"I Love You"

Love - lobve heart
July 15, 2007 7:23pm CST
When was the last time you told someone you love them? It was last night for me.
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11 responses
@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
16 Jul 07
Just two minutes ago! I read your discussion, and instantly said to my husband "I love you."
• Australia
16 Jul 07
I'm so glad that I inspired love on the other side of the world!
• Malaysia
23 Jul 07
I told my husband "I love you" the night before. It was when he put a blanket over me when I was asleep. He's such a gentle man and I will always say I love you whenever I can.
@AmbiePam (89171)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I told my mom I loved her about two hours ago.
• United States
16 Jul 07
I tell my fiance that I love him several times a day, at least. We are pretty mushy. :)
• Philippines
16 Jul 07
Three seconds ago. Just to remind my love one that i love him.
@yamskee (827)
• Philippines
23 Jul 07
i already forgot when was the last time i said that magical word. i may never tell that person how much he means to me, but i never failed to let him feel that i do..
@lpetges (3036)
• United States
16 Jul 07
a few minutes ago. i told my husband-we had such a good time on the boat fishing today,. it made me very happy, and spending time together was such fun.
@vonne28th (1494)
• Philippines
16 Jul 07
I told my sister "i love you" for the last time with my teary eyes. Though she can't responded to me,i know she hears me.
@Cassy1976 (796)
• Australia
16 Jul 07
I would have last said I love you to my daughter last night when I put her to sleep, every night I put her to bed and put her little mobile on then say night night baby girl mummy loves you! I make sure that I tell her every day that her mummy and daddy love her
@Coolgeth (1215)
• India
16 Jul 07
Hi cofeeshot!! whenever i spaek with my girlfriend i used to say this and she also..I had a conversation with her before 4 hrs so that i think 4 hrs i said this..Thanks
@butterfly39 (3904)
• Philippines
16 Jul 07
I used to say " I LOVE YOU " to my little boy every night before going to sleep...