Famine? what are your thoughts?

@latsmom (824)
July 15, 2007 1:23pm CST
LOts of peopple in Third world countries are starving to death as we all know. we see it on posters, on our computers, hear it on the radio and some of us donate money also, there is so much contoversy at the moment though as to how much of the money is actually going to the charities intended. WHen I was younger and did not eat my meal my mom would always speak of the poor starving people in other countries in order to make me feel bad for not eating. But then is this really the answer, gorging myself on food when my stomach is full just because it is there? As an adult I think not, but then it did make me think of all the food we do waste in countries such as the UK USA and other countries. I wish I had teh cure for famine but unfortunately I don't I woudl like to hear other peopels views though on the charities that try to help, as to whether you feel that a lot of the money we donate goes into other things. For example my local charity shop has their own printed bags, oxfam in the uk now looks like a designer store with all the upgrades ect, and the advertisig on tv must cost a bomb, even the tin shakers at the local stores are getting paid in the region of £10 per hour, to be fair the charity store workers are volounteers but then what about the printed bags? Surely they could put a donation box outside where people could put there unused bags, I had loads in my cupboard (in excess of 50, and I took them to my local oxfam as thought it woudl be good and help not only the envbvironment but maybe save some extra money for the people they are helping but then they said they did not want them as they had there own bags and I was horrifieds when the man behind teh counter pulled out one of the bags from the store that looked like something from a designer store, it makes me wonder how much of the money we are donating and raising is actually making the peoples lives any better. What do you think?
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4 responses
@dleannad (98)
• United States
16 Jul 07
As far as the bags go, if you have a local Wal-mart, take them there. Most Wal-marts have a new program called the PSP going. They will recycle your old bags. As far as famine goes, I'm not sure what we could really do. I have been trying to find a good reputable program where I could sponsor a child. I would like to sponsor a child in Mauritania which is in North West Africa. But I'm a little leary of doing this as I really don't know of how much of the money actually go to the child. Not only that, but there are a few companies out there to choose from. Not sure which is the best. So if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I have been to Mauritania and Senegal. I've seen the hungary and the homeless in the streets. My husband and I tried to give as much as possible to the people. My heart went out to the childeren. Their was so many of them that looked malnurished and begging for money. I wished I could help them all, but it's impossible for 1 person.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
15 Jul 07
About the bags, and your attempt to recycle--OUCH! That does make you wonder. One of my favorite discount food stores makes you BUY the bags, whether paper, or good quality plastic. None of those running around extra. I know that was a side part of this discussion. The real question is famines, and charities. I tend, when it comes to any kind of charitable giving, to go to only three choices. I give to United Way, which represents an assorted block of various charities, mostly local. I do not know if other countries have that equivalent. I also give to the Salvation Army, they have been around a long time, and I can check up on their giving statistics, I know what they are doing. My third choice is to give to famine and emergency relief through my church denomination, again, because they are accountable, and I can check where my pennies are going. I want my dollars to do their best for what is given. I like any program that is coupled with an educational piece that goes towards health or towards productivity.
@latsmom (824)
15 Jul 07
I think giving to your local church is a great idea, I may start to do this myself, the whole bag incident put me off charity shops I must say.
16 Jul 07
It surely makes you wonder why their countries governments don't help their own peoples. Sure, the US is rich by some people's standards, but we can't feed and clothe everyone. The countries need to look at their population rate. They need to learn to grow their own food, educate their people. The US is the first country everyone crawls to for a handout. But, do they help us if and when we ask for help? Most of the time, we get ignored. Come to us when you want something, otherwise, we don't exist to them. The third world countries need to be educated. They need to be taught to help themselves. If we keep doing it for them they will never learn anything. They don't better themselves when we wipe out their debt, they just keep on doing what they have always done. I help out those that are closer to home. We have plenty of our own poor and needy that need our help. Don't forget about our own people. As far as those awful plastic bags, we don't use them. We take my canvas bags with us when we go shopping. If we go into town on the weekend, then I just take a backpack. I am a big believer in recycling and doing what I can for our planet.
• United States
18 Jul 07
I do agree with teaching them to fend for themselves. That's what's nice about the peace corps. They assist the people and teach them how to farm and stuff like that. I wanted to assist a child in Mauritania because my husband is from Mauritania. Thus half my heart is in that country. I do agree that there is a lot of people here that need help, but there is also a lot of people don't need our help but get it anyways. That is frustrating. That is another reason why I want to help in Mauritania. Forgetting these people are not going to make them go away.
@Geminigirl (1909)
• United States
15 Jul 07
I just think this whole situation is terrible. Not to sound naiive but I cannot understand how the world can be so lopsided as far as the distribution of wealth. How can some countried have so much and some have so little? Why can't we share and evenly distribute excess food, clothing and medical supplies? I know this all has to do with money, big corporations, greed, etc. but it truly saddens me. I wish there was a solution, and a way or corp you could really trust to get the food adn donations directly to the people.