What would you do if you became an instant multi-millionaire?
@Perspectives (7131)
July 16, 2007 10:32pm CST
This discussion was prompted when I read Craftcatchers report on an Aussie who gave up billions of dollars to protect the environment. I know my hubby and I have chatted a lot about what we'd do if we won and I must admit our priorities have changed a lot...as we have been growing our soul and persuing our spiritual path.
If we won now, we'd pay off our house, clean up some old debts, buy a Jeep and maybe a truck. We have some additions we'd like to make to our home...and take a trip to Moab, Utah. We don't have children..so that is not something we have to consider and our parents on both sides have passed on.
We have decided that if we became multi-millionaires we'd begin branching out with our work and give more of our time and energy to some a few of our favorite 'causes.' We'd also like to have enough time and money to fly to areas that need help and offer our resources where we could. A large influx of cash would allow us to fullfill our dream of contributing to the greater good, making a postive difference in the world and assisting the less fortunate.
As long as we have our home as a safe harbor, with enough financial security to grow old gracefully, provide for ourselves and not be a burdon...to others, have a couple of safe servicable vehicles...we know we'd be living an abundant life and the overflow of cash could go out there to help others do the same.
Now if I'd asked the question 10 year ago I would have had a much more materialistic answer...so I've been in both places. From then to now I am very glad I didn't come into massive amounts of money...I'd probably have messed up my life with stupid, short-term expenditures that I would be regretting now. So anyway...just wondering what money represents to you...and what you'd do with gobs, and gobs of it. I think it is fun to fantasize about what life might be like without worrying about keeping our world intact from day to day. What do you think?
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15 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
17 Jul 07
It would be we for it would all go to family some much to this one so much to that one .Fix house to a two story.Also pay it off put a trustfund for granddaughter . Also want to buy a mountain and build a house inside it and have big bay windows to look over Las Veags at night. Then start to travel go back to some places son in law hasnt seen and more that we havent been too also buy houses for all the family here so they could spend time here too.
and our main charities is St Jude and make a wish
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
17 Jul 07
Hi Lakota12,
I was wondering what you would do as a multi-millionare..and somehow your responses didn't surprise me. You would plant seeds of security for you and your loved ones that would have a positive ripple effect for generations to come. How generous and admirable!
See...you are doing your Earth Angel work here...keep those wings strong...but also gentle as you wrap yourself up in them at the end of the day.
Wishing you continued bright light to illuminate your path...hugs and blesssings too!
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
17 Jul 07
Hi Lakota12,
I was wondering what you would do as a multi-millionare..and somehow your responses didn't surprise me. You would plant seeds of security for you and your loved ones that would have a positive ripple effect for generations to come. How generous and admirable!
See...you are doing your Earth Angel work here...keep those wings strong...but also gentle as you wrap yourself up in them at the end of the day.
Wishing you continued bright light to illuminate your path...hugs and blesssings too!

@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
17 Jul 07
We just bought ourselves a car for 600 dollars and spend 700 to fix it up. So that is way less than the 10,000. It can be done.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I'll bet if I gave you $10,000 it would disappear in no time! LOL You can't even buy a new car for that now.
When I was first married, decades ago, we bought a house for $8,000. Now I can't buy a car for anywhere near that. Just amazes me.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
17 Jul 07
I would like to buy are rather large property and build a nice house on it, I would like it to be not too far from town but far enough so I didn't have to worry about noise and neighbours because on that property I would like to build a nice little theatre type thing so I could set up a country music venue where I could put on a weekly or monthly concert where the artists get paid well and the audiences get in for a very reasonable price, sell the best in food and promote the music I love...
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
17 Jul 07
Your plans sound well, soul-satisfying...for you, people in surrounding areas...and for all the country music lovers who would share in your dream.
Let me know if you win...where you are and my hubby and I will come. We love the country, foot stomping music, great food, fun and friends.We'll be just one of many I am sure.
Who knows...it could happen...work that Law of Attraction!
Wishing you a prosperous, happy journey!
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
17 Jul 07
Oh I would give free tickets to my Mylot friends..see you there... :)
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
18 Jul 07
Great thought...sharing and caring...that is what I love about Mylotters! Maybe we could rent some buses and have caravans of Mylotters meeting on common, music filled ground...hope you win. I am sure a grand time would be had by all.
Cheers, hope to chat again.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
18 Jul 07
Hi...travelling is something my hubby and I love to do too. Gives you a broader perspective...right?
Good luck and happy travelling if you win.
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I'd probably do much the same as you.
Causes I'd support: I'd match my church's treasury, paying off the mortgage on our new church building. And I'd match contributions dollar for dollar to build on the addition we want for our growing congregation. I don't think it would be good to give it outright the whole amount. The people need to invest in their church to make it truly a part of them.
Then I'd pay off my own mortgage and do some of the home improvements we've put off because of the expense. And I'd get a vehicle that has great fuel mileage, maybe a hybrid, and has room for an electric mobility scooter. I'd buy the scooter I've been wanting for several years now, giving me more freedom to go when and where I want. [Medicare won't pay for either the scooter or the adapted vehicle since I'm able to walk well enough to get around at home.]
Once I had all that makes it easy to travel, I'd go the places I want to see. I'd donate money or needed items to the Native American reservations that we'd visit. Many of the poorest people in America are American Indians on the reservations in S. Dakota.
I'd set up a monthly delivery of needed non-perishable groceries to families through The Box Project, including the family I now support so minimally. And I'd provide scholarships for the children of those families who achieve in high school.
I'd finance at least one house for Habitat for Humanity. I'd finance more than one if they would build it on the reservations.
I'd donate to World Ark. I've always wanted to be able to donate at the highest level, an entire ark of livestock to an area that needed it.
I'd finish paying off my granddaughter's school loans. She's struggled to do it on her own, so I don't feel like I'd be enabling her to be dependent.
I'd take my whole family on a cruise. That would be so much fun. We don't get together much as we live hundreds of miles apart. With lots of money, though, I'd be able to visit them more often by taking planes. The long drives really wear me out and I'm not enjoying the visit much because I'm so fatigued. If we flew to and from it would be much easier.
I'd hire professionals to help our local American Indian Center repair its finances and develop cash flow to restore its programming. Once on its feet it needs to become self-suffecient, less dependant on grants that are so time-limited. Surely there is a way for them to earn enough to keep the organization functioning at a reasonable level.
And I've always wanted to develop a retreat center for single mothers of small children where they can get pampered and educated on financial and self-care issues while knowing that their children are nearby and well cared for. Maybe I'd hire you to do your workshops there! The rates would be on a sliding scale with scholarships for the very low-income families.
I'm sure that on my travels I would come across other causes that I'd want to support. My preference is to support programs that enable people to take care of themselves. I don't believe in throwing money at people and then leaving them as dependent and helpless as before.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Well---hehe..I think since you know me fairly well, I plan to become a multi-millionaire!!
First, I think I would need some serious consideration about investing a lot of my money...CDs, money markets, KEOGH plans...I would move out of the apartment I've lived in since I was five and a half years old...definitely need a change there!! I would try to find a location of my dreams to live in..perhaps a New England state..seem to be drawn to there...I would try to find a home that also matches my "vision" of a dream home (I've actually drawn out blueprints of my dream home)--sought of the log cabin type, but with cathedral high ceilings...the master bedroom would take up the entire end section of the second floor, and have floor to ceiling windows galore, one facing the east the other west....uh, I could go on and on about my dream home..been giving it a lot of careful thought these past few years! I would like it smack dab in a forested area...surrounded by a lot of trees...hehe
Also wouldn't mind a home somewhere in the British Isles..next to the cabin type architecture have always loved Tudor style--maybe for my vacation home??
I would get a practical vehicle for driving around with my photo gear, but I'll also take a nice luxury car like a Jaguar..thank you...LOL...And having a lot of money would definitely give me an incentive to really travel a lot and make up for all those years I haven't (you know what I mean)
I would love to donate money too, to worthy causes...sort of deep in my heart for some reason is the foundation Mother Teresa founded "Missionaries of Charity"--I'm not Catholic, but I loved her humanity. If anyone could use the money they could--I've been a fan of the Jacques Cousteau Society and Greenpeace, and Defenders of Wildlife, The Wilderness Society...so would like to donate to them as well... Mmmmm....now...the trick...to become that millionaire!! LOL
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Jul 07
Heehe...yes I even have the exact car I want....the practical one would be a Jeep Cherokee..as for that Jaguar....it HAS to be a pre-2007 Jaguar JX--they no longer have that famous jaguar hood ornament on the newer versions! Kind of spoils the fun in having a Jaguar
After I did my post here, I was having a blast looking at the e-Bay motors --they have Jaguars for sale, plus yachts, and Learjets...boy I was having fun just looking at everything and picturing in my mind..uh, huh...I'll take that, and this, and that too--then I popped over to the Unique Homes magazine on-line...all those luxury homes for at least a mere million...great way to reinforce the LOA...
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
Wow pyewacket..you've got it well planned out.thanks for including the picture...very nice. Now all you need to do is keep looking at those bills you pasted around your apartment..and turn up the volume on the Law of Attraction and you will...have it all. And why not...we live in such a big, beautiful abundant universe..there is more than enough for all. It is not a lack of abundance on our great planet...just how it is being mis-managed by so few at the top and the rest of us pions at the bottom.
Your idea of bush country living is something we did a couple of years agao...bought a big place on the lake..then sold it two years later to come back to the house we left...long story. It taught us some valuable lessons about blomming where were are planted.
Anyway, I love the sound of your dream place..and the life contained within it.
I sure do know why it would be wonderful for you to travel and take pictures with your 'magical eye.'
Your charities sound like very worthwhile causes to support...yours are among some of our favorites too. Who knows maybe we'll pool our resources when we win and really assure that our causes continue for many years to come.
Anyway my friend, delightful post again...good luck to you in your multi-millionare pursuits with that LoA.
Take care, thanks for stopping by...I'll be flying your way too.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
21 Jul 07
You bet it is...keep that L of A momentum going. I sure am...always reinforcing it with the mental reminder..."anything the human mind can conceive, and believe..if can achieve." When our LoA truly kicks into full manifestation...we'll have to meet somehwere and put faces to names...kick up heels and to a Big, Big, Happy Dance!
Good to hear how you keep turning up the volumne on your intentions...we'll get there because I don't think either one us intends to quit the process until we do! We have dreams to fullfill, people to see, places to go...and all the while doing our best to make a positive impact on the world!
Wow, ain't life grand!
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
17 Jul 07
This is a fantastic question!!! If I became an instant multi-millionaire I would invest a chunk of the money to ensure a rich future, I'd give a chunk to family and friends, I'd buy the things i've always wanted, put some in my checking account, and give a great deal to those less fortunate than I am.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
18 Jul 07
Well a fellow Canadian...Greetings. Thanks for dropping by and adding to the topic. I'll probably send a friend request..looking for others from our great country.
Anyway glad you like the question..it is a fun one. Thought it might be a good change..we've been talking about a lot of philosophical ideas lately.
Sounds like you have a good plan...and aren't we lucky that our lotteries are tax free...Hope to hear you won a big one..647..Super 7? Pick you ticket and your number and who knows...maybe you'll be sending a post saying I WON!!! I WON!!! I WON!!!...then run away and hide until the dust settles.
Anyway thanks for stopping by and adding your perspectives...hope to see you again. I'll fly by your site..so long for now...and good luck!
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
17 Jul 07
In my case, it would be used to get my family and I back to living a fairly normal life. We have just lost everything and are beginning to piece our lives back together. Along the way we would attend church and thank the prayer warriors that have gotten us this far. We would contribute to the agencies that helped us in the first weeks after that disaster. Our bills would be paid and a new home would be planned that this time I would hope to live in til the day I die. Would invest some to be able to live off the interest biweekly.
Then I would be growing food for the food banks and others that help the neediest in our society. A grand plan. Wish us luck.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
18 Jul 07
I certainly applaud your grand plan and do with you luck, light and blessings. you already know how much I value your additions to all discussions and I appreciate hearing from you again.
It is hard to hear about the many challenges you and your family have faced. Your courage and acceptace have a strong 'prayer of serenity' feel to them as you accept what cannot be changed, work to change the things you can...and the wisdom to know the difference.
It is good to know you have 'prayer warriors' to support you on your pathway to recovery.
May your present and future lives be richly blessed in all ways that are for your highest and greatest good.
My thoughts and well wishes are coming your way...and I'll add that to your 'grand plan' and hope it will come to fruition.
@hardworkingmom (1130)
• United States
18 Jul 07
First thing I'll do is pay all my debuts. Invest in a house that my kids and young sister can call home.The second thing is open a savings account for kids. Purchase savings bond for my nieces and nephews(put it in a save deposit box and they can't touch until they're 18 &/or graduted from high school. They have to graduate from high school or it just roll over and then they can do what they want with by the time their 25. This same rule goes for my kids also)
Third thing is to make sure my family maining my brothers and older sister is taking care of and I can't forget my grandmother. Put them in a house of their own.
Fourth thing is invest in stocks, bond, CD accounts, & real estate.
I'll also go on a family vacation to Walt Disney World for about 1 week.
And once I've taken care of everyone
But honestly that is actually what I'll do after I realize that I am a multi-millionaire.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
18 Jul 07
Hi hardworkingmom...thanks for stopping by and adding such a very well thought out game plan for you winnings.
It sounds like you've been thinking about this...and that would probably assure that your winnings would be put to good use. From what I have read about some lottery winners they cannot handle it and blow it all so they can get back to the old life that was more familiar.
I like what you said with the 'after I realize that I am a multi-millionare.' I cannot fathom what it be like to wake up the morning after cashing the check...knowing the funds were there..safe and secure. Then begin that...now what adjustment in the thinking. I am sure we'd have to pinch ourselves and wrap the brain around the fact that you'd never have to worry about money ever again...would be nice. What am I saying it would be more than nice..it would be fabulous!
Your 'me-time' trips sounds like a great first step in a whole lot of 'now what moments' afterwards.
Good response..thanks!
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
18 Jul 07
I would buy a mansion for my family and a car and then i'd send my mother for a vacation in the states or wherever she likes. i'd let my sister and her children live with us but I won't let them get spoiled, i'll stil give them their usual allowance and I won't let the maid do the household chores for them. I don't like spoiled and lazy brats. ^__^ and then i'll go to japan and treat myself with learning their culture and experience living there. and then i'll buy a lot of anime stuffs. LOL
and then, i'll build a foundation for homeless people esp for children and the oldies. i'll send these children to schools and achieve their dreams. and then i'll also establish a non-profit organization dedicated in preserving the natural resources. ^__^ I hve so many things I wanna do that requires a huge amount of money, I can't wish to win the lottery since I don't buy tickets. LOL so I guess i'll just continue to dream. ^__^
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
Well it is like my Mom always said..you can't win if you don't have a ticket..but it is true you can always dream...and from what I read here you have some wonderful dreams. They are dreams that would 'pay the win forward' to improve the quality of live of the less fortunate and that is admirable.
Maybe one day you will buy a ticket...and you could win...who knows how the Divine Lotteries are decided...but you sure could do a lot of good with it. In the meantime good luck...and many blessings.
@melissa29 (130)
• United States
18 Jul 07
My hubby and I would probably find a nice piece of property to build our dream house, get a car or two, travel for awhile and then give some to the causes that are close to us (diabetes and cancer research) not necessarily in that order..and the rest of it would be used however.... :)
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
18 Jul 07
Hi Melissa,
Sounds like a great plan..make the best quality of life possible for you and yours...and share the wealth with the less fortunate. Great balance there...thanks for you additions to the topic. I appreciate you stopping by..hope you'll come again.
@DanaMark (807)
• United States
19 Jul 07
This is a serious question and needs a lot of careful consideration. We often hear of people who have won massive amounts of money and it ruined their lives. It seems like it should be simple. All of a sudden I have more money than I know what to do with. And that would be the problem.
Our house is already paid off, and we like it. So we wouldn't be moving to a huge mansion. Our two vehicles are Jeeps, so we wouldn't need to buy a Jeep. lol. Our son is through college. We don't have many short term needs.
I would want to make sure my mother-in-law was all right financially. She is doing well on her own, but I'm sure a little extra financial security wouldn't hurt. We would probably add to the college accounts we have started for our two grandsons. It is a surprise for their high school graduations. And I would ask my son if he would like his house paid off. I'm guessing he would say yes. I would also set aside enough so I wouldn't be wondering if I need the "long term care insurance" people keep trying to sell me. And my wife and I could do some traveling we have been putting off.
Beyond that, it would be exciting looking for ways to help people who are in need. I would want to find legitimate ways to benefit the people rather than benefiting those who administer the funds. There are always fund raisers going on in our community for people who have lost a house in a fire, or a husband is killed in an accident and the wife is left to raise their children alone. It would be fun to leave a $100 tip now and then for a server in a restaurant as a surprise. And when I read in the church bulletin that the summer slump is causing some financial hardship for the church, it would be fun to leave an anonymous gift to cover the deficit.
I think it would be difficult doing it right. However, I think I am up to the challenge. Just give me the chance! lol.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
Hi again, sounds like this one was a little easier on your 'think tank.' I mentioned you in my latest post about fun..and living your bliss. Sounds as though in most ways..you already are. Nice to hear life stories of happiness and contenment DanaMark..so many others are facing some daunting life challenges.
You raised a really important thing...and that is not lining the administrators pockets..that would have to be researched before gifting a large amount. The other thing that one other member mentioned...it is tricky not to 'enable' people by handing out money without encouraging a sense of responsibily on their part. As it said in the bible..don't give the fish...teach them how to fish.
Anyway your ideas are great...I especially liek the $100, tip idea. I also think how heartwarming it would be to gift things anonymously too. That might be the best way to avoid all the inrush of energy that usually comes with a big win.
So it great to read about the way you'd continue to make the world a better place...hope someone does give you the chance I'm sure you would make honorable decisions that would be for the greatest good of the all. Thanks for coming back and adding your wisdom to the discussions..I enjoy them.
@Bobbz21 (155)
• New Zealand
18 Jul 07
Oh that would be mind blowing for me if I suddenly became a millionaire, I wouldn't know what to do, all I know is I would buy a house, car, everything my children need and want, I would love to set up my own music studio, pay all my debts an build on our family lands here in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
I would put trust funds away for my children where they would be finanacially look after and would be able to always have a home they could call their own.
I am dependant on part time work and income from other sources and with the large rise in produce and products its real financial burdon, so yeh it would be good, it help alot..
@wackeytiger (424)
• United States
17 Jul 07
There's so many things I'd do with that kind of money. First, I guess I would buy a house on a lot of property, probably build a swimming pool and most likely buy a nice car. I'd donate some to charity, give some to my family, and travel the world.
@mischief88 (37)
24 Jul 07
I think at this moment in time I would be very materialistic!
I would buy myself an old VW Beetle and do it up, so that I would actually have something to drive!
I would pay off all of my student debt, along with my two best friend's debt as well, they deserve it!
I would give my mum a heap of money to do with what she pleased, and also take her on a shopping trip somewhere spectacular. I'd do the same for my brother [-:
I'd buy a bunch of properties all over the world, and rent them out or keep them for my own use.
I think the last thing I would do for myself would be to go travelling with my friends, and see a bit more of the world.
After I had done all that I would donate a lot of money and time to medical and neuroscience charities, along with mental health organisations.
@satansoldat_666 (412)
• Philippines
6 Aug 07
Cool idea donating to neiroscience since we need to study more ion that field so we can learn to cure and prevent mental diseases as well as condiotns such as autism,manic depression, schizophrenia, etc.
I also plan to spend on fields like renweable energy since renewable energy is what our world needs to cope up with energy crisis and high cost electricity in turd whorld nations