Is The Law of Attraction a phase, or a way of life?
By 34momma
@34momma (13882)
United States
July 16, 2007 2:09pm CST
I know when The Secret came on the out everyone was so excited and ready to embrass this new way of life. A few months later, I would like to know if you are still keeping up with the positive thinking and living or is it a fad just like bell bottom jeans?
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17 responses
@yanjiaren (9031)
16 Jul 07
In Ancient Greece we had a saying ..SIN ATHINA KE KHIRA KINI ..which means pray to the Goddess Athena but move your butt in the mean time lol..And I totally agree with this..Yes looking at the Higher source, being positive and then applying oneself into the centre of that positive ray is the key to success.
People misunderstand positive thinking as just sitting there and waiting for it all to hold the thought, process it, magnify it and then explode it lol..well that is my way of putting it in a nutshell.
I.e From the moment I applied myself full on into being positive doors of opportunity just keep opening to me..but I am OPENING MYSELF TO THESE OPPORTUNITIES BY being in the places they are most likely to sprout..and come to me..does that make sense?
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
16 Aug 07
I absolutely believe that it's a way of life that is good for you. A person that chooses to think negatively, will draw negativity into their lives, as well as other negative people (hence the phrase: misery loves company.) I would much more prefer to view the world with positivity than to dwell on the negative aspects of it. I think 'the law of attraction' has a lot of things in common with other phrases and actions: karma...what goes around comes around...behind the clouds there is a silver lining (although sometimes, I admit, you really have to look for it! But still, there is a lesson in there somewhere!) I choose to believe that good attracts good, just as in the same way that negative attracts more negativity. With that thought in mind, I choose to live my life as positive and upbeat as possible. Life's too short to focus on all the bad things that life dishes out to us. I think the law of attraction is a good thing to embrace and live by!
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
30 Jul 07
I'm trying my best to stay focus on the positive.For some reason the negative wants to really get in the way but im not going to let it take control.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
30 Jul 07
thanks so're usual lol:)
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
30 Jul 07
the negative is in your mind. let me tell you a trick that i use. when the "negative" really comes into play i don't fight it. let it come. cause those are the lessons that you need to learn. see that is the joke about life. you don't learn the lesson from things going well, you learn those hards lesson when things are not going so great. so let it come, don't give into it, just learn your lesson and move on. but listen to that little voice in your head, it is the Lord speaking the truth and don't let anyone tell you any different
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@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
30 Jul 07
I was SOOOOOO into The Secret when I first read the book back in February. But now I'm back to my old ways. I try hard to remeber the principles but it's hard to change. I do keep the book by my bed and refer to it at times to keep me inspired.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
31 Jul 07
i know what you mean, but you have to make it a part of your every day life. what i start with is saying thank you from the time i get up to the time i leave the house. and then for all the little things that go my way all day. so start there and you will see and feel the difference
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@fullmetal1 (129)
• United States
24 Jul 07
Its absolutely a way of life. even before i knew it hd a name i was appying it. now i ahve listened to the audio cds and i love them. i recomend them to all my friends. someone mentioned all the people in Africa not thinking positivey. well, what have they ver experienced that was positive? i think if they learn it they can apply it. i knw for a fact it works. i,ve tested it many many times with always the same great outcome.i have sent a friend who never ever had anything go her way. she never had anything good to say,hated her job,hated her lfe,ect... she listened to the cds and is now a much happier person. she loves her new job,and her new life,and she was a super sceptic! so yes its a way of life. at least for me it is!
@satansoldat_666 (412)
• Philippines
30 Jul 07
cool keep it will keep on comin man
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@rsa101 (38226)
• Philippines
8 Nov 07
I would say it is working on us already, we are just not aware of it working in our lives already. I think the book is just to make you aware that is already is working on you. You just have to change the way you think about things to make the universe work for you.
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@yanjiaren (9031)
7 Sep 07
Yeap and I am making use of every waking moment trying to make it a golden one, a better one, a slikier one, a lovely one..a greater one and making it easy by enjoying the whole process then the goal will take care of itself. I can see it happening, like in Tai Ji they talk about visualising beyond your opponent. Very powerful, yet so simple an exercise.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Aug 07
The whole Law of Attraction thing is far from being a fad with me...I actually grew up with the principles all my life but never went full steam ahead with it...I had read many of the books that got Rhonda Byrnes involved with it like the Secret of the Ages, Think and Grow Rich when I was much younger...The Secret reminded me of it all, and now I'm re-reading many of those books, and have added Jack Canfield's The Success Principles, Joe Vitale's The Attractor Factor --you should see all my "vision boards" all over the place, plus I printed up copies of large denomination bills from this one fantastic never mind taking a dollar bill like Canfield did and write $100,000 on it...I have a printed up copies of the $100,000 gold certificate all over the place too...I have one near my bed, so first thing in the morning when I get up, I see it
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
18 Aug 07
you are so right. i didn't grow up knowing about the law of attraction but i tell you since i have found it i am the happiest women in the world. i just love me and life and my role in this world. i am so happy that i have it in my life now
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@satansoldat_666 (412)
• Philippines
19 Jul 07
The Law of Attraction, as the word implies, is a LAW.It is a force that the universe works.It states that whatever you out out to the universe, you reap.It is based on a very sound principle which states "Whenver there is action, there is a reaction".That is how the universe works, except in the case of the law of attraction, it is manifested by the power of our minds, which, scientifically proven is very powerful.
The ability to use our minds to manifest our desires in life has always been the goal of man for thousands of years. Magicians, sages,wizards,sooth sayers and the like have devised methods in order to manifest their desires.Magic, being the most common although in the Far East, meditation and mental training are more commomnly used.
Our minds have this ability but because we only use 5-10% of our minds everyday, only very few people could be able to achieve this.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
23 Jul 07
that is so true. if we would put more time into using the wonderful mind that we were gifted with, then all of our dreams could come true. we would have thoughts and ideas that would take us to place and allow us to have things that we always dreamed about
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@oldiebut (859)
• Canada
16 Jul 07
Do I believe that any of the hundreds of "positive thinking" systems have any basis in reality? Nope, it works well for the hucksters selling the stuff, but it has never shown itself to be effective on anything but minor personal changes. To believe this sort of thing, you must believe that the millions of unfortunates in Africa, Asia and elswhere are just not thinking positively enough. As so many scholars have pointed out, "the Law of Attraction", "Positive Thinking", Tony Robbins, is simple greed married to a blame the victim mentality. The humourous thing is, after half a cenury of Peale, decades of Robbins, and a year or two of the secret, they still don't have the "success stories" they claim to (there are several reports on Robbins success or lack thereof, its very funny ready, well for we non-believers anyway).
Believe what you wish but I know damn few successful people who wouln't tell you to get your head out of the clouds and apply yourself to the problems at hand. Education and hard work will get you much farther than begging the universe for a living.
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@naturasiculoare (5)
• Romania
19 Aug 07
Hello. I can tell you that THE SECRET really works. I've tested it. It got me a knew date with my boyfriend (we were apart) and a load of cash.
I have noticed that many people use it. For instance the people from the Landmark Forum who say that those who made THE SECRET are graduates of Landmark Forum.
Spiritual people use these law also to make their dreams come true - yogis for instance. They say that the law of attraction affects you even if you are not aware of it.
One more thing I'd like to say. When you practice the law of attraction, say to yourself slowly what it is that you want to happen to you - at a rate of one word a second, imagine that it has already happened so that you can enter that state of having what you desire. Do that 15 minutes every day.
And it is entirely true that the Universe will rearrange itself so that you get what you desire.
If what you want you want it hard enough the whole Universe will consire to make you wish come true.
Be yourself and be honest to yourself.
I hope this provided you a little help
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
11 Oct 07
Yeah ive seen the secret several times. I think It was a great documentray or what ever you call it. But I dont know if it works or not ive tried it on different things and sometimes it works and sometimes it dosnt. I know it works for smaller stuff like when in the morning you tell yourself your going to have a good day AND most of the time it works then. But it hasnt worked for getting money has it worked for anyone else.
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@fullmetal1 (129)
• United States
10 Oct 07
Very definately. I always will. It is sometimes hard to have such a positive outlook at times,but right now if i dwelt on the bad i would fall so deeply int dispair it be hard ot climb out. I dont let theworry and grief and fear overwhelm me,and i stay positive . I live the Law of attraction every day and always will.
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@olgiana (241)
• Mexico
8 Nov 10
It is been almost 3 years now since I saw the movie. At the beginning I was so much into that, later on I relaxed once I reached all my dreams.
Now I am working on my new visualization board and I always keep reading more and more about LOA, as well as communicate with The Secret followers, because I truly believe we are the products of the environment. And we are down, they show us the light and help us to get back on track fast and motivate us.