Entertaining Lily? Suggestions please.

Lily - Lily (complete with new leg and no bandage!) is very bored!
@rosie_123 (6113)
July 14, 2007 1:39pm CST
OK - we are almost at the end of our tether here!! The lovely Lily is almost back to her normal self - all wounds healed, all infections gone, and new leg getting stronger everyday! OK - so that's all good news I know.......... but the bad news is that with this renewed health, has come the most desparate urge to escape and get out! LOL! I know - it's not surprising - poor ittle mite always loved to run free outdoors, and now she has been locked inside for almost 4 months - unable to climb a tree or feel the sun on her face:-(( So consequently, she is driving us both crazy with her bad moods, tantrums, and endless tricks to get outside. Just like a naughtly convalescing child! We locked the door so she managed to open it! Then we tied it with string and she managed to untie it!!! We left the upstairs window open once, and next thing we knew she had managed to clamber out onto a narrow window ledge planning to jump down, which would have damaged her new leg no end. We play ball with her, throw cotton reels, play with string, newspaper, plastic bags, cat toys - you name it, we've tried it. But still all the little madam wants to do is get outside! We tried to take her for a walk in the garden today with a piece of string attached to her collar - but that wasn't good enough - she wants to be FREE!The Vet says we have two more weeks of this until they decide the rest of her skin graft is strong enough, and has grown enough fur for protective purposes, to allow her to go out. So in the meantime - anyone have any good suggestions for entertaining a very bored and fractious Miss Lily? And saving me and my man from nervous breakdowns!! For those interested, here is a new pic of her - and her stuffed sheep toy that sqeaks when she plays with it! LOL!
15 responses
@shambuca (2524)
• United States
16 Jul 07
She looks wonderful- so pretty- I am so happy to hear she is doing well- but sorry to hear she is being such a pest ...LOL. I remember when we had cats- one was always escaping....catnip works but it has to be fairly fresh...the toys that come with catnip have been laying around too long for the catnip to remain potent, try buying it fresh and sewing into something- it works much better. We also used to tie toys in the doorways and let them hang down so they could amuse themselves.... but nothing will really work well- once they have a taste of the outdoors- forget it. Good Luck!
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@rosie_123 (6113)
16 Jul 07
Well so far, I find the only thing that wotks is feeding her so much she just wants to sleep it off - LOL! Little devil only gave us 4 hours sleep last ight with her scratching and whining and wanting to get out:-(( Thanks for your suggestions anyway - but - as you say - nothing much can be done. And - yes - she is pretty isn't she? That's part of the problem - you just can't resist her cutie little face - even when she's being a ***!!!
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@shambuca (2524)
• United States
16 Jul 07
Yes she is a doll- and I know how you can't resist those faces-- oh how I know--- I wish you luck keeping her occupied, glad its not me...lol...sorry.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
14 Jul 07
When my housemate had to keep Edward in our tabby because he was overweight, and classed as obese, cheeky bu**er was stealing food and scavinging from next door, their two cats weren't getting a look in, so the vet advised us to keep him in and like you it was driving me insane, him scratching non stop at the catflat to get out, as you know we have three other cats so we had to monitor the catflap all the time letting them out (except Edward) my housemate had to get an indoor cage in the end to put Edward in but he whined constantly yes like a child! We had to do it for four weeks, they don't understand and think their wicked masters are punishing them! We also got a tunnel for him to be outside where he was zipped in so he couldn't get out, to give him exercise, it meant he was outside but in the play tunnel, he still whined! They are lovely but they do try your patience at times, I hope Lily settles down my friend x
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
14 Jul 07
Zeus says when she's better he would love to take her out! He would love to come and see her but he knows wolfie would miss him too much!
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@rosie_123 (6113)
14 Jul 07
Awww - poor Edward:-(( Yes - we have a big pen too - we hired it temporarily from the Vets. The idea is to out her in it when she gets "over-excited" so that she gets adequate rest. And she whines too - oh my does she whinge!!! I've actually got quite hardened to it, - but my man just can't stand seeing her "trapped" in it and hearing her cry, and he always lets her out and then sneaks out to the pub so I'm left to deal with her! LOL! And don't worry - I wouldn't take your beloved Zeus away from you, - thougn I'm sure she would be glad of some new company. Thanks for your reply as always!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 Jul 07
Ok put her on the Computer and put on Gissi Site for her show her the Forum and tell her to go through everything that should keep her occupied for a bit lol I will even give up my Computer to Gissi if he can keep the little Darling Happy and occupied
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 Jul 07
Lol oh dear she must be mad about not getting out lol I will give him a hug from you
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@rosie_123 (6113)
14 Jul 07
LOL! Well I wouldn't wish her on poor Gissi at the moment. She is attacking me, and my man, and all her brothers in her madness to get out! And let me tell you that her claws are sharp because she hasn't been out to keep them down for so long. I'm not sure poor Gissi would fare any better:-(( Please give him a big hug from me anyway.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 Jul 07
I once saw a programme that was about letting cats be outside but not in a way that they could run off or harm wildlife. These people had built a rather large aviary like cage. Part of it was under a tree, there was a sheltered section, logs placed diagonally for puss to climb high, platforms for snoozing at different levels and so puss could jump from one to the other, a sand pit for a bathroom. There were other features too but I can't remember them. It would not be a huge expense either. All in all, puss could be outdoors and safe and so could the birds and other tiny creatures. The cat it was made for was brought in at night but able to live outside safely while the humans went to work. Maybe Lily isn't up to this stage yet but it might be an answer for keeping her ladyship safe.
@rosie_123 (6113)
17 Jul 07
Awww that's a cute idea. Not sure it would work for Lily though as she would probably still want to be out chasing her big brothers all the time..... and if you shut the four big boys into any kind of pen, they would probably kill each other to get out! Thanks for your response anyway - it's always nice to hear from you.
• United States
15 Jul 07
toys don't work? oh boy.. all i can think of is maybe one of those enclosed outdoor dog pens if you have the room,so she can go out but be safe.maybe even pillows at the bottom.
@rosie_123 (6113)
15 Jul 07
Yes - that's what we have upstairs in the house for her. Maybe we could dismantle it and move it outside for a hwile. Thanks for your response.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
14 Jul 07
I don't think anything is going to entertain her past her desire to get out! My parents got a cat who was an outdoor cat before he was given to the humane society where my parents adopted him. All he wants is outside! Luckily they have a back porch that is screened in so he gets the outdoors while still indoors. But this little bugger will wait at the door for it to open and try to get out. He'll stand at the back door meowing for my parents to let him out on the screened in porch. He'd spend his whole life out there if he could I'm sure. I was going to suggest the walk thing but you said that's not good enough! I'd buy her something new and fascinating that she doesn't already have to try to keep her occupied for another 2 weeks! My cats pretty picky about toys but sometimes I can find that perfect new toy and catch his attention for a good while. Maybe you could also put something on the door that would be more fascinating than trying to get out?
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@rosie_123 (6113)
14 Jul 07
Sadly I think you're right raychill. Lily was already living outside at 8 weeks old when we first found her. She is acclimatised to it, and the fact that my other cats come in an out at will doesn't help her. She thinks she is being punished in some way:-(( We already have a sqeaky cat toy tied to the door handle - visitors must think we're crazy! LOL! Thanks for your answer.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
15 Jul 07
Aww well hopefully these last two weeks will go by quickly and she'll be able to roam free soon enough! Make sure you give her lots of love and treats so she doesn't feel too punished! poor thing.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
15 Jul 07
I know you said she already has catnip toys but what I do with my cats is I buy a package of it and dump it right on the floor. It amuses them for awhile. Or I was thinking you could get either a bird, fish or a hamster. That would keep mine occupied for hours.lol.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
15 Jul 07
LOL - indeed it would. Thanks for your response.
@scribe1 (1203)
• United States
14 Jul 07
I'm thrilled to hear that Lily is nearly healed. And if I were you, I wouldn't even think of allowing her to wander freely outside. She could easily be hit by a car. I would suggest that you keep playing with her and maybe even adopting another cat! I'm serious, you know. My Columbus becomes easily bored and starts running around the house until Waffles, my other cat, begins to play hide-and-seek with him. A few minutes later, they each return to their resting places for a nap.
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@crickethear (1417)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Glad this day has come. I knew that kitty would come through. She in an inspiration. I am so happy she made it through all of this. I would get her a jungle gym for cats. My neighbor has one, because she keeps her cat indoors too. She got it at a pet store, Angel just loves it.
@rosie_123 (6113)
14 Jul 07
Wow - another great idea. Thanks for sharing.
@Aurone (4755)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Perhaps get one of those carpet climbing tree things if her wounds will allow it. I know there is some good cat music that has birds and stuff you might play for her which might distract her from the outdoors a bit. A good one we have played for our cats is The Feline Composers Series Vol.1: Music For Cats, which you can download from Rhapsody or Itunes for about $10. And like someone else mentioned catnip toys might be a way to go or feathers my cats like those too.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
14 Jul 07
Oooh - not sure if you can buy those here. I'll have to have a look in the pet shops on Monday lunchtime. As for the Feline Composers - sounds like fun - I'll go off and investigate now. Thanks for your help.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Aww--poor Lily--and poor mom!! You wouldn't think an animal would get a case of cabin fever now would you? Just think, being at the vet's for such a long time and coped up there, and now feeling coped up in her own home...and aren't cats smart...all those tricks to keep her in, like tying a string and she unknotted it! Too bad she had gotten used to be an outdoor cat to begin with...my cats have always been indoor ones since I live in an apt....but even if I did live in a house I'd be terrified of letting my pet loose outside even if it is in a yard--I really have no really great suggestions of how to "entertain" her while she's still recovering though...it sure sounds like you've tried everything...Well just keep letting her out with that attached string on her collar...I know she doesn't like it, but at least it will give her a sense of being out for awhile
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@rosie_123 (6113)
15 Jul 07
LOL! Cabin fever - that's a good way to describe it! We've just spent the last 2 hours walking around the garden with her on a piece of string. Now we're both exhausted - and she's still full of energy!!! Thanks for your reply.
@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
15 Jul 07
The only things I can think of would be to maybe bring in a pot or bucket with some fresh living long grass and plants in it. Try putting it by her scratching post. I don't know about Lily, but our cats seem to get a wild hair after they've had some grass and have to go claw something.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
15 Jul 07
Well we already have plants in the house - but maybe I could try the grass thing too. Thanks
@marinarovi (1318)
• Argentina
14 Jul 07
I think you have tried almost everything... my cat is quite stupid (I love her all the same, but let's be realistic) so there's no opening doors or escaping anywhere for her. Said that, she loves rubber mice, (she has one that she adores that has no tail anymore, and anotherone with blue hair, but I guess she can't tell the difference from a real brown one, ha ha ha). Then she used to play with a ball that had rattles in it and feathers on the outside, and she steals every ribbon she can get from shopping bags as well. Good luck!
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@rosie_123 (6113)
14 Jul 07
LOL! Wel Lily isn't stupid - far from it! Sometimes I wish she was - it would be easier that way! Thanks for your answer.
@lattiee (64)
• United States
14 Jul 07
What about a fishing pole toy ?
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@rosie_123 (6113)
14 Jul 07
We've already got one of those - but thanks anyway!
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
14 Jul 07
I see that you have not mentioned catnip. If she is susceptible to it, you can try that. My cats also like feathers (they chew and wash them), battery operated mice/hamster - just turn it on and let it go. "bump-n-go" cars work for some cats but not others. Not really a lot to add to what you already have tried, hope it helps.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
14 Jul 07
Well a couple of her toys have catnip inside them, and that doesn't seem to work:-(( But I admit I haven't tried feathers - we'll try that tomorrow. Thanks for your advice.