How do you feel about aging? Are you afraid?

Aging - Aging is one of the most common fears among women
July 16, 2007 11:51am CST
As my birthday is coming up this Saturday, I'll be another year older. I'll be 26 to be exact. I'm glad some of my friends say that I don't look 26, so that's some sort of relief. But there are times that I get worried when I see wrinkles starting to form around my eyes. I guess that's only natural as we grow older and it can't be avoided. I like the thought of growing older and wiser. I just take note that it's time to use more moisturizer or cream on my face. How do you feel about aging? Are you afraid? I know some people might think it's nonsense, but we see how many people are starting to get Botox and inject themselves to stop wrinkles from forming. Do you think you'd ever resort to that kinda procedure? As for me, I'll never resort to this kinda treatment even if I do get wrinkly all over my face. I think that we can age gracefully and the lines that appear around our eyes and mouth are the signs of life and the experience we've had from laughing and smiling. So what's your take on aging? Do share.. Thanks.. :)
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35 responses
• United States
16 Jul 07
No I am not afraid of aging. I'm 37 years young but when I tell people my age they usually are amazed and can't believe I'm older then 22 or 23. Honestly thats how old I feel to, I've never felt like I've left my 20's. Sometimes don't act it either(lol). I don't fear aging it's part of life I just don't like the slowing down part . I'll do everything in my power to be a spunky 80 year old, when that time comes.
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• United States
17 Jul 07
I think it's all about attitude. I refuse to let myself act like I'm getting older, I like to let my inner kid come out and play. I'm mature when I have to be but I believe everyone should let there inner child come out and play. Also don't let the little things in life get to ya.
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Wow.. that's amazing~! What makes you feel so young? That's great to be able to look 10-15 years younger than your actual age!
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Wow.. I think that's awesome.. I'll let my inner child out from now on.. I think I can be pretty rigid at times.. :P
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
16 Jul 07
26? are you for real? You are still a baby! I am 51! I never really worried about aging. It is a part of life. I certainly would not spend my hard earned money or go thru the pain of surgery in an attempt to hold of the ineviteable. Worrying and stress will age you thus making all your fears come true.
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• Malaysia
16 Jul 07
Miami Ink - The guys from Miami Ink: Yoji, Nunez, Darren, Garver, Ami.
Hihiii... Yeahhh, I guess I am.. :P You're right about worry and stress.. That just makes things worse and could totally take a toll on you..
• Malaysia
16 Jul 07
Ok, that picture was meant for another discussion. I don't know how it could possibly turn up here..
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
16 Jul 07
thats funny.... at least its a nice picture.
16 Jul 07
I am growing old disgracefully hun, in my mid 50's yet I can pass for early 40's. I neither look nor act my age and have a great time. Why worry, everyone ages so enjoy it hun
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• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Yeah, you guys are right.. Everyone who is a lot more older than I am seem to be embracing their youth more than I am. This discussion really helped a lot for me.. Thanks!
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
16 Jul 07
Nothing I feel about emotional but when I feel something about being old like back pain or hard to sleep and lessent the strength not like I used to be when I'm young thats the only feeling I'm talking about. But since I looked like a baby face and not looking 35 at my face I don't worry to much. Maybe at a my age now I know really how to manage my stress so I'm not worried to have a wrinkle in my face. As much as possible I don't want to try some prucedure if I have some money just to lessen my wrinkles and be look young again...
• Malaysia
16 Jul 07
Yeah, I can understand that health would be something to think about as we get older. I guess that's why it's important to take care of ourselves while we can at a young age. And you're right, you don't look 35 at all! So no worries there.. :)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I'm terrified. I just turned 26 in June and am really starting to panic. I know that there is nothing that I can do about getting older, but I just feel like I am getting older every day and haven't even come close to accomplishing the things that I want to accomplish. I'm starting to feel like time's running out on getting things done. I hate to see how I'll react when I turn 30:)
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• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Haha.. Yeah, I feel that way sometimes too. So I definitely understand how you feel. At least you're a mommy and you've already achieved that in life. I haven't so I do feel like there's a lot of catching up to do..
• United States
17 Jul 07
See mommy20212004, that's an honest answer right there! I do agree with you on that one. Then we also feel that we're getting old and what do we have to account for it. I always say, well I have my girls, and that by far is an accomplishment in itself. But what about the rest? I don't have a house yet, I have my own car that's about it, payed for and all, but I want all the great things I can accoplish in life. I'm already 32 and I feel as though, I should have more than what I have today.
@Nykkee (2522)
• Canada
16 Jul 07
I worry about ageing, but I don't think I would ever have Botox treatment. You know Botox is basically injecting food poisoning into yout face? Eww! I use face masques, moistureizer, aha lotion, I take vitamins, I try to get exercise and enough water (that's the hardest part I find) and I try to get lots of sleep. I also do my best to reduce the stress in my life, as stress ages you and is just generally unpleasant. I am always looking into what vitamins and herbal supplements can help fight the signs of ageing. So far I have learned that silicon is an important element in your skins production of collegen and it is not in very many foods so I made sure to get a multi-vitamin that includes it.
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Whoaa.. you sound exactly like my Mom.. She keeps one pestering me to take vitamins and use all sorts of lotion too. But I gotta admit, at 51 yrs old, her skin is better than mine.. And she's double my age. So yeah, I guess it's high time I start listening to her! :D
@tantal25 (838)
• United States
17 Jul 07
aging.... i am not afriad of it. i am even excited! coz for me time will fly fast and i am excited to graduate and have my own family. i am excited to marry my boyfriend and have kids. i'm excited to do the things that i wanna do together with my love one. i don't really care what will i look like in the future, i guess i don't worry about my physique, skin and wrinkles. all i think about is i'm excited to have my own family. =)
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Well good for you. I'm excited what the future holds for me too. I don't know about your society but I don't know many girls in my society that isn't even a BIT worried about aging, or have never thought of it.. Good that you don't.. :)
• United Arab Emirates
17 Jul 07
Yes sometimes i am worried about aging. But normally i do not think about it. i want to age gracefully. i should be healthy whatever age i am. that's the important thing. i want to be helpful to young people with the help of my experience. And for the appearance I will start using creams so that i can fight wrinkles. It's is our right to take care of our skin. Only 2 words 'Age gracefully'
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
I also wanna age gracefully, just like my mother. She looks great for 51. As women, I think we should definitely take care of our skin, but not be too obsessed with our vanity.. Thanks for sharing lavenderbloom.. :)
• China
17 Jul 07
Aging is nothing,i'm 17.In my thonght, i like to aging that it mean i grow up again,and i can make money more.My family is poor ,to grow up mean i can do more for my family except for my mother.She is too tired.That's just my opinion as a son.Do share..Thanks...
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
To me aging is different than growing up. I'm definitely excited about growing up to. And in your case, I can see how eager you are to help your mom. I wanna help out my mom too so I can't wait to finish my degree and get a job. I don't mind the responsibilities that come with growing wiser and older. I just don't fancy the wrinkles that start forming around my eyes.. :P
@2wicelot (2945)
17 Jul 07
I am really not afraid of it. I know it is something that is coming whether I like it or not. So I try my best not to let it worry me too much. Today, I met someone who just finished celebrating his birthday. He was not at all happy with it because he thought he is getting too old. He just above 30 and thinks he is getting old and he looked worried. I think that kind of attitude is much more likely to make him old than time.
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Really?? Woww.. too bad for him. You're right about him aging more since he's so stressed. I can't wait to celebrate my 26th birthday this Saturday. 25 just didn't work for me somehow.. :P
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• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
I guess that's exactly it! Came as a shock. lol.. I couldn't embrace being a quarter of a century old.. Hehe.. But now I'm totally ready! Bring it on, life! ;D
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@2wicelot (2945)
17 Jul 07
But why didnt't it work? 25 is a milestone. A quarter century. Happy birthday.
• Indonesia
17 Jul 07
hey...we're at the same age. but my birthday is next September. don't worry about being old or something like that. I never think that i'll getting old every year. Always feel like a teenager and do a lot of fun things in your life. You'll be shock if you see me directly. Many people say that i'm 16! evem they don't believe that i'm working already. they think i'm still going to school.
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Haha... that's nice! Thanks for the advice! :)
@Lady_Yeng (102)
• Philippines
17 Jul 07
im not scared of aging what im scared of is the fact that when you get older more responsibility is ahead of you! aging is just the physical well im not scared of having wrinkles we all go through that anyway....when you age get higher more people would expect better of you, you have to think more matured and a lot of decisions to make wheeww thats tougher right?...
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Hmmm.. I'm kinda the opposite of that I guess. I'm kinda excited to have those responsibilities. I think I'm mature enough to carry more responsibilities and even if I'm not, it'll be great to experience new things and grow wiser.
• Philippines
17 Jul 07
Well I am not afraid as long as I am contented with my teenage life. That is why I am having fun now doing things I want to do like you know, teenage stuff. . .I am careful as I can on doing things so my future will not be distucted.
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
*sigh* The pleasures of being a teenager.. lol.. I act like a kid most of the time too.. Good luck leading your life! :D
@yamskee (827)
• Philippines
17 Jul 07
im really scared of getting old. its freaking me out, i dont want to feel body pain, i dont want to lose my memory, i dont want to experience things that old people experience when it comes to aging.
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
I can get a bit worried too but not really scared.. Maybe you should chill and take one day at a time. There's a lot of things that can be done nowadays to curb any rapid aging process. Relax dear.. :)
@yamskee (827)
• Philippines
17 Jul 07
at my young age of 19, i think im too young to have lots of diseases, like liver infection, ulcer, anemia, and others. thats why im scared of getting old. and in addition to that is the feeling of being tease by my younger cousins about aging.
• United States
17 Jul 07
I think aging is part of our process in life and I'll take it with everything else that comes my way. I won't change who I am just because I have wrinkles or other aging things. I say celebrate your years, don't hide them. Be proud that you have lived that long and are still living.
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Thanks for the advice~! I'll be sure to live by it.. :)
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I wouldn't say I'm afraid of aging. I certainly didn't make a big deal like some do when they hit 30. Age to me it just a number. Sure I feel and act my age (I'm 32), but that doesn't mean that I worry about aging. I'm more afraid of dying and leaving my kids without a mom...especially my oldest as he is special needs. I worry about that more than I want to. It's probably one of the reasons why I find a gray hair on my head every now and then. I would never want to get Botax or plastic surgery to keep me looking young. That is just a waste of good money that could be spent on more worth while things. Oops! Before I forget happy birthday mean_queen! :)
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Yeah, that's kinda understandable if you think about leaving your kids. I think my Mom feels that way too since she's the only parent left. And thanks for the birthday wish! I can't wait to be 26~! :D
• Hong Kong
17 Jul 07
Happy birthday on the coming Saturday then! I have a friend whose birthday is on that day as well *smiles*. I am 28 and I joke around being the big old 30 so much these days. I am not really scared of aging, but I hope what I do to my skin now will prolong my youth a little better than I have hoped. I think at different stages of life, there are different things which are unique to happen and to treasure and I definitely treasure all the experiences I have so far. I would prefer to age naturally too, I think those lines really show wisdom and life experience! I don't want to be a fake "queen" anyway! *laughs*
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Thanks wondericequeen~! Say happy birthday to your friend as well! :)
@kiaakira (29)
• China
17 Jul 07
I have to say i am a little worried about aging. I always think that i am still young and still a child.But actually i am 24now, when i think of this, i feel it's incredible. I am still studying in university, i don't experience too much, so maybe that's why people always say i look younger than my age. But i think i will treat aging calmly, it'a natural process in everyone'life, i won't resort to getting Botox or injection to stop wrinkling.
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Yeah, same here.. I feel that way too. Although there are times that it does worry me, but then I understand that we can control how we perceive aging, and not let that control us.. :D Thanks for responding kiaakira~!
@jmicy1029 (197)
• China
17 Jul 07
aging is a process,you have to face it,besides,we can do something to solve this ,especially for woman.
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Yeah, thank God..
• Indonesia
17 Jul 07
I have to admit that aging concern me so much. But like you, I am kinda relieved too to hear some say that I am younger that my age (31). But all this time I just consume suplemens for prevent it. I just hope they will make the wrinkles come later. Ha... ha...
• Malaysia
17 Jul 07
Yup~! Thanks for sharing viollet~! :)