What is the guildlines with Mylot?

@gldnopps (284)
July 12, 2007 6:48pm CST
If someone was trying to promote a products or programs here, would they get any penalty (like suspension with mylot)? and what is the guild lines and how would you avoid doing that? I have seen many people post websites here to convince people to join, like something "work at home and online business" can anyone tell me more, thanks!!
1 response
@sunshinecup (7871)
12 Jul 07
Here is a link to the guidelines.. http://www.mylot.com/o/topguidelines.aspx This link is at the bottom of every page marked "guidelines". No you can not do what you see many doing. They are being reported left and right for spaming and are being deleted and some banned. You can not start a discussion for the soul purpose of posting a referral link. You can put your link in your profile and direct others that are interested to go there for it. You can answer a discussion asking for referrals with your link. When in doubt check the guidelines first. Hope this helps and welcome to the boards.