My nine year old daughter thinks she needs to lose weight?

@snoopy04 (718)
United States
July 13, 2007 6:36pm CST
My ex husband and I have had a heated debate this past week but I am hapy to say I finally made realize what a idiot he was. He has been pushing out nine year old daughter to diet because he thinks she is to fat. She was telling me last week that her dad is wanting her to exercise alot because he thinks she needs to lose weight. She even asked me if she should go on a diet. Well when she said that world war three started. She pushes herself to far and has been excessively exercising which has caused her to use her inhaler more. So I called her doctor and he said she is not overweight and doesnt need to lose any weight. She is at a healthy weight and she gets good checkups. She does has asthma so she has to be careful sometimes. Well my ex and I argued and I told him what the doctor said and that the only reason he wants her to lose weight is because he is ashamed of his own daughter that opened his eyes. He said he wouldnt push anymore and that he woul;d leave her alone about her weight. I want Erica to have a high level of self esteem and not be self concious of her weight. I dont want her to be unhappy or sad and develop a eating disorder because she believes that she is fat and unatttractive. I want her to be a self confident woman who is happy with the body she has and knows that whatever size she is that she is still beautiful and sexy. She is a very sensitive girl and I am afraid this will cause her to develop a bad image of herself and bad eating habits. When she found out her dad wouldnt make her exercise anymore unless she wanted to she was so happy because she was doing to please her dad. Well I want all my kids to realize what ever type of body you have as long as your healthy and active is the way to go because thin is definitly not in. I was a size 2 all through my school years and I was absoulutly miserable. My nickname was Olive Oil and I hated school. MY mom was like my ex and always opointed out the negative instead of the positive about my appearance. Well today I have very low self esteem and I am very self concious about my body. I dont want that for my kids so I will always point out the positive atttributes so they wont ever feel ugly and stupid like me. My ex husband did call me and apologize and tell what a stupid idiotic thing he did and he was so glad I called him on it. Erica is a beautiful nine year old girl with a fun bubbly outgoing personality and I intend to keep it that way. So would you have done the same thing if you were in my shoes or did I make a total idiot of myself?
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10 responses
• India
14 Jul 07
This is a common problem nowadays, specially for the girls. Every girl thinks that she is getting fatty.This is the problem with my girl friend also she always think thats she is geting faty and become depressed.I don't know how will i overcome this roblem . Can anybody suggest me anything for this?
• Philippines
14 Jul 07
I couldn't understand why a nine year old girl should be advised to go on a diet. She is still basically a kid. As long as she is not overeating herself to the point of getting obese I don't think she should watch her diet. And coming from a father! It's just not right. But it's good that you consulted a doctor. My 5 year old son once told me that he does not want to eat because he does not want to get fat. I was shocked where he got that crazy idea to think that he's only 5. I had a hard time convincing him that he must not worry about getting fat because he's very skinny.
@GardenGerty (162355)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Mom you deserve three cheers and even more, for being aware, and for being brave enough to stand up for your girl. Now if she and dad can do active things for fun, that is great, she will love how her body feels when she is using it, like bowling and swimming and riding bikes. It is very important that her dad spends good quality time with her in this way, and that he accepts her. I would give him a couple of cheers too, for caring enough about Erica to listen to you, and to tell her he was wrong as well. Parents do not have to be married to each other to be good parents, but they both need to put the child's well being above their own ego. They actually say that young girls "catch" eating disorders by being around people who are overly conscious of weight. I think you have a healthy attitude. Good job.
@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
14 Jul 07
Excellent topic and kudos to you Mom!! I have a 10 year old who is just normal. She isn't over or under weight. I am so glad for her and I hope she never has weight issues like I did. I think I spent most of my life on a diet. I want her to remain healthy, happy and active. It is harder these days when kids aren't as active and play more computer/video games. So I do make her go outside and play and get some fresh air. She is a healthy eater so what more could I ask for. You were so right to be mad though. These girls have enough pressures in their own minds when they see the Paris Hiltons of this world. They have to have healthier role models to avoid eating disorders and low self-esteem.
@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
14 Jul 07
If the doctor says she is fine, I think you did the right thing. I probably would have been nasty about it. NOBODY messes with my kids! I dont understand why anyone would push their healthy kids to diet. As long as they eat right and get fresh air, what's the problem? To build up self-esteem, maybe get your daughter in a sport that is not swimming? Something she would like and could excel in all by herself.
@fungurly1 (180)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Let me tell you something real fast. Watch out! My brother just turned 14 and he's been anorexic since he was 11. One of his friends told him he was fat once and thats when it started. He's now 5'5" and weights 85 pounds.. About 30 for his hieght. Its very scary. please watch out. So many things go with eating disorders such as cutting and self punishment. It is so dangerous. Please make sure your daugher doesn't go through this. Its hard enough being a sister watching this happen, But I couldn't imagine how a parent would feel! Good Luck and please update!
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
14 Jul 07
I would have done exactly the same thing you did..You are the best, and you are handling it very well..Things like this can cause low self-esteem and other problems like bulimia and anorexia..If you didn't step in I am sure she would have come to maybe hate her father for making her exercise and saying that she is too fat..This is a very tender age she is at....Being positive is the best you can give..I am sure she is very beautiful and you want her to be proud of who she is..not what others want her to be...Keep praising her and she will do fine...
• United States
14 Jul 07
You did a great job, it was wonderful of you to put your ex in his place. He was the idiot in telling your 9 year old to loose weight. How could he especially if your daughter is the right weight for hight. Girls don't have to be a size 0 to be beautiful. Keep defending your daughter, you did good. God Bless
• United States
14 Jul 07
You were not an idiot. Most kids have enough pressure from their peers and definitely does not need it from their family. Depending on our family gene we inherit we all have to go through different fazes in life. Most people overcome these weight issues later on in life when it becomes their decision and the only time we should interfere with kids weight is when it become a hazard to their health or they are obese. We were not all made to look like super thin models. God made us each and everyone as an individual. We just need to make sure we are healthy and happy.
• United States
14 Jul 07
Yeah I don't know the girl so I can't really give you advice accept let her do it.................... If it is her dissision to do something then you should back her up 100% even if you don't like it you can't keep your kids in a shell and hide them from the world.l She has to learn from her mistakes you know what I mean if you just tell her no about everything she will be curious why and diseve you and do it anyway.............. It is sad bu true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!