for those who are convinced or perhaps brainwashed into believing Islam.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Jul 07
And yet there are members of our own Congress who would rather submit than fight.
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@rhinoboy (2129)
12 Jul 07
I received an email today containing some statements from members of the australian government, saying that basically they are a 'western' state and conform to laws set out in a democratic process and refute sharia law. Basically, if you don't like it the way we do things here, sod off back to an islamic state.
I don't know if or how much of it was made up or mis-quoted but it sounded pretty good to me. I believe that everyone should be allowed to live the way they want to, provided they accept others that choose to live a different way. Britain's cultural identity is being lost in the 'multiculturalism' that is over-running the country.
The only thing I really don't understand is what these islamic extremists want?! I understand (and actually agree) that our governments have gone into their countries and screwed around with their politics for decades. I think that's completely wrong too.
There's a pretty simple solution to it all in there somewhere - live here: live our way, live there: live their way.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Perhaps the question should be how can we more successfully fight terrorism? What we have doing is not as successful as we'd like it to be.
We try to fight them as we would fight a country, a traditional war. This isn't their way of doing things. We need to learn to think like they do so we can intercept them and prevent their success.
What can we do differently that would work better?
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Jul 07
We have met with mixed success. The thing about "traditional war", we haven't been taught to fight those in years. Most of my combat training was based on Urban warfare, close quarters combat and defending positions.
I think the last time I went through any training based on a "war front" was the 80s.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Jul 07
True, which is why we shouldn't react out of fear and anxiety. The thing is though, we also have to hunt the hunters, instead of just laying in the raveen.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
15 Jul 07
Unfortunately we have cut off our nose to spite our face on this one. We have sworn against assasinations of leaders, so we don't send in covert teams to take out those leaders. The other problem is, when you make it known that a few inividuals are being targeted, they make it next to impossible to find them.
@kimthedane (945)
• Denmark
12 Jul 07
Depends on what you mean by fight. I you mean war like the ones in Iraq and Afghanistan i think the sooner we put a stop to those the better. They have not made the world a safer place what so ever. I Afghanistan we (Denmark is part of coalition) spend billions on turning ruble into more ruble, but al qaeda is stronger than ever and Osama Bin Laden still a free man. With regards to Iraq there have been more americans killed in this bloody war than was on 9/11, and thats disregarding soldiers from other countries of the coalition and all the civilians. Again this was has not made the world a safer place.
I do however agree that we should not just sit back and wait for these fanatic loonies to destroy the values that we hold high. In my opinion we should concentrate on inland security and inteligence. Maybe infiltrate the nest of the evil. You know the saying: If you cannot beat your enemies, join them.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Jul 07
By "fight" I mean everything, politically, socially and militarily.
If Al Qaeda is stronger than ever, how come their leaders are still in hiding? The incompentent press can vomit that swill all they want, but while Bin Laden hasn't been seen in years, Prs. Bush has flown to Iraq several times.
Yes, inland security is very important and should never be ignored, but there is a lot more to security than locking your doors and hoping the bad guys just go away.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Until the job is done. Wipe them out, why not. It will not be easy I know that, but what is easy. Come on folk, we have defeated tougher enemies than them. Look at our history. We won our independence from the most powerful empire in the world. Our first victory came against muslim terrorist, and yes they were muslim. We defeated the British again. One Indian tribe after another. Mexico was easy, most of the battle we won,we were out numbered. We were willing to lose a million men to keep the union. Spain did not no what hit them. We defeated Germany twice while other country surrendered. One island after another until we took out Japan. Communism was next, it looked blick, but we need not give up. Who won I ask you. Know we have Islam, are you telling me we can't defeat them.
@bravenewworld (746)
• United States
13 Jul 07
I wouldn't be too proud of some of those victories. Might is not always right.
And it's not Islam that needs to be defeated, it's Islamic fundamentalist terrorists. If it were Islam, or turns out to be, then we're done for. There would be no victory possible but a Pyrrhic one.
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@bravenewworld (746)
• United States
13 Jul 07
Well, we'll have to agree to disagree.
Clearly the US has stood up to tyrants and the world is a better place for this. Other times they have just been imperialistic and greedy and abused their strength. I don't believe in the 'my country right or wrong' attitude.
I still don't see the logic in assuming all Muslims are terrorists. Maybe I'm misreading you. Christianity has many dark periods in it's past, when mass murder was committed in it's name, but still people can live in this religion and be peaceful and respectful of other religions. However, I concede maybe there is no place for radical Islam in a civilized world. I just don't think you can bomb this away. That's kind of how they became radicalized in the first place.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
13 Jul 07
You know Para, I think that my kid's kids will be fighting this war. The people that we are fighting against are not rational people, they do not value life as we see it. We have to choice, we are in it for the long haul, or we go back to isolationism (that might not be so bad, American jobs stay in America) but we know the latter will not happen.
We have just got to stop whining and do what we got to do, I say No more Mr Nice Guy, we have got to go and make make a commitment and know we are in it for the duration. People are saying it is long enough, and yes, I would like this war to end, I have a son in the military, I don't even want to think about some radical seeing his body with concentric circles on it, but I also know, I don't want his kids facing the same things that we have faced. We don't need another pentagon or wtc or UA flight 93, but it will happen, and it will happen more often if we back off.
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
12 Jul 07
As long as we need to Para. What sickens, and somewhat confuses me about this situation, is why are we still concerned with all this politically correct garbage? Extreme Islamists don't care if they kill our women and children, why are we concerned with killing theirs? Why aren't we going to where they are and bombing the $**t out of them? We are a super power for Christs sake! I am so sick of hearing about Al Queda in Pakistan, and bunkers that were supposed to be raided and these militants killed but the plans were called off because Pakistans leader is fearful of his life and the disruption it would bring to the country?! Nobody likes war, but just because it isn't pretty doesn't mean we should roll over and take it. We had no problem invading Iraq, but we can't fight Al Queda in Pakistan and Afghanistan because of the lack of "unilateral support" as Karl Rove put it.
I'm starting to think my ex Marine of a hubby has the right philosophy...give the decent citizens warning (if possible) and turn that whole region into a sheet of glass, come back and tap the oil later. Harsh sounding, I know, but what are the alternatives going to be?
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Jul 07
The ironic thing is, if we had have fought the Nazis like this, they would have kicked our butts.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
12 Jul 07
It is so odd that you said that! I went to visit my great uncle in the nursing home the other day, he's a WWII vet and informed me that "If we'd gone up against Hitler the way we are Iraq we'd all be speaking German and hating Jews"

@shay3434 (881)
• Israel
23 Jul 07
The west needs to fight the Islamic Extremist terrorism as long as it takes to defeat it. Only this way will stop the killing of innocent people all over the world.
It might take many years, but if the government of the Islamic countries that supports terror (like Syria, Lebanon, Iran etc...) will change after defeated, we'll can make them behave better then the last government.
The problem is there are many Islamic countries that supports terror on different ways- money, weapon, defend etc... The world most to excommunicate those countries. Iran for example is reaching for a nuclear weapon which will threat the whole world, but no one's care!
Israel try to fight the Islamic terror but unfortunately the world doesn't help and even object the Israelis instead of objecting the terrorists.
This is my feelings and I hope that the people in the world will open there eyes and decide to stop the Islamic terror before it takes over the world....
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@thefuture (1749)
• Nigeria
13 Jul 07
Fighting against terrorism is a good thing cos it increases peace to the world, but it also has its nagative aspect. But I think the best way is to fight against it cos it is turning the world into a dark place. There are so many ways to fight terrorism. One of which is prayer and making use of arms, but the problems, may innocent souls will be affected. Thanks and have a nice day.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
13 Jul 07
I've been around for Quite a while, and I've never seen or heard of a roadside bomb or IED going off in this neighborhood. I think this whole terrorism thing is Greatly overblown. WE have never had a serious terrorism act here in Canada, and its been almost 6 years since 9/11.The American Government continues to link Iraq with AlQuida, to scare the American People into thinking that we need a Holy War. Perhaps its time to bring our troops Home and use other methods to stop Alquida.These methods worked with North Korea, and are working with Iran. War is outdated. There are other ways to Bring Peace to the world. Make Love not War!
@bravenewworld (746)
• United States
13 Jul 07
I think I agree with these sentiments.
However,there are terrorist groups that would love to inflict as much damage on the US ss possible. So national security is vital.
However, as these are groups spread around the world, and very mobile, there is not a conventional war that can be waged upon them. And indiscriminate bombing is just going to swell their ranks, and so will be counter-productive.
I think it's important to remember that only a minority of Muslims are terrorists. This is not Christianity vs. Islam. The terrorists would like to make it a Holy War, and it's in our interests not to let it become this. There are many Arab countries sympathetic to the US, and we need them on our side to help root out the terrorists. Diplomacy and reaching out to Arabs and Muslims is part of what's needed, to discredit the extremists and stop the spread of hate.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
15 Jul 07
There haven't been successful attacks, but there have been attacks that were thwarted. Also, why would Al Qaeda do a major attack again? They learned from 9/11 that major attacks only serve to unite us, smaller attacks and accusations against us seem much more effective.
@asawako48162 (3321)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Five more years.. and then only if the United States does not run out of money. This is a costly war and the resolve of the average citizen is not with the current mind set of "stay the course." It is not the military who will let the war on terrorism is the liberals media and the common American voter who 65% of them don't even bother to the staus quo will remain the same.
This is how Communism failed in Russia..the Kremlin just ran out of money as the Russians were trying to keep up with the US in the "STAR WARS" type of warfare..Ronald Reagan had a lot to do with this..
Look around. The Arabs are already over the hundreds of thousands and soon many times the gates America..let everyone you are already doing this with letting the illegal immigrants in..on our nickle.
@parthihcl (35)
• India
16 Jul 07
yes i can understand u mindset....
but think of this community which has been cornerd americans have created this mess...
u dont even have the mindset to include turkey in european union.......