i'm so freaked out , theirs a bat in my house

United States
July 17, 2007 4:07pm CST
I was going about my bussiness cleaning and what not today and all of a sudden my son looks up at the roof and says "Hey mom what is that?" I look at it and said I think it's a bat.. I am so freaking out over it.. I call my husband and he's laughing at me, I im a friend online and ask him what to do about it and he's busy laughing at me.. I'm thinking to myself this isn't funny.. But really it is.. What would you do if you had a bat in your house?
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20 responses
• United States
18 Jul 07
i absolutely LOVE bats! THe only reason i would get a bat out of me house is that i have cats and i wouldn't want them to eat the poor creature. Otherwise, i would enjoy the company of the lovely little winged friend i had made at let it have its fun in my house until it was ready to fly out on its own. my aunt and uncle were building a house awhile back (they have since sold it and moved). While they were building, they constantly had bats in the house. i remember one in psrticuler...a cute little fruit bat in the kitchen. It was so litte and so pretty. i named it, buti don't remember the name. This was YEARS ago now...
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• United States
18 Jul 07
Aww thats cute you named a bat, I bet you never seen that bat again did you... I do have cats actually 6 but i don't think my cats would be able to get to this one it was up on top of my roof of my house. I think the cat would have to have something to get up on to get to it. I know when my mom was took it down to let it loose she had to get on a stand.. I am not the type of person who likes bats. however my husband wasn't to happy when he got home and it was gone.. He likes them too.. I call him strange lol Thank you so much for your reply and have a great day!
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@Amstardam (1348)
• United States
17 Jul 07
haha! That happened to me when I was in Thailand. I was the personal nanny to two little girls in an orphanage. One day the older little girl came out to me and in broken English starts saying "POO!!! Big one!! Poo!! Butterfly!" She sometimes forgets to flush so I was assuming she was telling me about a giant poo she just took, haha! But eventually after he telling me those 3 words I realized it was something else. So I walk into the bathroom and see this huge bat hanging out on the toiler paper. I ushered the kids into their room and shut the door. In Thailand they have hoses next to the toilet to clean up after yourself. So I grabbed the hose and sprayed the bat until it eventually flew at me! I screamed and ducked, it barely knicked me and took off inside the bigger room of the house. I opened a door and it flew out. Whew!! Yeah...do you have a sprayer by your sink?? haha ;)
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• United States
17 Jul 07
i'm not touching that thing and no it was actually in my living room hanging from the roof, i tried to put a picture up with it in it but the picture didn't load, omg talk about scared out of my mind.. I don't like them things and so afraid they are going to like come after me if I were to go near it..
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• United States
18 Jul 07
I don't know I guess I just fear that one would, I'm not saying it was going to I just didn't want it too was all.. I mean what if one did though what would you do? I know they fly around and can't see very well while doing so thats why they scoop downwards I know they don't intend to get you though.
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@Galena (9110)
18 Jul 07
they don't come after you. why would a bat want to come after you. it just wants to get back out.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
18 Jul 07
OMG I would call animal control and tell them to get their butts out here ASAP.LOL We had a couple of them in our basement before but not in the house. Geez I hope you get that creepy thing out soon. Lets us know.
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• United States
18 Jul 07
Oh yes it's out of my house, I feel much safer now lol.. I just don't like them in my house they do belong outside right! My son though last night thought he heard it again and started freaking out. I told him even if it was it wasn't going to hurt him. He wouldn't take that for a answer though.. Thanks for your reply!
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I'd be out the door so fast it would be embarassing...those are the creepiest, freakiest looking animals out there. I freak out when there's a moth in the house for goodness sake. I don't handle creepy crawlies and that type of thing very well.
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• United States
17 Jul 07
i was outside for the longest time hoping that it just like go away I had the door open but of course it's not going to fly out in the day light.. I hate them I really do and they are like so ugly it scares me.. I kept walking around it hopping it wouldn't like jump down after me..
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• Belgium
18 Jul 07
i've been told that if you wanna get rid of a bat that stalks you ;-) , you need to place some blueberrys in a box , and let the critter eat them and close it ! not sure if its true though !
• United States
18 Jul 07
I never heard of that, Humm kinda interesting though not that I'd ever want to trap the poor things.. They have life too just like humans. Thanks for your reply.
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@Galena (9110)
18 Jul 07
when a bat got into my house, I opened the window and tried to encourage it back out again, while trying to get photos and a good look at it. it was a lovely little pipistrelle, and it was adorable. I love bats. they're really cute.
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• United States
18 Jul 07
This bat was not cute, it was pretty freaky looking it could of just been the way it was sitting though. I know there was no way of getting it back outside though. I was told that they are blind and only see black and white. and the light does something to them. I don't know i was taking pictures of the bat and its teeth were showing making noises.. That was a little freaky if you ask me. Someone asked me if it was fruit bat, I have never seen one of those before, kinda interested though on what they look like, this one was a regular one.Thanks for your reply and have a great day!
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• United States
18 Jul 07
ahh ok More things I didn't know, I think alot of people are learning from what you are saying here. I know I am. Thank you for sharing everything you have with us.
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• Philippines
18 Jul 07
i grew up with a bat flying over me, i guess its no big deal for me,...i remember in my parents house, there's one bat that love to stay in our bathroom, and would never leave, we just let it be, we say its our guard and keep our house safe when we leave
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• United States
18 Jul 07
I would say so too, I know if I were to go to someones house and seen a bat there I'd be running out faster than I came in. Some people do though keep them in their house, I remember a time that my grandfather had one in his house and he told everyone not to touch it, it was almost like his pet. But soon enough it flew out on it's own. Thanks for your reply and have a great day!
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Right after we had moved into the house my mom lives in now we had the same thing. My brother went downstairs to go to bed and yells up "Hey, Mom, there's a bird on the door!" Well, it was a bat on the doorjamb! It came flying up the stairs, we're all screaming and hiding under the tables. It's all flying around bumping into the walls. We opened the doors up and tried to shoo it out of the house. Finally, after it stepped all over our cinnimon rolls we had just finished making, it went out the door. My mom did the same thing as you, she called our dad all frantic not knowing what to do. Now we laugh about it :)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Funny story but,yeah now hours later after it all happened it was kinda funny.. My mom wasn't scared at all I think she was used it, she seems to have bats fly in here upstairs window alot.. It was kinda freaky though when I was taking a picture it was making noise. my husband said thats because it was trying to figure out where it was. omg when I looked at it it's teeth were so sharp it was like get it away, I did stand a distance away from it and made sure my head was away from it too.. They are ugly little guys that's for sure.. And you know what I think I found where it might have come in at. Right beside my bed my window was open, open enough for something like that to fly in.. I made sure tonite it was close so nothing can come in again lol thanks for the reply..
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I do remember getting a good look at the one that came in our house. It really freaked me out that it had little hands on the tops of its wings...
@Galena (9110)
18 Jul 07
if you look properly at the wing, it's very like a human hand, with extra long, webbed fingers. the bit that looked like a hand would have been the bats thumb.
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• United States
18 Jul 07
I don't want to freak you out more but they are prone to carrying rabies and it can be transferred through the air not just from a bite. You might want to call the health department. Hopefully you killed it and have saved it, it should be tested.
• United States
18 Jul 07
it's already gone actually we took it out of the house and put it outside. i don't believe it was in the house that long maybe over night.
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• United States
18 Jul 07
i have just gotten done reading about bats and rabies the only way you can get them is if your bitten by them i was not bitten nore was anyone else.. Can you please tell me who told you this? Thank you for your time.
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• United States
18 Jul 07
oh it's ok the only thing it did was hiss at me, i wasn't right in front of it though i mean face to face with it i was a distance away. (my mom would of been the closest to it than me) Of course I didn't want it to jump at me or anything like that. But like I've said I've talked to a few people and they told me as long as I didn't get bit by it I shouldn't have anything to worry about and I'm not going too.. I hate worrying about thing again thank you for your reply.
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@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I think I'd be scared but I'd also want the gross icky thing out of my house. I'd either call animal control and if they wouldn't come over right away, call an exterminator and if that cost too much or they wouldn't come right away. I guess it would be time for me to go into action. I'd get a broom and anything thing else that I think would help and whack it and kill it or chase it outside or probably just smash it really and then leave its body for my husband to dispose of [since he laughed, the turkey!]
• United States
17 Jul 07
The only bad thing is we don't have animal control where i live.. They would have to come from the town over, and that would probley cost me alot of money to get them here..
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• United States
18 Jul 07
I don't hate bats. But a bat in the house is a potentially disease-carrying vermin as are mice and rats and roaches. They are fair game in the house, family first and vermin is a threat. We have no way of knowing which ones have rabies or fleas that carry the plague.
@Galena (9110)
18 Jul 07
why the hell would you want to kill it? just out of spite? just open the windows and encourage it out, there is no need to kill something that's not doing you any harm, just accidentally come into your house. it wants to get back out, that's all. thank goodness it's illegal to deliberately kill a bat in the UK. they're a protected species. it's so sad how some people, through ignorance, want to kill something just for being there.
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I remember once we had a bat come down our chiminey when I was a kid and I tell you I was pretty freaked out I hate bats they just scare me I think there going to fly right on me and scratch me for somereason luckly when the bat came it fle out a door in less then an hour after it went upstairs to my sisters room but that was the only time a bad was ever in our house.
• United States
17 Jul 07
thats exactly how I feel when I see one, They just don't lighten up my day thats for sure. For some people it don't even bother them like my mom, she came right in and took it down and put it outside. I was just like OMG she's not scared at all. Thank you for your reply and have a great day!
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• United States
18 Jul 07
I agree with you though some are just scared of them and are just afraid they are going to do just that. Thats how I think anyway.
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@Galena (9110)
18 Jul 07
they're not going to fly on you and scratch you. come on, they eat gnats and moths. they're hardly going to try and eat you. they're not agressive or malicious, so they're not going to see you and want to hurt you. they just want to get back out again.
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• United States
18 Jul 07
I think I would freak out too! Is it a small bat or a big one? The best thing to probably do would be to get a broom and try to shoo him out of the house, keep all windows and doors open until he is gone.
• United States
18 Jul 07
It wasn't a big bat, OMG if it was I would of never came back in the house.. I really mean that too.. I didn't want to disturb it sense it really can't do much during the day I just wanted it out so I could be more relaxed.. Thanks for your reply!
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@vampoet (825)
• Singapore
18 Jul 07
I wouldnt freak out over a bat. Or a mouse or a possum or a squirrel or any other animals. But if it is a cockroach, Id let it enjoy my premises while I run away till its gone. If itz a bat...hmmm...Id probably keep it as a pet. But I hear they poop a lot. :p
• United States
18 Jul 07
Keep a bat as a pet. Humm I don't know about that at least not for me. Yeah they kill bugs and things but Never would I keep one as that.. Mainly when I seen the teeth they have and the noise they make.. To much for me lol Thanks for your reply and have a great day!
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@Galena (9110)
18 Jul 07
did you know that bats purr. tame bats, when being stroked, can be heard to purr, much like a cat.
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
17 Jul 07
If my dad was still alive, I would send him over to help you, because he was always on bat patrol at someones house. We did have a bat about 2 months ago. I could hear this noise and I turned on the light and there was a bat going round and round with the ceiling fan..I pulled the blanket over my head. My husband put our dog out of the bedroom, then he grabs his blanket and finally captures it..I was flipping out. My husband was laughing at me also..not because I was afraid but because of the way I was acting..If I had been alone, I would have shut the door and when downstairs to sleep..
• United States
17 Jul 07
well my mom came over and took it down and put it outside omg it was like making noises like hissing or a mate call or something i don't know. but it wasn't a pretty thing to see ishy.. I just don't like them and i wanted it out of my house.. My mom was busy laughing at me thinking it was the most funniest thing watching me do that. i told her it wasn't funny and she could stop laughing at any given time..
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@Galena (9110)
18 Jul 07
it wasn't hissing. it was seeing. the little high pitched squeaks and chittery noises they make are how they see (they actually don't have bad eyesight, but their echolocation is even better) the sound reflects off objects and back to their very sensitive ears, and builds a picture of what's around them. this is how they can catch very small, hard to see insects in the dark.
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
18 Jul 07
That is funny.. Ours got in the window that had our fan, and it didn't have a screen so he snuck in. I closed that window right away. The next day we put a screen in the window so all bats have to go somewhere else..LOL
@icelady (11)
• Belgium
18 Jul 07
If it were me having a bat issue , lol ? I guess i had to go to the neighbours to get some help , i don't hate them but i don't like bats either ! Good thing is that they're not that hard to catch , kinda slow movers whilst inside a house ! Pretty sure my neighbour would sort the matter out in seconds , he's not afraid of any animal as far as i know , lucky huh !
• United States
18 Jul 07
Yes very lucky actually.. Though my neighbors are never home I think they are constantly at work or something. Busy, busy people thats for sure.. Kinda sounds like my husband doesn't seem to be afraid of certain animals now me I'm chicken.. Thanks for the reply and have a great day!
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@venshida (4836)
• United States
18 Jul 07
If a bat was in my house, I would be finding some place else to stay until someone gets it out.
• United States
18 Jul 07
I don't blame you there,, Thats why i spent alot of time outside yesterday.. I would come in and see if it was still there. You know the funny thing is while I was doing my cleaning yesterday I never even noticed it until my son looked up and asked me. Thanks for your reply and have a wonderful day!
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Wow! I never heard of a bat being in someones house, but I guess it happens. LOL! If it was me, I would probably call the animal control or something...
• United States
18 Jul 07
Yeah it some how got in i don't know how though usally our doors are shut at night. Strange though if you ask me. I was going to post the picture but i forgot to upload it when i hit the post button.
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• United States
18 Jul 07
I think that you need to be carefull around bats. I know of someone who got a lung disease from bat droppings. The disease is called histoplasmosis and if gone untreated it can kill you. If you are not used to being around bats you have a greater chance of not being immune to it. Also if you think you might of been bit, get to a gospital ASAP.
• United States
18 Jul 07
It didn't do either of those two things it was just sitting up there really being harmless I just don't like them is all.. Alot of people don't as I can see from just this one post.. lol Hey were all different and nothing wrong with that! Thank you for your reply and have a great day!
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@golfproo (1839)
• Canada
18 Jul 07
Hi, I used to live on a farm and in the back shed that was attached to the house we basically had a bat infestation. They used to end up getting in the house all the time. I used to chase them out with a tennis racket. :) All kidding aside, if it is a single bat there is nothing to worry about. However, if it is a lot of them settin up residency around your house it will become a health concern. The droppings from bats can cause some serious problems. cheers,
• United States
18 Jul 07
Yes that's all it was just one bat no more than that. How ever this is the first time I've seen one sense moving here. I should expect there to be alot though sense I live around a bunch of trees and a lake.. Than again I never thought one would end up in the house! Thanks for our reply and have a great day!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
18 Jul 07
first I would freak as you are and then I'd be on the phone calling the local animal control. They will come and remove the bat for you. And then i would laugh about it.
• United States
18 Jul 07
Yes my mom though isn't part of animal control but she managed to handle it very well.. Now i wouldn't even touch it I'd let it sit there until it got ready to move again... But thats just me.. Thanks for your reply and have a great day!
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@bearfan (63)
• United States
17 Jul 07
That has happened to me about 6 years ago. It just started flying around the house and my kids and I ran outside into the rain to get away. I called the police and they sent an animal catcher and he said that he was glad that I didn't kill it (like I was going anywhere near it) so that he could test for rabbies
• United States
17 Jul 07
I for sure didn't want to be around the one in my house. I spend alot of time outside in the shade so I didn't have to look at it.. I know I am a chicken when it comes to things like that hanging from my roof but than again I don't want to be looking at them either.. Thanks for your reply and have a great day!
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