Question to Roman Catholics regarding salvation

United States
July 17, 2007 12:58pm CST
I just have a quick question for all Roman Catholics.... If you died right now, where would your soul go? How do you know where your soul is going? (please no one start fighting I am asking this out of curiosity)
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3 responses
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Roman Catholic - I wish I knew!
As a catholic I think my soul would go to purgatory first and I seriously don't know where it would go from there. I'm not really a "practicing" catholic but I do believe in my religion and follow the 10 commandments as best I can. I do feel that I won't go to hell that's for sure.
• United States
17 Jul 07
Can I why you think you are going to purgatory? Not to fight with you but I seriously have questions. Purgatory is not mentioned anywhere in the bible, nor anything that would describe a place like purgatory. So how can you know that purgatory is real? As far as you not being a practicing Catholic, to the best of my knowledge as a former Catholic in a family that is still Catholic, isn't your salvation based in part (notice I only say in part) on works? Works that include confession, communion and the like? Also, you say you follow the ten commandments but doesn't that include keeping holy the Lord's day by going to church? If you say you are not sure what would happen after purgatory, how can you be sure that you won't go to hell? As I said I am not trying to fight with you or anything of that nature; I am only wondering where you get your sense of assurance.
• Philippines
17 Jul 07
In case if you are confuse of have some question where did I get those things, or what chapter I got those information. I've give it to you next time. (Purgatory i mean on the first comment).
• United States
17 Jul 07
May I ask; are you a Jehovah's witness?
@urbandekay (18278)
10 Jan 09
Sounds like you are a believer in once saved always saved, did you catch Greybacks discussion on this? all the best urban
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• United States
18 Jul 07
I am not Roman Catholic but I thought they beleived that their souls would first go to purgatory then after they had worked off their sins they would then go to heaven.
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• United States
18 Jul 07
Yeah that about sums it up. But the problem with that is what happened to the salvation that was supposed to have been assured at baptism? (and then reconfirmed through the other sacraments)