what is your most anticipated game?
United States
July 17, 2007 3:09am CST
mine has got to be halo 3 and gears of war 2. halo 3 because i already played the other two and was dissapointed so i was hoping for something that would give me a little hope for the so called trilogy of halo. i mean the trailers are better then the actual games. gears of war 2 though, i just cant wait for what they have in store for this game. hopefully they'll throw in a few new weapons and have some new playable characters because im tired of playing fenix on xbox live, i know i cant play carmine on it no more...hahahah..because he got shot in the head! oops...off topic but yeah these two games are what im anticipating for...what are the most anticipated games that are comming out for you?
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