What religion are you and why?
@helpful_ideas (1620)
United States
23 responses
@camaroz28 (326)
• Italy
28 Oct 06
I'm Catholic: I was born in a Catholic family and I go to church because I believe in God, Jesus and Mary and I think it's very difficult to live accordingly with Jesus teaching in this world, so it's important for me to have a good example, a guide for life, something that makes me remember the true principles when making my decisions.
@camaroz28 (326)
• Italy
28 Oct 06
Just to be more precise, most Catholic principles are my principles because I believe they're good principles, not just because they're written in the Bible.
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@camaroz28 (326)
• Italy
30 Oct 06
It was not so much work because I saw that most of those principles are accepted and followed by non Catholics too because they're good, and I saw what two of my relatives, that were missionaries, did for unfortunate people, concretizing Catholic principles.
@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
29 Oct 06
Sounds like you have put a lot of thought into your religion :-)
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@MichelleLDevon (828)
• United States
30 Oct 06
I'm not religious, I'm spiritual. By philosophy, I am Taoist - by faith, I am Christian. I do not believe in organized religion or that this is what God intended for us at all. Taoism says we are all interconnected, that everything we do affects everything else, that there is no good or bad, everything just is - and is for a reason. I believe that.
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@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
30 Oct 06
How does the Taoist view of no good or bad interact with the Christian view of sin?
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@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
29 Oct 06
I read your response wrong when I first read it. I thought you typed "Geek" Orthodox and was wondering which religion that was from!
Most non-denominational Christian chruches that I've attended are more open-minded and flexible than most of the ones I've associated with particular denominations.
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• India
30 Oct 06
I was born in a Christian family.But I got converted to Hinduism in between, performed poojas, worshipped Idols, chanted mantras.I was very strongly following Hinduism.Years went by.Then I lost my peace of mind.My life became a mess.Then I tried islam.It worsened my situation.I wanted to end up my life.One day few people whom I never used to like came to my house.They sang songs and prayed in my house.It was then Instantly I could sence a greater touch of Supernatural being.I could feel the presence of Jesus.He touched me.Till then I was so addicted to smoking that I could never leave.I tried to smoke again.But could not stand the very smell of it.Even today I cant smoke.Then I went deeper into Bible.Oh it is such a wonderful experience.I realised following Christianity canot help anybody.But following Christ will help anybody.Jesus is a Living God.Then I saw miracles happening when prayed to Jesus in a Correct way.I dont follow any religion now but keeping a personnel relationship with Jesus.Religions are manmade for people to get separated and to hate one another.But Jesus came to tell everyone to love one another and to have a relationship with the creator GOD who has no religion.Thats the reason why religious minded people dont like Him, because people enjoy that sadistic satanic pleasure of blindly hating one another in the names of religions than to feel the comforts of taking everyone as one family.Religion is blind but God is divine.God loves everyone.He is the CREATOR and people are His creation. One need not seek God through His creation but directly seek the Creator. HOLY SPIRIT is God's spirit who is Omnipresent.
@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
30 Oct 06
wow! sounds like you had quite an experience!
I'm glad you have found your inner peace and your faith. I wish more people would see the Christian god as a uniting force like you do.
Thanks :-)
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@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I was raised non-denominational Christian...although I dont go to church now, I have kept my faith and beliefs concrete and still associate myself with this type. Regardless I am proud to have my faith!
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@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
26 Oct 06
It's good to have strong beliefs. In a way it is reassuring to your parents that you have chosen it on your own. I know my parents would be thrilled if I told them I was their religion.
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@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
26 Oct 06
Yes, and I have been through alot and I am only getting stronger and I pray all the time...HE LIVES AND HE LOVES EVERYONE!!!!!!
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@SimplyMe (373)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I am United Methodist. My parents are United Methodist, but I am married to a Roman Catholic. I have a few relatives who are Jewish, Brethren, Baptist, Church of God, on and on. I love the United Methodist Church because they embrace all who come looking for a closer relationship with God. They support foreign and domestic missions and you can't beat the music and friendliness!
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@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
6 Nov 06
Hmm, I was thinking that the United Methodists and the Jews disagreed on God. Maybe I was mistaken.
@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
17 Nov 06
I think the whole disagreement was Jesus being the son of god and the messiah. Pretty central beliefs to both faiths. At least that's what I thought.

@SarahJaya (410)
• India
8 Nov 06
I am a Christian. I was born and broughtup in a Christian family. I love my religion and there was no need to choose another religion.
There are certains aspects which I don't like, but there is nothing to do with religion, but only the people. I don't like this Denomination business.
@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
8 Nov 06
Sounds like you follow the faith not dealing with all the dogma :-)
@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
29 Oct 06
Many people are addicted to religion as a way to not deal with things they rather not deal with or as shelter because it is all they have ever know. I DO believe religion is appropriate at the right place and time but I have known too many people that use religion or a particular aspect of their religions as excuses for unkind or discriminatory behaviour.
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@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
1 Nov 06
Addiction is a behaviour casued by items, situations, ideas. So yes all of those things could be addictions.
I do know a few people who are addicted to money. It has caused a lot of grief on their part.
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@heatherpaint (146)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I am a strong Jesus believing Christian!
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@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
6 Nov 06
Um, okay, but why? Did you explore other religions and find none of them quite fit what you were looking for? Or have a miraculous revelation one day based on a life-changing event?
@honest007 (793)
• India
3 Nov 06
I am born hindu.. Hinduism is called "sanatan" since no one knows when it started.. its there from beginning..
@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Id love to learn more about the teachings and practices of Hindu. Any information on the basics of the religion would be helpful.
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@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Have you ever considered the merits of a different religion? Hindu? Judaism?
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@maheshkalwani (1308)
• India
14 Nov 06
i am hindu & am love to be a hindu.....indian
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@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
17 Nov 06
What are some central beliefs and guidelines for Hindus?
@bohemian (24)
• Nepal
3 Nov 06
Although I was born in a Hindu famly, I believe I am secular. I believe in individual freedom, which is to say that one should be free to live by his own doctrinces, principles. I dont want my actions and inactions for that matter to be guided by any particular religion. Therefore, to put it in a more clear way, Secularism is my religion. I am a Christian, Jew, Boudha, Hindu, Jain and whatnot! Evertying and nothing at all.
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@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Agnostic and respectful of others. Very nice view point.
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@dklowery (35)
• United States
8 Nov 06
To answer the question correctly, I have to say that I don't have a "religion".
I have a relationship with my savior the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are "Non Denominational".
I am a Pastor, and don't believe in preaching by "guidelines" set forth by man, rather receive sermons from God by spending time in prayer.
We are also what some call "Full Gospel" meaning that we believe in the In Filling of the Holy Spirit, and we believe in the fruits and gifts of the Spirit.
God Bless,
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@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
17 Nov 06
Glad to see a leader who believes more in faith and spirit than dogma and tradition.
@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
29 Oct 06
Thank you for the response. Have you studied any other religions or aspects of Christianity?
Do you agree with all aspects of Catholicism?
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@catchsharad (1326)
• India
28 Oct 06
I am a born Jaini (follower of Jainism). Jains believes all souls are equal because they all possess the potential of being liberated and attaining Moksha.
@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
29 Oct 06
What is Moksha? I haven't studied as many religions as I would like and would love to hear more about yours.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Catholic, I was born into it and I have never known anything else really.
@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
29 Oct 06
Does that make it actually your religion by choice or more of a heritage? Have you looked into the beliefs of other religions?
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@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
30 Oct 06
So you've explored other denominations of Christianity then? What about Islam, Hindu, Taoism, etc?
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@TommyElf (8)
• United States
28 Oct 06
My beliefs are probably closest to the Unitarian Universalist ideals, but because of my understanding of the multi-faceted aspects of $Deity, it could also be described as Pagan as well. When pressed for a descrptive label, I tend to refer to myself as a Pagan.
@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
28 Oct 06
I think our beliefs are probably pretty durn close. I usually don't label myself at all if I can avoid it. Basically, I know I don't know but that seems the closest to me.
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@whatevertrevor (13)
• United States
31 Oct 06
Roman Catholic, realization that its teachings were true. No
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