How Do You Find Comfort When You're Upset?

A Single Teardrop - A sad face with a single teardrop.
@Darkwing (21583)
July 15, 2007 10:47am CST
We all get upset at times, and I, for one, am quite an emotional person, but I have my ways of getting through these times. So how would you find your way to happiness again? Do you comfort eat, and if so, what are your comfort foods? Do you go out for a walk alone, and find your comfort in nature and its ways? Or do you let out your frustration by kicking at the bin, or some other inate object that's lying around? lol. I tend to resort to the former two, or sometimes, I'll go to the pub, just to be with people who can hold my attention and make me smile and laugh again. Don't get me wrong, I don't look for comfort in alcohol... I drink pretty slowly in fact. It's the social side of it, and it's far better than being alone with your sad thoughts. So how do you get around the obstacle of being upset?
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18 responses
@mummymo (23706)
15 Jul 07
I used to love going for very long walks when I was upset , if I could leave the kids with someone responsible but that isn't an option at the moment! Now all I have to do is call some of my wonderful friends and let everything pour out, they always seem to know how to make me smile again! Great discussion! xxx
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
Hmmmm, I've heard those words somewhere before. I hope I'm not becoming a dragon in my old age of wisdom. lolol. It was hard at the time, especially so because it came two days after Christmas and all his toys were there, opened but untouched. He never had the strength to get off the sofa and play with them. But... we had him for seven years of extreme pleasure... he was a lovely, considerate and polite little boy, loved by everybody he met... intelligent too. I miss him, but I don't know what I would have done if I'd never known him... I'm a better person for his company in the time we had. Love and hugs, my friend. xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
16 Jul 07
You are far from being a dragon sweets, you are a strong, warm and caring woman and I feel lucky to have your friendship and support! It sounds as though your grandson was a very special boy and you are right to celebrate having had him in your life! Hugs to you honey xxx
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
Thank you again, for your kind, sweet words, my friend. I value your friendship and support too, and yes, he was a very special little boy. He was my first grandson. Love and hugs xxx
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
16 Jul 07
Whenever I get upset I usually like to be alone with my cat and watch movies. I think movies are the best thing for fowl moods because you can really learn something from movies. Aside from just being a form of entertainment you can watch movies and find ways to make yourself or situations you're in better. So that's what I do. Watch movies.
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
That's a good point, and the cat must be very comforting. They're so relaxed when sitting on your lap. Thank you for your input, and yet another way of relieving your sorrow. Brightest Blessings, Ray.
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
Yes, I agree... you kind of drift on into a different world with movies. It seems your cat takes as much comfort in being beside you, as you do him. :)
@raychill (6525)
• United States
16 Jul 07
My kitty - He's a good little kitty and always likes to be by my side.
No problem. He is very comforting but not much of a lap cat. He's always got to be by my side though. I always suggest movies to get rid of bad moods because I just think it's such a wonderful way to forget your troubles and/or learn from them.
@weemam (13372)
15 Jul 07
When I am upset I talk it over with my son Ross or my hubby , They are both pretty good listeners are really smart guys , I find sometimes when you can talk it over and see someone else's side of it that it really helps , they can sometimes make me realize I am worrying over nothing or than can help me with a way through it , we weren't always able to do this but now that we can it is just brilliant , What it the saying? a problem shared is a problem halved , xxxx
@weemam (13372)
15 Jul 07
I am a people person pal and you seem to be the same , xxxx
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
Well yes, I think you need the company of others when you're down, because it teaches you that life goes on and although you're the upset one at that time, somebody else will go through a similarly tough time, and perhaps they'll need your company. Brightest Blessings. xxx
@Darkwing (21583)
15 Jul 07
Yes, that's why I like to go down to the pub. There are people down there who will listen, then once that's over, they proceed to cheer you up. Those type of people are very valuable to your sanity! Brightest Blessings. xxx
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
16 Jul 07
It does depend on what I am upset about. Sometimes I email a friend, sometimes I just write in my journal. That helps a lot. A long walk can help because I usually pray while I am walking. I do not resort to food. As much as I would like to I will not let food be my comfort. If it is not my husband that I am upset with than he can be pretty comforting. Sometimes he makes all the pain go away. ;)
@Darkwing (21583)
17 Jul 07
A very logical response, and that's what hubby's are for. :) Brightest Blessings.
31 Jul 07
I either curl up on the sofa with a cup of tea and listen to some gentle music or I go out for a walk by the sea. I always find that the lapping of the waves (or the roar depending on the weather) soothes me.
@Darkwing (21583)
1 Aug 07
Yes, and the draw of the waves on shingle, as they pull back. All very soothing, my friend. Brightest Blessings.
@kcrysea (195)
• Philippines
17 Jul 07
Im an emotional type of person when I am upset. I smoke outside where no one can see me or just inside my room i just have to open the window. I also write my emotions in my diary or just a piece of paper and burn it.
@Darkwing (21583)
17 Jul 07
Hmmmmmm, the writing on a piece of paper and burning it seems quite familiar. :) Brightest Blessings.
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
16 Jul 07
This may sound strange but when I get real upset I will make myself cry. I will play sad songs or think of sad thoughts and I will cry my eyes out. But when it is all over, I feel so much better. But I tend not to cry in front of people. I will wait until I am alone. In order to do that, I will have to find something to occupy my mind until I can cry.
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
I've done that too, but I don't need music to make me cry. I'm highly emotional. One friend said to me once that she didn't know how I could listen to music when I was upset, as she found it made her cry. She was resisting her emotions in other words, which I don't think is good. I feel if you need to cry, you must, and let it all out, as you say. Ok, you feel bad for a while afterwards, but a nice freshen up of your face, and a bit of pampering and you're soon back to normal. Brightest Blessings.
@cipher2004 (1183)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I seem to turn to my dog and 2 kittens.Petting them always helps me.They are great because no matter what you do or what you say hey are always there for me.They follow me wherever I go.My son said to one of his friends the other day"Whereever my mom is thats where the animals are"
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
That's true... animals sense your caring and they give you at least one hundred per cent back. Brightest Blessings.
16 Jul 07
Usually when I am upset or low I will find myself somewhere quiet and peaceful, just to sit and sort out my thoughts. I have been known to punch pillows in frustration but I find solitude helps me more
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
It's ok to punch pillows, my friend... it relieves any frustration you have with yourself. Also, the solitude helps you to find your inner self and put yourself back onto the right path... the path which suits you, and the path to happiness. Brightest Blessings, Goth! x
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I sometimes clean when I am upset and angry at the same time. I go for a power walk and listen to pumped up music to get my mind off of things and sometimes I hit the gym as well. At times I have just found a quiet place at home and just veged out, not paying attention to anything around me. I eventually fall asleep most times.
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
Wow... a very fit way of getting over your upsets, Maddysmommy. I agree, that when you're angry and you need to vent, you need to be physically satisfied, as it releases the tension. Then, you can go home afterwards and just relax, your energy and frustration spent. I like it! Brightest Blessings.
@wonderful1 (2075)
• China
16 Jul 07
I often listen to some music and think about some happy things. Usually, I often stay alone when I am upset. I often stay at home, open my computer and listen to some music and turn off the light, sit on the floor. I make the music louder and louder. It seems that the world is belong to me, and only for me. I think everyone need a personal space. Don't you think so?
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
Oh yes, every now and again we need our space. I often wander off into the peace and tranquility of the countryside.. sometimes even as far as the West Country, where there's sea, waterfalls and moors and woodland to wander, alone and in awe of all that's around us. Nothing better. Brightest Blessings.
• United States
15 Jul 07
When I'm upset I like to write things out on paper. Or call my sister and talk to her about what is going on. I also like going out and laying in the grass and write out what is bothering me. Or, I just lay out and watch the stars at night and make a wish or 2 and hope things will get better. I'm a nature freak so being outside always makes me feel better. Watching the birds fly around or playing with the dog helps. If it's something really bad, I normally go to the bar and be around friends and party all night. It helps to be surrounded by people who care.
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
Yes, I can understand your love of being at one with nature because I'm the same way. I love to walk out in the countryside... there's something new, each time. I take note of all the changes, and I love to sit beside water, watch the sun rise, or the moon come up. All of that appeals to me. I also like to get together with friends in the pub. I don't party as such but just have a good old chat and a laugh. That helps tremendously, especially if they can point out something funny in the situation. Brightest Blessings.
@Lady_Yeng (102)
• Philippines
16 Jul 07
i myself is an emotional person too, that is why when things dont come the way i wanted it to be i talk to a close friend or someone who could relate to my depression. if i fell guilty when i do something bad or unatural to me, i go for a walk or a trip alone. sometimes we just have to talk by ourself and accept our floss. i hope i did answer well..
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
I call that finding my inner self. :) I'll go and sit on the Downs, or some high spot and feel closer to the deities, whilst looking down on all that's at my feet... all the glory of nature herself. Then, I can meditate where I went wrong and put it right, for me. As for the talking to others, close friends or not, I also find that very helpful at times, but I don't like to harp on and on about my problems. I'll tell them, listen to their advice, then move on to something happier. I find that quite healing. Brightest Blessings.
@lt41002 (56)
• United States
16 Jul 07
Music is a big one for me. If I put on some calming music it'll usually make me feel better no matter what.
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
That's right... as long as it isn't sad music which is relevant to what's upset you. :) That just makes me cry, I'm afraid, but some meditational music, or soft pop is fine, I find. Brightest Blessings.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
15 Jul 07
Well I just sit an cry and if I am very angry and Upset yes I admit I will kick the Bin but most of the time I just cry If I am upset in the way of thinking about something I will take Gissi out
@Darkwing (21583)
15 Jul 07
Crying's not bad... it gets things out of the system but I find if I'm alone, once I start crying, I find it difficult to stop as more and more thoughts on the upsetting subject come into my mind. I find it better to be doing something or with somebody. Naturally, if it's at night, I won't go walking through the woods and countryside, but I will go to the pub, whatever the time. I find it better to be face to face with somebody if you're upset, because if you talk to friends on the computer... whom are all very well meaning and compassionate, but if I'm in crying mode, that just makes me cry all the more. I'm best to cry it out before I talk to any of them about it. Brightest Blessings, love and hugs. xx
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
15 Jul 07
It depends on how upset I am and where I am. Eating junk food is one consolation. Watching TV and idling myself is another. The healtiest I believe is staring at the sea at night with someone at my side. The last remedy is sobbing myself to sleep.
@Darkwing (21583)
15 Jul 07
Oh yes... any moving water is quite calming. That's a good move, especially when the Moon is shining across the water, and shimmering in the movement. That calms me too, but funnily enough, I'd forgotten about that. Brightest Blessings, my friend.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
15 Jul 07
I love to get in the hammock or swing outside with my dogs at my feet and my cats on my lap while watching the horses run and play in the field. The only thing that tops this is being in a rocking chair with a baby sleeping on my chest making those little sweet noises they make when they sleep. I live a simple life! Hugs to you Dear Friend.
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
That sounds to me as good as a walk in the countryside, Raydene. Very relaxing and soothing. Brightest Blessings, my friend. xxx
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
15 Jul 07
well, I like to go out and shop to make me feel better. I know it is hard for some people to do that but once I go there and want to buy this and that then i feel better. I dont think as much as I used to do... cuz it is not good and it will never work out either... so have fun now and think later... well, im young so i think short and I dont care that much... be happy is the most thing i Love to do.
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jul 07
Shopping is good therapy, Smile. I don't blame you for that, but I live in a small village out in the countryside with only a post office to shop in and that's only open half a day, five days a week. lol. However, it's good to get out and forget for a while. A cheer-up is what everybody needs and a hand back onto the right path to happiness. Brightest Blessings.