weightloss battle
By myluv4yesash
@myluv4yesash (418)
United States
July 13, 2007 8:20pm CST
Everywhere I go I hear about weightloss. Why is it that everyone is just simply focusing life on weight. I mean seriously, sometimes I run into people that are trying to loose weight or simply stay fit which is fine and all. What I do hate about them is that they start nagging you about it. Telling you things like; oh you should do this or that. Or even daring to tell you that you could use to loose a few pounds. I've never been a thin girl. I think I've always had proportioned curves, afterall I am latin. I'm grateful that I'm evenly proportioned and with curves. I do admit that I have to use about 30 pounds, but that is something that should be my decision. My girls are in the same boat, they have latin bodies with latin curves. They get teased by their father's side of the family. They bluntly tell them they are fat. How can you tell a teenager something so delicate like that. My girls are so self concious about their weight because of that. When I told their father he told me that they should accept their family's advice. How could he do that? What do you think I should do? He told me I was ridiculous for even bringing up. He yelled and yelled and made it such a big deal, and then yelled at the girls for bringing it up to my attention.
11 responses
@jene1985 (224)
• Australia
15 Jul 07
I was always very little and petite till I was about 14 I had alot of mental health issues and was put on several medications they all made me put on weight either directly or because they made me hungry etc.. when I was 11 was the first time they realised I had disorders the psych doctor choose not to put me on meds at the time because I believed I was fat because my dad constantly told me so.. its not something that should be laughed about or taken lightly because it really can do alot of damage I know it did to me..
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@myluv4yesash (418)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Wow , that's so sad indeed. Meds do alot of good in one way, but a lot of damage in another. I take prednizone for asthma, and let me tell you. That triggers my eating all the time. It sucks in the winter because I'm constantly on them, which makes me gain the extra few unwanted pounds. Although, my medication is not as delicate as yours, I can relate. Thanx for sharing. Good luck to you as well.
@LRB1111 (356)
• United States
14 Jul 07
I understand what you are saying and I agree! I think that the media is to blame for trying to subliminally influence the younger generation into being something that they are not. They say that "thin is in" but I think that being yourself is much more important. The media tends to portray "normal" as "thin" and sometimes being ourselves is not good enough if we are overweight. I think it is disgusting to think that way. I think all people are beautiful and we shouldn't let other people tell us what is right. After all, it's just people who are making these so called rules; telling us that being normal means looking a certain way. Change the rules if they don't work for you. Do not change yourself. You are all you have in the end.
Curves are in , haven't you heard?
@myluv4yesash (418)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Yeah good point, the magazines and the celebrities and those darn commercials and stuff is another thing that gets me crazy. I agree with you, curves are in and I tell my girls that all the time. My girls are definitely not overweight, but if they were, I would still tell them to love themselves. I always agree, if we were all little stick figures and looked all the same, what a boring life this would be. I also tell my girls about the not changing themselves. I do tell them, if they do decide to change anything, that they should do it for them, not for anyone else. Thank you so much for you're encouraging words.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
15 Jul 07
I think I am my own worse enemy when it comes to losing weight as I am constantly critiquing myself about extra fat here and there. I have one son and still unable to lose the pouch in the front. I know I need to lose 40 pounds and have lost 12 already so slowly but surely in my time I will. I don't need people to keep telling me so - I really hate that!!!
Your children getting teased by your family is just not on. I would not tolerate that and have my family take a good hard look at themselves before they start criticising my children. No wonder lots of girls go to the extreme because of these comments made on a daily basis, and especially from friends and family. Even their self esteem is brought down and I wouldn't want my children feeling low because of having a little bit of weight in places.
I feel for you and hope that your family can see you have beautiful children regardless of what they look like on the outside to them.
@sugarfloss (2139)
• Malaysia
14 Jul 07
I understand how your girls feel.I don't think their father should yell at them about their weight.But the father's side of the family is always the worst.lol.I'm talking through experience.I've been having weight problems since young.I've been overweight forever and I do think I need to lose a couple of pounds but my dad never says a thing but my grandma talks constantly about it.But now that I'm older,I don't really care what they think.They say less of me now.Hope your girls are not traumatized by what people say.I love latinas!Just like Jlo!

@myluv4yesash (418)
• United States
14 Jul 07
I tell them all the time, to ignore them. Lol and why is it that it's always the father's side that's more of a pest! Wow, that's good to know, lol. I tell them all the time to ignore them, but if they want to make a diffrence in themselves, to do it for themselves only. Thank you so much for the latina love and comment ;)
@jaidurgama (24)
• India
14 Jul 07
I have read all the discussions you people are doing but i have a good example in my home my sister.She was to fatty that she was not getting clothes for her size at that time.But what she has done to make her a good looking girl with a good figure she drink lots of water in a day.And in a month she chooses few days according to her suitability she only eat fruits and salad.she done this for 6 months and now she is looking so pretty that no one remembers her earlier image of enormous looking girl.
so try this you will se the result but yes you should have little patience for it avoid junk food .

@jaidurgama (24)
• India
17 Jul 07
You just try this you find a great change.And you might be knowing this that if you want something to have to do something so do it.
@myluv4yesash (418)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Exactly, it's like the old saying; nothing in life is easy, you always have to work for it. It's so true.
@myluv4yesash (418)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Hmm interesting, I have heard of that too. I guess it's something like changing your body habits and training it to have certain nutrients on certain days of the month. Something to think about. Thanx.

@rohan2015 (33)
• Singapore
14 Jul 07
I am 6 feet tall and weigh 83 Kilos and I am 19 yearz old. These days I am struggling to lose about 6-7 kilos , flatten my stomach and strengthen my leg muscles. But I think my exercise is not enough for this . I walk briskly for about and hour daily..
@myluv4yesash (418)
• United States
14 Jul 07
I like the brisk walk too, but I rather learn how to run. I feel jogging isn't enough for me, I need a little extra boost.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
14 Jul 07
There is nothing wrong with latin bodies and latin curves. People should accept and love their bodies the way they are and then decide if they want to change something. I think instead of concentrating on loosing weight the focus should be on not gaining any more weight. Did you know that two thirds of Americans are overweight or obese.? Medical people are saying for the first time now children may die before their parents due to health complications such diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and more, since such a large number of young people are over weight.
Your girls should have a medical checkup listen to the doctor and find out what their range of weight should be. Then concentrate on healthy living, throw out the sodas, chips and processed food. At the same time tell you husband to lay off, yelling at the girls is very bad. Try as a family to adopt a healthy lifestyle and introduce some family fun such as swimming, walking or another activity that all of you enjoy. Encourage your girls to join extra curricular activities at school. Lol soon everybody will admire their welltoned curvy latin bodies.
Good luck to all of you. From my own experience I know it is an everlasting struggle just to keep the same weight. I am happy to say I have managed for two years now.
@myluv4yesash (418)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Good for you two years is great! That's why I keep my girls into out door activities. They are loyal lacrosse players and love it dearly. I agree with you, as long as they practice great habits and loose the junk food they will be safe. I mean I'm one that says you can have junk food just not all the time and not in large proportions. I tell them to treat themselves after the month is over or on birhtdays or parties, but other than that, to stay off the crap food. As far as their dad, I feel he's just ignorant and I tell the girls to ignore him. People that put you down are just well being ignored. Thank god he's not my husband anymore *wink* *wink*, this is one of the main reasons I left him. Alot of it had to do with the self esteem battle and he's one that would make you feel like you're 1 inch tall, and that to me was a big NO-NO. Finally I got the spine to leave him, and I'm so happy with my decision. Specially having teenage girls, you really have to becareful how you say things. Any little thing can really make a teenager blow it out of proportion. I'm greatful to all these helpful comments, it's really things that I will take into consideration.
@Rheanun (18)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Weightloss is a huge pain in the butt. I am 37 years old with 5 kids and I am just now trying to lose weight. I never really bothered before because I was still having babies, but now I am done having them and I feel like I am expected to lose the weight. I need to lose at least 40 pounds but it is sooooo hard for me.
I too am half latina so I can blame that for some of the weight but not all of it lol. I don't even want to think about how to lose the weight. It sucks being a woman sometimes!
@myluv4yesash (418)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Good for you having 5 kids. congratulations on that and kudos! It's hard enough for me having two I can just imagine how it is to have five. And what is this how people expect? I mean I agree with you, what's people's problems these day? Gees, it's like you had five babies, you have enough to think about with the kids. Last thing you need is to be stressed about loosing a few extra pounds. I say take your time on this, and do it for yourself not for the expectors. Good luck too. High five on the latina :).
@gloria777 (1674)
• India
14 Jul 07
Rather concentrating on weight loss, people should control themselves from gaining weight. Usually 60% of illness are due to over weight, which leads to blood pressure, blood sugar, obesity, fatigueness etc.,
But I agree with you that now a days weight lose has become a trade mark and a symbol of fashion.
@myluv4yesash (418)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Exactly why I want to loose my extra pounds. My asthma gets out of whack when I gain a few extra ponds. I am happy that at least I've been maintaining rather than gaining which is a plus. As far as the trade mark and symbol of fashion, you're so right! Lately every magazine I get at my office has to have something about weight control. And when they are those people magazines, they read something like; how so and so gained 100lbs or how this person is 97lbs soaked and wet. I mean it irritates me so much.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Oh yeah, this irks me too! Our society caters to the stick-thin body. Have you gone into Hollister or American Eagle and looked at teen clothing? If one picks up a LARGE shirt in these stores, it honestly looks like it MIGHT fit my 12 pound dog!!! Absolutely stright cut and no give. Look at the supermodels...you can see their clavicles, ribs and sternum on their chests! It really sickens me. Now, I do no that we have a problem with childhood obesity in our nation at present, but that is a different matter. I'm concerned about the kids that are 'normal' but feel they need to lose weight to look like a supermodel or fit into the 'fashionable' clothing. Our local elementary school did a poll of 6th graders....80% of the girls stated that they were either on a diet or had dieted. And of course, 80% are not overweight..perhaps 20% of them would need to be watching their diet...but not 80%!!! Really scary.
@myluv4yesash (418)
• United States
14 Jul 07
You brought a great point with these stores. My girls are again latina's and well proportioned. They aren't overweight, but sometimes we go to the mall and they sneak into those cute teenie bopper stores and come out depressed as heck because the xtra large is a medium and the medium is a small and god knows what the small is. It's really sick because I do agree with you, those girls that are healthy and at a great weight for their age and size end up going to these stores and come out depressed. Then we have another problem which is teen depression. I mean really, who wants to look like some of those models like you said. With their protruding bones everywhere.
@jamesanish (2)
• India
14 Jul 07
to be frank weight is a problem and every one specially the teenagers are facing a problem on this matter, not only the teenagers but the middleaged people are too having this problem ,but they do not expose this problem, and it has not got that publicicity too.being slim is very attractive ,this is what the youngsters do belive , i too have the opinion that is the main reason why every one are to this process of putting down weight.many do not think on the other positive side of this one ,as you can say the health problems that is a majior factor, being plum or fatty can creat many problems ,when u think on this too we are forced to promote weight loss and do encourage that .
@myluv4yesash (418)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Yeah alot of teenagers are faced with seriouse obesity problems these days. It's so sad to see youngns sufferring and struggling. Indeed it's a vicious problem that attacks anyone, whether you're girl-boy-young-old, it doesn't matter.