Such a horrible mother.....
By misheleen73
@misheleen73 (6037)
United States
July 16, 2007 7:20am CST
I am so tired of reading about horrible mother's. I understand the ones that are truly abuse cases or neglect.
I am talking about the people that go off on tangents about how this mother was yelling, that mother spanked her child, this child was acting up in public, and so on. It really gets my goat. Do you really know their situation? Do you know every detail of their lives? Maybe your own children have been perfect angels all their lives. Or just maybe you don't even have children.
All kids act up at one time or another. Some kids have behavioral problems. Some parents may just be at their wits end. I am in no way, shape or form promoting bad parenting or abuse. I am however saying, maybe these people that have the child running wildly around the store, or the mom yelling at her child to "stop it", or even the mom the "pops" the little guy on the toosh in the parking lot. Maybe, just maybe, that is a single mom trying to get things done all by herself. Or maybe she has just had enough today.
Can we all just stop judging everyone else? There is a saying about not judging someone before you walk a mile in their shoes. That's all I am really saying here.
Rant over.. thanks.
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18 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
16 Jul 07
hhhmm I have to say I'm caught about this one....I've got children of my own and yes they have their moments and I have to act on it BUT I DO comment on parents who are IMO less than suitable....for example..when I see a mother (or father) too busy yapping with a friend in Walmart while their unruley childrne are running around the store harrassign ppl, knocking things off the shelfs on purpose, yelling and carrying on and the mother IGNORES IT for well over 10+ mins then I'm sorry that IS horrible parenting.....When I'm in a restaurant and a child is throwing their food at other patrons, yelling, screaming, the entire time they are there and the parent/caregiver IGNORES IT that IS horrible parenting....
Sure kids act up..its their nature BUT the parent/caregiver NEEDS TO IMO maintain control and be mindful of their children and what that child is doing...Rather than just letting them run around like psychos....I've seen it happen far too frequently and its more often than not THE SAME DAMN KIDS EACH TIME!
Not to mention you can tell the difference between when a child is just having a 'moment' and when a child is an unruley, undisiplined child...
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
16 Jul 07
"My point is maybe that parent needed those 10 minutes"
hhmm well if a parent NEEDS those 10 mins fine but that doesnt excuse a parent for completely ignoring their kids particularly in a public place like that...not just for safety sake and the sake of other customers but realistically..would YOU let your kids roam around a store like Walmart and not be aware of where they are or who they are talking to (think pedophile for example) while you sit and talk to a friend for 10, 20, 30 mins? I know I sure as hell wouldnt..and my kids are 12 and nearly 14....
Ppl are very judgemental I dont disagree at all with that...but like i said you can pretty much tell the difference between a "moment" and a flatout unruley child and slacker parent....its actually pretty easy to do...
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
16 Jul 07
"Our society is so full of people complaining about how we discipline our children that parents are AFRAID to discipline them in public out of fear of what others will say. I do whatever I have to if my kids act up. I could care less what anyone says"
Very true...In Ontario you can actually go to jail until an investigation can be done if your kids call the cops on you even if they make that call only out of spite because they couldnt go to the school dance for example....its insane...and yes I too do whatever I need to and always have in order to keep my kids in check..BUT its also very apparent that I'm not a slacker parent...its shown in how I talk to my kids, what my body language shows when dealign with my kids and so on....Like I said, tellign the difference between the two types of paretns is quite easy to do..
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
16 Jul 07
My kids have "moments" but not all the time. My point is maybe that parent needed those 10 minutes. Maybe they needed a break. Whatever the case may be. Our society is so full of people complaining about how we discipline our children that parents are AFRAID to discipline them in public out of fear of what others will say. I do whatever I have to if my kids act up. I could care less what anyone says. But I know of people that have said to me, "I just didn't know what to do, all those people staring at me" People are far too judgmental now a days.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
16 Jul 07
So true. I responded to one such post earlier. I do find it hard to listen to especially the mother yelling...meaning when they are cussing and really going overboard...bordering abusive. I can recall clearly a time when I was in the store with my children when they were all young and one was just being horribly whiny and fussy. Normally I would leave the store. This instance I had no choice. My vehicle was down and we needed groceries. A friend had gone out of her way to give me a ride into town. It was not a pleasant experience for any of us and I tried to rush through it quickly. One lady came up to me and actually yelled at me and ordered me to get out of the store! She was not an employee...just rude. You are so right. Sometimes a kind word to the mom will drastically change the situation...especially if she is feeling overwhelmed or even embarrassed.
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I am sorry you had to experience that as well. One I was out to dinner with my husband and baby. He was only 4 months old. It was the first time we had gone out in a while. It was a "family" style restaurant. Well he started to cry, and I was doing my best to quiet him. Before I could get up, a nasty woman from another table said "why don't they just get a babysitter, that is SO rude" I couldn't contain myself. I walked right up to her and said I have no one to watch my child, and if I want to have dinner at a FAMILY restaurant, it is my right. If she hates kids, she should go to an all adult place. My children are ALWAYS with me. They have never so much as had one babysitter. I don't have anyone close enough to even offer.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
17 Jul 07
very true, that's why I say people should not judge based on appearances alone.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I know just what you are talking about here. Those folks that jump in and make a difficult situation even more difficult by jumping to conclusions. The child I refered to above did have a problem controlling her emotions..a problem which came to surface as she got older. There were so many instances that I dealt with these issues. As she got older, I am sure it appeared that I ignored her when she was carrying on. I was not. Trust me on this. Only a deaf person could maybe ignored this girl. It was our thing. When I did not acknowledge what she was saying to was because she was being rude and beligerent and whiny...all things she did not really see in herself. My ignoring her was my que to her that she was out of line. It worked!! I am sure to others I appeared not to care.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul 07
I usually don't have a problem because my kids are so well behaved BUT my youngest is 2 years old so he is going to be a pain in the backside sometimes. Usually, I speak loud enough to him so that anyone who were to judge me could hear me say he's having a tantrum and people usually just laugh at it. I was actually told I was a good mum for letting him sit out his paddy without smothering him!
The only negative comment I have heard so far was from some bloke as I was in town. Now, as far as I was concerned, there was not a problem. I would normally hold my toddler's hand but as I had several bags of shopping, I couldn't so I just made sure he walked by me. I stopped because we needed to cross the road. I could clearly see my toddler, he was just a little behind so I waited for him to catch up and, while EVERYONE else was looking and saying how cute he was, some stupid bloke made a comment about kids being kidnapped, lucky for him, I had arms full of shopping! I just thought how dare he judge me like that. He probably didn't have any children and what business was it of his how I look after my child. If people like that weren't so judgemental, they might bother to take the time to notice that I never once took my eyes off my child. Considering this person's comment, I now know to keep an even closer eye on my children if I ever see that man again if that's the way he thinks.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
17 Jul 07
yes, they are horrible things. Very dangerous too apparently. I have got a little backpack thing with a strap on it which I find quite useful sometimes but he deliberately tries to walk further away than the strap goes so I'm always pulling at him and making him fall over! Not good when I have to get on a bus with a load of shopping!
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I know what you mean. Maybe he wanted you to have your toddler in one of those "baby leashes" Have you seen those things??
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
17 Jul 07
This really needs to be said, and by more people.
I seriously see this country getting similar to the kgb era of russia - friends turning in friends, enemies turning in enemies, jealous neighbors spying on neighbors, family afraid of each other for if they offend someone or have a misunderstanding they may well be turned in.
Vengence, back stabbing, busy bodies, or those with a hero complex - enough is enough, give the benefit of the doubt and try to think the best of others, yes?
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Amen.... it is getting pretty bad. I understand if you KNOW a child is being abused, but some of these things I keep hearing about are pretty petty.
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@sugarfloss (2139)
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
I don't believe in horrible mothers.there is no horrible mother unless of course the mother tries to murder her child (not self-defense) or murdered her child or disowned a child.That is just terrible,terrible.My Mom has never yelled at me in public,spanked me only if I missed a Quran recital and pulls my ear only when I'm in the car or at home.Yes,all kids act up so it's no biggie if you see a Mother scolding her child in public or yelling at her children.She's allowed to do that.Single mothers are strong individuals that should be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize every year.They're the deserving ones.So yes,I agree,misheleen.No mother is a horrible mother.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I wouldn't go so far to say no mother is a horrible mother, but I do say we should not judge without knowing.
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@dragonprincess99 (90)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I am a mom of 4 kids. I will tell you I have had some really bad comments made to me about how I dicipline my kids in public. If they act up in the store I will push my cart away from me and take them all out of the store throwing a fit, because they didn't want to leave the store. I had one woman say someone needed to call DCFS on me, because I told my son we couldn't stay in the store, because he was acting like an A**. I went to my car and wrote out my name and address and said please call them then.
My daughter has a blistering skin disease she gets large fluid filled blisters on her joint area. Honestly, it can be thought of as abuse. Heaven(my daughter) was about 6 months old and I was waiting on my mom as we were leaving a diner, and this woman kept staring at my daughter's blister on her ankle and giving me such a horrible look. Like she thought I was abusing my daughter by burning her or something. So, I asked her why she was looking at me so terribly. She said someone should report me for what I do to my daughter. So, I handed her a card that I made about my daughter's skin disease and walked away.
Too many people make judgements on others without knowing the cicumstances of the parent or child. Not much you can do, but smile and say report me then and give them your name and address. People have no idea what could have happened prior to you being in public with your children, and they think you are just being mean to them or you are an abuser. Just have to smile an say oh well, I guess.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
16 Jul 07
My oldest pulled a pot of soup on himself when he was 2. I rushed him to the ER only to be asked why I did not dial 911 and surely I wasn't watching him. I let that nurse have it. I was at work, my husband was changing my baby's diaper. I drove him to the ER because it takes to dang long to get an abulance where I used to live. I told her to call DCFS if she so felt inclined. People just need to get a life. I don't care what people say about me, but I really feel for the people that do care.
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@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
17 Jul 07
I feel the same way... How can these People judge others by just a glipse of their actions.... I would be classified as one of those Bad mothers i guess if they saw me out sometimes, as my son is always running around and it is because he is bored he hates shopping but I have No other choice and he isn't always that bad but if somebody saw Only the time when he was acting up which may only 5 minuets out of 2hrs shopping, then they jump to conclusions.
No one is perfect. I have tried many things to stop his behaviour while out but in General he isn't that Bad overall... but others Don't Understand, what some parents go through.. I see many parents struggle with their kids daily and I smile and let them Know they are Not alone and it Helps Calm the situation...
I wish my children would be Perfect little Angels while out, but I know that can't Always be the case.....
Thanks misheleen I think I needed that rant too :)
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
17 Jul 07
No problem, I needed the rant as well. My children are far from perfect, but the are mine and I love them. And you know what, they love me too. We are our own "perfect" family and I don't need other people telling me how or when to do something !!
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@TiffanieC (827)
• United States
21 Jul 07
I agree with mrsbrian to a certain degree. Even though I was a major brat my parents were consistant with punishment and I was almost always good in public if I hadn't been then there was hell to pay.
I remember one time when I pushed my dad to the limit when we were out eating so I had to go and wait for him outside the door until he was done. That sucked! I didn't get lunch!
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@TiffanieC (827)
• United States
23 Jul 07
Maybe, but he wouldn't have cared.
If you are doing what you truly feel is right in your heart of hearts, why do you care what others think? All you can do is your best and raise your children to be good and respectful people. Beyond that, if an onlooker isn't personally being disturbed then it's really none of their business.
The ones I can't stand for example, is when a family is out to dinner (and I'm not talking about at McD's or some place like that, I'm talking about a nice place that may not be very cheap) and the kid is screaming and running around and being disruptive and the parents don't say a word and just let them do it. This is unacceptable to me. If my husband and I are trying to have a nice evening/dinner together if it's a date or if it's just to get away from stress after a really bad day and we can't afford to spend $50-100 on dinner very often and now our one night where we are spending that kind of money on a dinner, we have to listening to a kid screaming bloody murder and running around the table... at that point, we could have had a more peaceful dinner at home for a butt load of less money and now can't go do something like that again for a while.
Parents who know their kid behaves that way should leave the kid at home and get a babysitter or whatever for something like that. But these parents usually don't even say a word to their kid until someone comes up to them and complains or complains to the establishment and they say something to the parents.
Some situations can't be avoided but if a parent is at least TRYING then I don't mind it's the ones who literally just pretend it's not happening when it's disturbing others.
No kid is perfect! They all misbehave but most of the time these things can be stopped in their tracks OR reduced a bit. :)
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@TiffanieC (827)
• United States
24 Jul 07
Let me ask you this.. If you can't afford to get a babysitter then why are you going to a place to have dinner that costs almost $50 a person????
I doubt that is what you meant!
I am not talking about babies (and did you just let the baby scream and cry and not do anything????) I am talking about a 6 year old child screaming and running doing laps around the table or the whole establishment and not even saying a word to that child until someone else says something to you.
You seem to be taking on a very selfish take on this issue. Do you ever consider others? I know before I judge that parents I do look at the situation.. try to read the adults faces and stuff and take all of that in to consideration before judging. How do you know that the person sitting next to you isn't sick or something?
Going by your logic.. if a person isn't feeling well or if they have some kind of condition where loud noises effects them badly then they should have to stay home in case your child might scream? Or not? Either way.. I think the main issue here is really that people (yes, including MOTHERS) should take others into consideration.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
22 Jul 07
I know what you mean, and although your dad meant no harm, mow a days he would have been chastised for making you stand outside the door alone.

@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
2 Sep 07
Very well said! I've probably made comments about the same things at one time or another myself but you are probably right. I'm sure people look at me like I'm a lunatic sometimmes when I'm out with my kids, especially today. I am just so tired and cranky and I have a lot of BAD BAD things going on that I'm trying to deal with and today it was just all too much for me to handle. I see your point ~ a very good one! Thanks for venting :-)
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
2 Sep 07
lol.. you're welcome. I know I think things sometimes too.. I just think we all need to stop and think and wonder if maybe, just maybe there is more to it than just what we see.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
16 Jul 07
You bring up a very valid point. Many mothers (and fathers) have valid reasons to discipline their child as they see fit. I too, would never condone any form of physical abuse to a child. However, I was popped on the butt many times when growing up and I am no worse the wear for it, and in fact, I'm sure I am better off because of those pops! I think that many times, we are to quick to judge the actions of others before knowing all the details of the situation.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Abuse is abuse, and a "pop" on the behind or hand (if touching something) is NOT abuse. Sometimes moms & dads lose their cool and yell. It happens, we're human.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
16 Jul 07
Well put! I couldn't agree with you more misheleen! Parents should not be judged on how they raise their kids, because one does not know what they are going through unless they are going through the exact same thing themselves. Why is it that some people want or do report these parents for raising their kids as best as the parents can are usually the ones that wonder why some parents let their kids run 'wild'. Something is seriously wrong here and it's time to stop blaming the parents.
I don't tell others how to raise their kids. So please people, don't tell me how to raise mine.
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Wonderful response !! I am so tired of people running off at the mouth about how parents discipline their kids, then in the same breath wondering why the kids ar unruly !!
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@mrsbrian (1949)
• United States
16 Jul 07
While im sure single parenting is tuff I dont think its an excuse to allow your child to do as it pleases in public, good parenting starts at home single or married,The parents I see are not at there wits end they are just plain allowing the child to misbehave and run all over the store while there chitchatting with someone or just plain ignoring it,and being at your wits end dose not mean you should be smacking your child and im not talking abut a swat on the bottom. I just wish they had the curtisy to either take the child to the car untill they can behave or wait to shop at a better time.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I am sure not ALL parents you see are chit chatting. I know that there have been times I have my boys at the store, and one of them starts acting up. Not ALL the time but sometimes they do. I can not yell at them or I am a bad mother, if I smack them, yup bad mother. So what exactly am i supposed to do?
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@mrsbrian (1949)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I do understand that children will and do act up sometimes just to see how far they can push mom or dad,but i would make it clear to my child if they did not behave in the store that we would be going to the car or maby that special treat would not be happening , there are many ways to correct childrenI just dont think hitting children is the way to go.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
16 Jul 07
mrsbrian : I know that there are many ways of parenting, but every parent has different methods. My point is this: why is it anyone's right to judge another parent for how they choose to parent their child? If they choose to spank, etc. I am not saying abusing the child by "beating" them, but if you see a parent give a child a swat on the bottom, that is their choice as a parent.
melissaruth1 : exactly my point. I am not a single parent, but I do have a child with ADHD. Sometimes people don't understand why a 10 year old would act the way he does. Because they do not KNOW us or our situation.
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@mikesgal4ever1999 (732)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I hear ya loud and clear believe me. One night my hubby and I were in Walmart and my 9 year old was just walking away from us faster adn faster. We said , Jessica, slow down and stay with us on 2 different occassions and she still continued. So my husband raised his voice a bit and took her by the arm and said she was going to walk with us. You would have thought by the look we got that we had just beat the living daylights out of our daughter when all we were trying to do was keep her from becoming a statistic in the parking lot. I have popped my children on the tooshy too--and you would think that I have done something horrible. I dont' judge someone or I try not too...especially where child discipline is concerned because I have found what works for one child, might not work for another.
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Exactly, every child is different. Time out and "talking" don't always work for different kids.
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@tdbrower1969 (1242)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I know how you feel, my son had ADHD and when he was younger, he was horrible to take places and yes it is very hard to deal with him. I also felt like people where thinking that I am a bad parent because my child was running around like a monkey and not listening. But, I also know that we did take him to the doctor and we followed the steps to dealing with a child with ADHD and impulsiveness. So, yes when my son was throwing a fit, I ignored it, the doctor said that if they get attention for that behavior whether good or bad, they still think it is good. And, yes I think a lot of people are very judgemental without knowing the situation. My mom used to tell me the same thing, walk a mile in their shoes and then see what your reaction is. I know there are a lot of abusive parents in our world, but not everyone is and it seems that people get lumped in as a whole group for a one time thing.
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
17 Jul 07
My point !!! My son is on meds. He is better, but not "great" He has moments. His younger brother thinks it's funny to try to "out-do" him too. It can be an experience. Whenever possible I go alone or my hubby does. But sometimes we have to take the boys with us. They don't always act up, but I am sick of the looks I get when they do.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
1 Sep 07
this is just one of the topics that gets my goat. I see so many people bashing others all the time. It is sickening. I work at a Police Dept, so I have seen the parents that don't give a damn.. but that is not true with all parents.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
1 Sep 07
It drives me crazy when people are so judgmental about the way I am raising my child. I don't yell at him, ever. And I only spank him when he is doing something dangerous. I am definitely not a bad mom. But sometimes when we are out somewhere, I get those looks. I really want to tell the people off, but I don't, because that wouldn't be a good example for my son.
We live about 45 minutes from the nearest mall, Walmart, Target, etc. We try to get all of our shopping done on the same day. Some days it takes us a while, and every once in a while, my son is cranky by the end of the trip. We leave as soon as he wakes up from his nap, but he's only 19 months old. All the time in the car, and then being moved into and out of several stores can sometimes be a bit much for him, especially when it's really hot.
We still have to get what we have to get, though. I'm not going to leave the grocery store or Walmart just because my son is starting to be cranky. If my husband is with me, one of us can go out to the car with our toddler and wait, but otherwise, I have to go ahead and buy the stuff. Some people say we should just leave and come back at a better time for him, or leave him with a babysitter. We don't have a babysitter, though. I'm a stay at home mom, and we are currently stationed over 1000 miles from our nearest family member. I don't have the time or the money to make 3 trips that include over 90 minutes in the car each time, when I can get everything at once, so I am not going to leave a cart full of groceries, or other things we need. I do drive around and get him calm AFTER I pay for my stuff, if I know we have another stop I have to make that day.
Another thing that we do, that a lot of people think is terrible, is we take our son out to eat kind of late sometimes. People are so quick to judge and tell us our son should be in bed by 7 pm every night. They don't stop to consider that schedule doesn't work for everyone. My husband was working night shift, and the only time he got to spend with my son was from 7-9 pm. I let my son stay up while my husband was getting ready for work, too. And then I started putting him to bed after 10, when my husband left for work. So he was rarely asleep before 11. He sleeps until 9 or 10 and then has breakfast. It wouldn't make much sense to have him eating dinner at 4 or 5, like so many people think we should. When we are at home, we usually eat at 8 or so, why should it be any different when we are out? Just because someone else always has their kids in bed by then? So what. My husband has a different schedule, why shouldn't my child?
Sorry for the long response! I guess my point is I totally agree with you. :)
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
1 Sep 07
Oh I understand completely. That is my pint. No one knows you, so who are they to judge you? I work midnight shift, hubby doesn't get home from work until 7pm. We eat at 7:30 or 8. It's no one's business what time my kids go to bed or eat or anything else. That is my problem. I am sure you are a wonderful mom !!
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
17 Jul 07
I can understand your sentiment regarding this matter, monkey. There are just too many people who like to stick their nose to others and have a mouth wide enough to boil my blood too.
This has been a part of the society's life. I can feel for this mothers who need to deal with children everyday of their life. I'm no exception on this department since I have two of my own. It's good you were able to vent out your frustration. Now, you can take a deep breathe and keep rocking.
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@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
2 Sep 07
i am a single mom of just 1 But i knkow that i can not just take her to the car and wait for her to act right oir tell her we are going home and i dont offer her a treat every time we go somewhere. She know to be good if she even wants to maybe get something! But that doesnt always work anyway shes too smart for being 5 she goes around me and doesnt care about any bribe she will tell me i dont care ill just have my daddy buy it and its true! It doesnt matter what i tell him she will get it, and they now just have started not letting her bring the things he gets behind my back to my home because i was taking them away. so sometimes yes ill let her whine or if i am frustrated i might raise my voice but any parent who says they dont is crazy! or must have a fairy tale life because just 1 kid can drive a person NUTS!! so Misheleen73 keep on doing what works for u honey and tell the people who say your in the wrong to KMA!!!
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
2 Sep 07
LMAO... you are a hoot. I really know what you mean.. thanks for the response !!