What do you consider the worst fashion fad ever?

gold lame - gold lame suit
United States
July 16, 2007 12:42pm CST
The one that really gives me a headache thinking about,is from I'd say about the mid 1980's.women would wear tight gold or silver lame or animal print pants with a gold or silver lame jacket with the sleeves pushed up to the elbows.underneath they would wear lame tank top with spaghetti straps or a black tank.What was worst of all was the makeup they wore .Super dark eyeshadow from the eyelid up to the brow then a line from the corner of their eye to the side of their face,have dark red blush and dark red lipstick and put this together with the big 80's doo and you are talking fashion nightmare.My mom used to call it the clown fad and my boyfriend at the time used to say they looked like hookers. I was so glad when that fad was over. Does anyone remember this awful fashion fad?What do you consider the worst fashion fad?
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18 responses
@atramesil (685)
• United States
16 Jul 07
One that I unfortunately still see. Jailing. For those not in the know. That's when you let your pants hang down around your butt cause you have no belt (they take belts away when you get arresteed). Word to the wise boys, me and my girls like looking at a nice firm butt in a pair of nice fitting jeans. You sagging we looking elsewhere.
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• Malaysia
16 Jul 07
I totally agree! I think it's really disgusting.. Yuck!
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@AmbiePam (96018)
• United States
16 Jul 07
When I was in 7th grade, a kid in our class wore his pants like that. While we were all saluting the flag one morning, another classmate bent down and yanked his pants all the way down. It was so funny! I mean, the kid had boxers on, but it was something everyone had thought about doing at one time. Those suckers were low!
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• United States
17 Jul 07
you go girls! Gross. I dont' why they wear them for when they aren't in jail.There isn't a female that i know that likes that. They look like slobs.
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@pendragon (3348)
• United States
16 Jul 07
Mullets,lol.That comes to mind first.
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• United States
17 Jul 07
what is a mullet?I might know what it is but not the name
@seabeauty (1480)
• United States
17 Jul 07
think billy ray cyrus. the hair is really short on the top and sides and long in the back. its like the person cant decide if they like long or short hair.
• United States
17 Jul 07
thanks.eeew! God that's another fad I didn't like.especially when i saw men with hair cuts like that and wearing spandex.yuck
@katprice (805)
• United States
16 Jul 07
Legwarmers! I admit I was guilty of it myself but it was a big deal to wear legwarmers, and not just when you're doing aerobics. I think my second least-favorite fashion fad were those knickerbocker pants that girls wore. It's amazing the things these fashion designers come up with, and the things that catch on in the general public.
@seabeauty (1480)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I wore leg warmers and I loved them and I would still be wearing them today if they were in style.
• United States
17 Jul 07
I was guilty of the leg warmers myself,I 'm ashamed to admit. they started selling them again in this catalog i have called foot traffic.I had forgotten all about the knickerbocker pants! Oh god! I can't beleive the stuff that was worn back then,lol
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
17 Jul 07
LOL You just described Flo from Alices Place. I had not thought of that show for years. LOL Personally, I think anything that shows a womans body too much is just sick. I mean short shorts, really short skirts (I wonder if they can really be called skirts) Low tops that just cover the end of the b***.Those are all sick in my mind nad really bads fads.
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Jul 07
I remember Alice's Place!We used to watch it all the time.I used to get the biggest kick hearing her say "kiss my grits " all the time. as for the trashy way women dress ,I agree with you totally .I dont' mind alittle bit of cleavage or a miniskirt but these women are getting out of hand with the cleavage and the shortness of the skirts and shorts. they think they are being so cool dressing like that,but guys like dating women like that but they don't usually end up marrying women who dress like that
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• United States
18 Jul 07
I think alot of women dress like that because they have no respect for themselves. They dont really know who they are and how important modesty is.
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• United States
19 Jul 07
Exactly! they have no self esteem at all.they see these other women being trashy and being treated like trash and they think that's the way it's supposed to be.it's sad really
@AmbiePam (96018)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I do know what you are talking about. The fashion I consider the worst happened in the same time frame. Women would perm their hair, and that was it. They didn't brush it, or style it, they just got a frizzy perm and their whole head looked like a Brillo pad. Even in the later years of Happy Days, you can see the character of Joanie is wearing that hairstyle. Just awful!
@seabeauty (1480)
• United States
17 Jul 07
i used to wear my hair like that and i am sorry i even got the damn perm. lol.
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@AmbiePam (96018)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I firmly believe that is when aliens first infiltrated our planet, LOL.
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• United States
17 Jul 07
Oh gosh! I remember that! and I remember Joanie with that perm.I hated that.! What were people thinking back then,lol.
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• United States
17 Jul 07
oh yuck. i spent most of the 80's wearing black spandex,and a black concert t-shirt over that,and converse shoes for good reason.it was so hard to find anything decent to wear it was truly sad. if it weren't the damn madonna clothes,it was the day-glo oversize shirts with football tackle shoulder pads.oh,and the fish lure earrings.can't forget those. let's see,what else.. "let's all be def leppard and wear union jack shirts" "questionable japanese style writing shirts" "wish i was run-dmc wear" thank god the 80's are over.
• United States
19 Jul 07
I remember the fish lure.I also remember the feather clips people wore on their ear with a hat that had a crease in the top.Remember that.I used to wear the feather but not the hat. I also remember the union jack shirts.My brother was guilty of that
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• United States
21 Jul 07
lol.I actually clipped one to my nose on a dare. went to the store like that too.people were looking at me like i was mental.
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• United States
20 Jul 07
the 3 strand feather clips? i'm actually guilty of those-but-i clipped them into my hair instead. it was kind of like having a color streak before they had extension clip-ins. people always asked me if i smoked because i had those LOL
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
17 Jul 07
Yes I agree the 80's and some of the 70's were really bad, I love some of the 60's fashions, hot pants I loved, I think some of the fashions are a bit strange today, where girls will be all rugged up beanie, ugg boots long pants, leggins and then have there their boobs hanging out, I have a friend who have daughters and it doesn't matter how cold it gets their boobs are always up and out.. :)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I have never understood why women feel the need to always show so much cleavage. Looks like they are about ready to stand on the street corner plying their wares. I wish these young girls would realize how dangerous it is to dress with such revealing clothing
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
17 Jul 07
The worst fashion fad I think is people wearing tshirts down to their knees. I think it is horribly looking for people to wear shirts down to their knees. It is even worse when they are wearing torn jeans or torn shorts. To me it is a very trashy and punk look.
• United States
17 Jul 07
i agree with you but i have to admit that i was guilty of the torn jeans thing when i was thinner.I used to take my scissors and cut a hole and pull at the threads on the around the hole.what was i thinking!
@seabeauty (1480)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I would have to say headbands especially when the rock stars would wear them. god they looked awful on them. what were they thinking? you guys know what im talking about right?
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• United States
19 Jul 07
i certainly do know what you are talking about .I hated that. I just wanted to rip those headbands right off their heads
• United States
17 Jul 07
I am so guilty of everything you are talking about. Man in the 80's I bet I went thru 2 cans of hairspray a week trying to achieve maximum height in my hair. The worst by far for me tho was the platform Elton John knock me off my stilts shoes in the 70's. Shesh pair those up with the god awful polyester pant suits and you have a perfect picture of very bad taste. Oh yeah lets not forget the take up your whole face glasses that we wore. And again I am guilty of all of that!
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• United States
19 Jul 07
you would have to remind me about the polyester suits,lol.I hated them and those darn platform shoes and sunglasses.My sister always wore those darn sunglasses .took up almost her the top half of her face!
17 Jul 07
SHOULDER PADS !!! How many women thought they looked fantastic in those things is beyond me, when they really looked like they were about to take part in the Superbowl :-)
• United States
19 Jul 07
AAAAHHHH! I was guilty of that. I don't know why ,I think they are so stupid now. I wish us humans would stop and think about fads before we partake in the foolishness of them
@chari_dc (492)
• Philippines
17 Jul 07
i remember those padded shoulders in the 80s, those that make you look like a football player. those are the weirdest things that ever became fashionable, in my opinion. but i am guilty of wearing them then. but when i think about it now.....argggghhhh...!!!
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@chari_dc (492)
• Philippines
24 Jul 07
yeah right... whoever conceived the idea must have really drooping shoulders! hahah... i love 80s music too!!
• United States
18 Jul 07
omg! I can't believe I forgot all about the padded shoulders!I was guilty of that myself.I don't know why I ever bothered with them for.I love the 80's music but those fashion fads were awful.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Well they're still kind of popular, but the leggings women would wear...I mean it is one thing when a woman has a fairly decent figure...but yeesh....Now I have a habit of not racing out to get something just because it's "popular"--why look like everyone else..also, I am fairly slim, yet I refused to wear the leggings...and it seemed that the women who'd wear them weren't exactly slim and trim...but down right flabby...and here in this neighborhood the women do the same thing with clingy tight fitting tops--you see every roll of flesh and flab...yuk...I mean is this considered sexy?? I don't
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• United States
18 Jul 07
nothing sexy at all .I have a weight problem and would never dream of dressing the way some of these overweight women dress. I have seen overweight women wearing,tight pants,mini skirts,halters,etc and it's disgusting.It nauseates me when I see someone overweight dressing like that,there is nothing sexy about watching fat jiggle
@melissa29 (130)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Here's one: The Don Johnson "Miami Vice" look--the suit jacket with the t-shirt underneath!! Yes, it was the '80's and it was the style then...but it looked so tacky. And, to go along with that, the loafers that were worn without socks! I could go on all night--but I won't...lol Most of them were already mentioned...however, I'm sure there's more!
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• United States
18 Jul 07
I know ! I know! My brother was in to the Don Johnson look plus he has a mullet -hair short on top and long in back.I am so glad that's over with.
17 Aug 07
Thanks for the best response hun
• United States
17 Jul 07
The bustle.
• United States
18 Jul 07
i don't know what they were thinking
• Australia
17 Jul 07
I think you've all covered the past tragic looks - the animal prints, the padded shoulders, permed hair, beltless jeans on boys with the jocks showing at the top.. *shudders* The one that really irks me now is the low, low cut jeans the girls are wearing. when did hipsters become bumsters???? Nothing screams out *trash* more than a pair of bumsters with a g-string showing at the back.
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@bowtieguy (5915)
• United States
16 Aug 07
I hate the recent fads of boys wearing baggy bants and wearing jeans with holes in them, when did fashion take such a horriable turn and what can we do to fix it?