Have you ever peed in a pool?

@miamilady (4910)
United States
July 17, 2007 10:02am CST
I know. Kind of a gross topic, but I'm curious. I have. Yep I admit it. It was when I was younger. Someone once said to me that with the amount of water and the amount of chlorine it pools it really doesn't make much of a difference. I still think it's kinda gross. So, fess up! Have you? I met a guy once who refused to go in swimming pools because "people pee in them". From what I knew of him, he was a bit of a clean freak. Not that theres anything wrong with that... I've seen a sign that people can hang by their pools. It goes like this OOL Notice, there is no P in our OOL. Please keep it that way. I think that is kinda cute! So tell me. Have you? Do you think the idea of that is the grossest thing in the world??
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37 responses
• Canada
17 Jul 07
here in canada they started putting a chemical in the water,so when someone pee in the pool the water around the person turns red.so now every body knows who peed in pool and then you are barred from swimming there
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@AmbiePam (96506)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Are you serious? Tell me you are serious, because that is just too cool.
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• Canada
18 Jul 07
yes i am very serious,but not only are you embaressed ,they have to drain the pool after so every one whats to beat you up
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
17 Jul 07
Yes, definantly, when I was a child though..It was a public pool and I though that no one would notice anyway. I hid in the corner and then took off so quickly. Ifelt really bad, but the toilets were sooo far away.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
18 Jul 07
Brownie points ???...Now theres another story in public pools...But not on my part..lol.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
18 Jul 07
lol Thanks for sharing. At least you felt guilty. You get brownie points for that.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
18 Jul 07
My daughter and I were talking about this the other day. :) She, nor I, have pee'd in the pool. We both feel that it is something that regardless of how much water and chlorine there is...it is still gross. We just hope that the little ones have not pee'd in it. ha ha But we prefer to not think about that and believe that they have not. ha ha
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@rsmith512 (1561)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Hahahaha! Little ones always pee in the pool. Well, it depends on how old they are. I am sure that they have not if they are older and understand to use the bathroom before you have to go in. :D
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Same as you, I did when I was a kid. It kinda grosses me out now to think that someone may be peeing in the area of the pool I am in so now I take the time to get out and go to the washroom. The toilets at our community pool are always empty even though the poolis always busy which tells me that there is a fair amount of peeing going on in there
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Yeah, I guess that would be a good indication. lol I hadn't thought of that. I haven't been to a public pool in years. Except for one that I went to a few times over the years, but that was more of a historical place with TONS of water. hmmm I guess the one on the cruise would be considered somewhat public. I guess heavy drinking around the pool might be a good indication that people would be peeing in there, huh?
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@mejluvya (213)
• United States
18 Jul 07
That's so gross inked! :) Thank you for giving me a good answer when my kids asked if they can have five dollars to go to the neighborhood pool next time.
• United States
18 Jul 07
Although, yes, I have peed in a pool before, I have learned that urine is sterile in the bladder. That doesn't make it any less gross though, does it?
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Nope. It doesn't make it less gross.
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Ok anyone who comes on here and says they have never peed in a pool is a liar or too embarassed to admit it. I'll admit I have when I was younger. A better question would be who still pees in the pool? lol
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
18 Jul 07
lol I dare anyone to admit that one!
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@mejluvya (213)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I can honestly say not me. My mom scarred me for life I won't even pee in the ocean when we go to the beach.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I think there is probably not one of us who can in all honesty say that we didn't pee in a pool as a young child. If nothing more than the fact that we couldn't 'hold it' or we were too excited and didn't want to exit the pool long enough to go to the restroom! As an adult, no, I don't pee in pools. We have a pool at our home and I'm fairly certain that many must just 'let it rip' when in a pool. I say this because during parties and get-togethers it is seldom that anyone gets out and asks to go inside to our restrooms! My daughter (age 18) had a pool party for her birthday and it lasted over 4 hours. The teens went through an entire two cases of drinks....yet only one girl asked to go inside to the restroom!
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
17 Jul 07
OH gosh! lol Does your pool area have a bathroom right there, or would they have to walk through the house. You need to put up that sign that I mentioned! lol
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@AmbiePam (96506)
• United States
18 Jul 07
People peeing in the pool is not the grossest thing in the world. Pooping in a pool, most definitely is. And that happened one summer at my youth camp. First, yes, between the ages of 8 and 10 I probably peed in the summer camp pool, twice a summer. I didn't want to have to go all the way back to the cabin. But that wasn't the greatest sin committed in that pool. One summer when I was 10, my friend pulled me towards the end where the diving board was. There, in the deep end of the pool, were two giant human turds. That was the last time I ever peed in any pool.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Oh Gosh. that's nasty! lol Did you see the scene in Caddyshack? At least in that case it wasn't real! Gosh that's awful.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I don't use pools..so I can say..NO! I don't but here is a sign I have sign. I don't swim in your toilet. Please don't pee in my pool.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Oh yeah. I've seen that one too. That one is funny as well.
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
18 Jul 07
i think that P in our OOL sign is funny. I've seen it too. I know the chlorine probably does kill the germs but it's just the fact that you're swimming in liquid form someone else's bladder that kinda puts you off. I honestly don't remember ever peeing in a pool. If I did, It was when I was young and didn't know better. That reminds me of something really disturbing. When I was holidaying in Cairns (Northern Queensland) we went to a public pool there and guess what was sitting in the shallow end of the pool? Yep, a number 2. Maybe they should hang a sign that says "There's no POO in our L so please keep it that way!"
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
18 Jul 07
The Poo in our l was very funny. lol I can't believe that happened to you too. That's two of you so far. Yuck!
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• United States
17 Jul 07
I seldom go into pools and so I can honestly say I have never done so. It is kind of gross in some ways, but the dilution factor is valid...I know some people that have posted a signed that says there pool has been treated with a special chemical that turns the water red if you pee in it...lol.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Oh yeah! I've heard about that stuff! lol I friend tells me he saw that happen to someone. How mortifiying would that be?? lol
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I here laughing my head off....mmmmm.....are you getting influenced by Transdisc's discussions? He has thought provoking discussions like this too..LOL As for me? Have I ever peed in a pool...why of course! When you think of it, it's probably even grosser to think about ocean water.....think of all the fish that do their business in the water and for eons of years...now that's yukky!!
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I can't remember but prompted me to start this discussion, but it does remind me of his booger discussion. I think that was him anyway. lol
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• Australia
18 Jul 07
I was told the exact same thing when I was younger and I did, mainly because I believed every I was told then. But now days, although I don't ever go to the pools much, I don't regardless of what they say. The toilet isn't that far, and its not like you would need to many times during a day at the pool. But looking at the other, I'm sure you wouldn't feel good to know that other people could have peed in the pool all around you. So as long as you do your bit, its helping I guess.
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
17 Jul 07
LOL I am loving this topic. I really like the creative questions people can ome up with here. I want to know - is that story about a chemical turning urine red true? I have heard alot of people say it is but i have never seen it happen. Has anyone actually wittnessed it??
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I haven't witnessed it myself. I have a friend who said he did, but this friend is known for exagerating at times, so I can't be sure.
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@gberlin (3836)
17 Jul 07
When I was a kid I never peed in the pool because the bathroom was close by. But I have peed in a lake when I was a kid because there was not bathroom near by.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I may have when I was a baby but never when I was in school because it was not allowed. I have accidently peed on the way to running to the toilets from the pool, I know gross aye but i was little then. My husband and I were wondering that one time when we often went swimming in the new pools in Samoa. My son was the only one out of the kids there running out every 20-30 minutes or so to use the toilet. None of them ever got out while we were there. We did wonder though and I hate to think that any kids did anything in there, but who knows?!?
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
17 Jul 07
I think that the sign is perfectly cute. I didn't get in a poll for the first time until I was 11 years old and I still can not swim in the deep end. I do not use public pools. I have seen some of the dirtiest people get in and out of some pools. I know that chlorine is suppose to take care of the germs, but I would have to do my own study on chlorine before trusting it myself. I am not so much a clean freak, I have more of a germ phobia.
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@mummymo (23706)
17 Jul 07
EEuurrghh! I have heard of pools that have chemicals to turn pee bright coloured - all pools should have this - the thought of getting someone elses pee over your face - well it might be ok for some but not for me!zzzz
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@mejluvya (213)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I never did because when I was little my mom told me that the chlorine mixed with the pee would make my bathing suit a different color and everyone would know what I did.
@mejluvya (213)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Thank you. Although I tried the same trick with my sons and they did it just to see if I was telling the truth so I was busted. "Hey, mom I thought you never lied to us!"
@wcrmoney (29)
• Australia
18 Jul 07
Yeah, I love pissing under water.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
18 Jul 07
lol Thanks for sharing. Remind me not to get into the same pool with you!