5 Stages to get over from a broken relationship..

July 15, 2007 10:25pm CST
the first stage is denial. this is the part where you just deny the fact that your relationship does not work and it end up unexpectedly. you think that your still together but your not. maybe your partner is trying to move on and your in this stage thinking that its not happening. this is the most difficult part because no one can help you but yourself. the second stage is anger. you feel all the anger in your veins thinking all the what if, or the things you could have done to work the relationship. the fact thats its over you only feel all the regrets. this is the stage where the biggest regrets you could ever feel are not the things that you have failed to do but the things you have never done before. the third stage is the bargaining. you bargain your partner to win you back.. this is the most humble part where all your pride has to step back and start begging your partner to work the relationship again. the fourth stage is the depression. since none of the first to third stage is working your depression starts to runs toward your mind. you cant think properly but all the depression of a hurtful relationship. the fifth is acceptance. it might take too long to reach this stage but this is the most joyful part. you only think of moving on trying to patch things up and start to bring back life again. this is the positive side where you forget all bad memories and work things out. personally, im on the fifth stage..ive been mourning for about 4 months on my break up and finally im into the acceptance stage. what stage are you now?
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