White hairs: a sign of wisdom or aging?

@jonaida (574)
July 15, 2007 9:41am CST
What do you think about white hairs, some say it's a sign of wisdom, some say it's a sign of aging. I think it's both, but how about those who are in their 20's or less and having white hairs? What could be the possible cause of these?
2 responses
@martinha (631)
• Portugal
15 Jul 07
Sometimes it's a sign of aging but there are people who have 20 and already have white hairs. A friend of mine already has white hairs and she doesn't understand and neither do I. Usually old people are the ones to have it and I don't really think it's a sign of wisdom.
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@jonaida (574)
• Philippines
16 Jul 07
Yes, usually older people has it, for the younger ones, maybe it's in the genes.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
15 Jul 07
seriously prematuring graying is an actually condition though I dont know the proper term for it....When I was in gr 9 I had a classmate who was half gray haired.... as for in older ppl I think it depends on the person really...I think some men look "wiser" with the grays and more attractive (Richard Gere for example) where as others, those who've lived a hardcore life for example, just look old
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@jonaida (574)
• Philippines
16 Jul 07
Thanks, I agree with you about Richard Geere, he looks good with it.