What do you think about the latest movie "Order of the Phoenix"?
By hsmom2boys
@hsmom2boys (134)
United States
July 16, 2007 1:52pm CST
The more I think about the movie, the more I realize that it seemed like a cliff notes version of the book. So much was left out that at the time didn't seem important, but I've started rereading the book (I'm preparing for the final book on saturday) and I'm realizing that so much was left out. It alomst forces people to read the book! In my opinion if someone only saw the movie and did not read the book, they would be confused. For instance, at the beginning when Harry first saw Hermione and Ron at Grimmauld place, he was upset with them, but the movie really didn't explain why. So many things were glossed over and some of the time jumps were just plain weird! It went from the Dursley's getting into the car to Harry flying off with members of the Order without so much as a word as to why or even a mention of the howler Aunt Petunia received. I would really have liked to see the moment between Aunt Petunia and Harry after the howler.
Am I the only one feeling a little gyped by this movie? I enjoyed it, but I really wish they had left more of it in. I understand there was a length issue, but to me, the movie seemed forced and didn't flow well. JMHO
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13 responses
@vijigopi (991)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I agree with you so much. But I have never found any of the movies as good as the books so far. But the problem is, the other books were not as big as this one. I heard somewhere online that this was the shortest movie made in HP series so far. Why did they have to do that? And the director says in an interview that 'The coolest thing you can do to a movie is to make it short'. Like you said, everything seems to happen so fast that people who have not read the book will understand neither head nor tail of it. They could have made the duration atleast a little over 3 hours so that they could add atleast a bit of the important points into it. Because of the time limit, they ruined everything. No Dobby, No Marietta, no Firenze, half of the DA team were left out. No Rita Skeeter or Harry's interview for the Quibbler. All those things I was eager to see were just left out. The prophecy was heard by Harry AND HIS FRIENDS in the Department of Mysteries itself. And the fight between Voldemort and Dumbledore was superb in the book. The one shown in the movie looked as if there was Priori Incantatem happening between Dumbledore and Voldemort's wands. Ridiculous. It's these movies that make me wish that someone would come up with atleast a cartoon Harry Potter series where we would be able to see everything as in the book and in detail.
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@camar_lyn (1028)
• Singapore
29 Jul 07
Hi hsmom2boys, i must have missed your discussion before i started mine. I too felt that the movie didn't flow well. There were too many subplots excluded that made this movie the worst compared to the earlier 4 harry potter movies.
The movie has a huge fan base. Leaving out plots here and there might be ok for people who do not or have not seen the earlier movies or not a huge fan. But for the millions of us around the globe, i personally think that there is more to be desired.
Definitely disappointing to me. I have yet to read the final book. I'm sure it won't be as disappointing compared to the movie.
@wickedstepma (940)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I had just re-read the first four books before going to see "The Order of the Phoenix". I, too, was disappointed in the jumping around it did. I'd actually made the statement to my husband that if I hadn't read the book, I would not have understood why they did some things.
So, after I got home, I started rereading the 5th book. I'd forgotten that this was the one where Aunt Petunia got the Howler. That would have been so neat to see! And the swamp that Fred and George made, too.
By leaving out the fact that Ron and Hermione were made prefects, but not Harry, they didn't really explain why Harry felt left out. They didn't really go into the fact that they didn't answer any of his questions in letters, so he didn't know what was going on.
Another thing was when the dementors came. They left out Mundungus, who was supposed to be watching Harry. It was because he was gone that Harry had to fight off the dementors himself. (Since Mrs. Figg is only a squib and couldn't help him).
Oh, and they had Harry pulling his wand out in front of Dudley's friends. Not right at all!! Wouldn't he have been in even more trouble for that?! Dudley knew he had a wand, but those boys didn't!
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
18 Jul 07
If you hadn't read the books it'd be fine.
In retrospect, I believe they didn't cut as mcuh out of this move as they did the Goblet of Fire. They cut out more than half the book from that movie. This one they just left out some of the details, a scene or two, and changed a few things.
I liked the movie, but I was disappointed that they left out the Weasley twin's portable swamps, their speech about how they weren't 'expelled', they quit lol..how "The Weasleys Whizzing Wheezes" productswere banned at the school 'cause of Umbridge but were only made more popular 'cause of that..their plan to open a shop after quitting school..you know.
I was hoping to hear Hagrid's younger half brother talk, and they left out the explanation as to why Hagrid had brought his brother home with him..
My favorite part of the movie was toward the end when Harry was posessed by Voldie..and it was interesting to see Mr Riddle's characteristics rub off on Harry..which mostly made half want to see Harry become evil lol.
It was visually stunning, too.
But I was rather disappointed that they'd alter the story of my favorite book in the Harry Potter series, even though I still rather like the movie since it was better than the Goblet of Fire.
@enternet (36)
• United States
18 Jul 07
well yeah, it IS a cliff note version.
None of the movies can be as good as the books.
I think they did a great job considering. Deciding what to include is not a job I would have wanted.
Think about how much information is in each book. Each book could easily be made into several movies. (and although I'd like to see that, Harry would be in his 30's before he got hrough his 7th year!) There is no way they could possible cover everything we'd want to see.
Can you imagine trying to figure out what to put in and what had to be cut out? 2 hours is not much time.
I think people are disappointed because most things were glossed over quickly and that's understandable disappointment. But if they went indepth on everything, they could only cover one or two of the major events and then most everything else would be left out.
They could have done a movie just on the trials and tribulations of Dolores Umbridge. Her eval of Mcgonnagle's class, Fred & George's swamp, the niflers in her office etc.
I agree it was a very edited version, but you can only expect so much.
Think of what you would have liked to seen and how much time it would have taken to make it a good story - and try to decide what they should have dumped to fit it in.
@aillsma (19)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I agree 100%. The movie cut out a lot of important details that in my eyes made it very frustrating to watch. My husband who has not read the books, but hears parts of the story from me, was also disappointed in the movie. I enjoyed it to a point, but the fact the OotP was my favorite book, made this movie that much more disappointing to me. One of my biggest complaints was Tonks. Was it just me or did they do a very poor job introducing her character, whom is to play a bigger role later. And what about the Black family tree(including his brother), the link to the Malfoys, Kreature, and the Mirror???
I know the book was long and they would have to cut out a lot, but I think that it would have been better to do less on the ministry overrun of hogwarts and more on Sirius and the Black house.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I totally agree with you! This movie left out SO much from the book, unlike the first four. I was upset after seeing this movie. It seemed to fly by, and I really can't say what it was really about!
The first four movies had a big, obvious goal (sorcers stone, the chamber of secrets, sirius black, the tournament) this one...I have no clue! I couldn't even tell my sister what it was about when she asked. I didn't really know the important event in this movie. i was disappointed with this one, I hope the 6th and 7th movie don't follow like th 5th.
*On a good note, I thought Hagrids giant brother was really cute! lol*
@yojspew (171)
• Philippines
16 Jul 07
I agree with you, I think the movie lacks some elements to it. People who've watched the movie but haven't read the book well find it hard to understand the other scenes.
The special effects though are really nice especially the part when the Dumbledore and Voldemort had a duel in the lobby of the Ministry of Magic.
@tsimay (59)
• United States
18 Jul 07
just like the movie filmed last year from Dan Brown "Da Vinci Code" anyone who saw the movie will be confused and rather find the book instead of supplying their questions.. amft.,, i have seen the movie and was disappointed. its only movie full of editing. Just to say they have the movie do forth.. My opinion here, just read the book. And let just your imaginative mind supply the details.
@christine_margot (282)
• Philippines
17 Jul 07
I agree. So many details was left out. I hope the next movie will be much better.
@truartiss (386)
• United States
16 Jul 07
Right now I'm just trying to figure whether it's worth going to see because everyone's saying that they left so many important things out. I might just wait for it to come out on dvd. I think the problem was that they were trying not to make the movie really really long because they know little kids won't sit for that long. After hearing so many people saying it skipped all over, I don't know if I'll go see it. I can't even fond my Harry Potter books because I just moved and I must have put them in a box in storage or something. So I can't reread it. I've been wanting to because I wanted to refresh my mind before the movie came out. Right now I'm working on getting the next book though. I will always love the books even if the movies are kind of wack. And I can't wait to see who did in the final book. I really hope it's not Harry. Maybe Harry has to die in order for Voldermolt to die. I don't know but what if something crazy like that happens?!
@madrush (22)
• Philippines
17 Jul 07
maybe for those who have not read the book sees this one good, but honestly I haven't read any of the harry potter books and yet i felt disappointed too. After watching it i realized it was too short and a lot of things doesn't bode well, like details per se, unlike the other harry potter installments, this one's way way difficult to comprehend. A lot of things are unclear, gaps and jump scenes, and still wondering what was it about what harry told snape when umbridge was interrogating them.
though i did love the acting of Helena Bonham Carter and Evanna Lynch
@Kdawg579 (36)
• United States
17 Jul 07
i thought that movie was ablsolutely horrible it skipped so many different parts from the book for example the part where harry and cho went to the coffeeshop and broke up. it just skipped way to much of the story plus compared to the other movies that were all over 3 hours this one was only 2 and a half hours total i thought it was an extremely poor movie compared to the others hopefully the final 2 are much better.