My 5 year old son was TOUCHED!!! And I'm DEVASTATED!!
By April
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
United States
July 17, 2007 6:09pm CST
Well folks..I am having so many emotions run threw my body i want to scream..hurt someone..cry...Today a few hours ago I found out that my son was touched and molested by a 12 year old boy!!! And this did it to his 5 year old sister too!! I live in the woods and i found out that this friend he has been playing with..well her brother takes them in the woods and makes them take off theer bottoms..and touches them,,and plays with my sons bum..and made them play with them selves!!! I have a doctors appt tomorrow to get him checked out,,and then get some therepy/ and whatever else i have to do..I called the mother which is a friend of mine and she more or less made excuses for him and I found out threw her he did it to his sister before!and she tried and made excuses thats hes adhd..I DONT WANT HEAR IT!! thats no excuse! thyat doesnt give him the ok to molest children..ESPECIALLY MINE!! i AM confused though if i shoudl take farther steps and press some kind of charges,,i mean his mom is my great friend..but this has to end and something has to be done...right??? What would u do?
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41 responses
@kimthedane (945)
• Denmark
18 Jul 07
I think your own sons safety goes before this friendsship. What this friend is doing/have done is pretty serious, and nothing excuse this sort of behaviour. I think you should try have another chat with your friend and tell her that you cannot accept her sons behaviour nor live with the fear of what else can happen. If she will not take your concerns seriously, then i doubt she is such a good friend after all. Sure you should press charges, not much else you can do to protect your son from it all happening again. Hope you get to the buttom of this. All the best.
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@sugarfloss (2139)
• Malaysia
18 Jul 07
I'm sorry to hear about your son,cloudkicker!Hope you get everything done!You're a great Mum and he'll love you for what you're doing for him.Take care!
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@gloria777 (1674)
• India
18 Jul 07
You have to report the incident to the police and educate your child too so that he can be aware in future.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I am so sorry to hear that cloud_kicker. I know you have been given lots of advice already so i just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear this *hugs*
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@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
18 Jul 07
Eventhough the mother is your friend still its not a good excuse for you to not make any actions at all. Nobody has any right to take advantage of other people's children especially if its a minor. Go to a police. Take your son to a doctor and you're right a therapy would be of good help for him, just imagine the trauma it caused him. Our children are very precious and we'll do whatever it takes to protect them. Maybe because of what happened you'll be able to save other children as well from being molested by that boy in the future. Cause if you're not going to take any actions right now, the mother will make excuses again and again, and it won't stop.
Just be strong. Talk to your family & friends it will help a lot. Take care.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I am so sorry that you had to go through that. Children who molest other children have been molested themselves at times, you are definately going to want to put your child in therapy as soon as you can. He will need to talk to a professional about this and get some advice on how to handle his feeling when he is in this state. Again, I am so sorry that you had to go through this.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Just a note, In the US, doctors have to report it and it will be checked out. You will not have to do it. They will take it in their own hands. They are required to report it to the authorities. The mother should not be taking it so lightly. Her son has a problem and needs to deal with it. I would leave it in the Doctors hands and not bring on too much attention to your son. You don't want him to feel that he has done anything wrong.
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@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
18 Jul 07
Cloud_kicker wether she is your friend or not you are there to protect your child .Mine didn`t protect me when i was little and i was raped .Ihave had to deal with this and many more incidences in my life .PLEASE go to the police and talk to them .This will effect your child for the rest of his life ,you might think that he is too young to remember but it will never go away .You have said the words "there is no excuse" and thats exactly right .When my parents found out about my brother raping me and my sisters all they did was cover it up well that has totally stuffed my life and now that of my family .
You should make sure that this child doesn`t do it to anyone again because if he gets away this time he WILL do it to some other child .You can STOP IT NOW.
Ijust hope your son gets the help he needs to be able to live with this.
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
18 Jul 07
yes Hope..u are so right,,And i am so damn sorry u ever had to go threwit as a child..everything is coming in p[lace now..his temper..the way hes been acting..everyhting is adding up..and i feel like a hiorrible mom for not knowing or feeling somthing big was wrong..but i will be takin al the steps i need to son is everyhting to me and this needs to be erased asap from hjis litle head!ty for your concern..illl keep u updated..
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Oh wow! I would have to ask how good of friends you really are. Because pressing charges will ruin the friendship. But if you can not get past ruins the friendship anyways.
If the friendship is gone charges. The child needs to learn there are consequences. The child being ADHD has nothing to do with it!
I have ADHD boys and they have never done anything like that! They know that I would hurt them! ha ha ADHD is no excuse!!!! Do not accept that.
Also...keep in mind, sometimes children like that act this out because it has happened to that child. could be helping the child by pressing charges too. There would be an investigation. And not saying that the parents are abusing the child...but it could be an aunt or uncle or a distant child care provider.
I am very sorry for your pain and your son's!!!!
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
18 Jul 07
WHAT! I would for sure get the authorities involved! Someone could be doing that to your friends son which could be why he is doing it! PLEASE tell someone!!
Taking him to the doctor is a good idea too.
I can't believe your friend is so nonchalant about it!
I would be fuming! Heads would roll!!
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@orli1301 (33)
18 Jul 07
You should certainly get the police involved. I know this must be devastating for not only your son, but yourself as well. Getting the police involved will not only prevent this boy from molesting other children and may also help discover if the boy who touched your son has been abused himself. The police may be able to put you in touch with support groups or offer you and your son help/ advice.
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
18 Jul 07
yes your right..your all right..its just goin to kill me because of everything she has done for us..but yes..he needs to learn what he did was wrong..and who knows whatever children he has done this too..and when i aasked if she talked to him;;again noo he didnt do it..wel i sur ein hell know he did..he showed us on his stuffed animals. soo yea the more i have been readin my reposnses the more its hitting me in the brain to just do it..thank you both:)
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
18 Jul 07
You are very welcome. Please let us know how it goes.
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@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I feel so terrible reading your discussion, for one, because I have also been through this ordeal, and I know what it can lead to.
For two, no child should have to go through this.
I will pray to my Gods and Goddesses that he doesn't suffer mental problems due to this like I have.
You should definetelly seek the authorities.
I would contact them RIGHT NOW and definetelly press charges.
Like Jimbo said, if you let it slide, the 12 year old boy will just continue ruining peoples lives, and could end up being a rapist.
Good luck to you, and your son.
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
18 Jul 07
jenn you are absoloutely right..this is goin to mess him up so abdly,,hes very inte;;igent for his age and im afraid he may just understand a little more than i want to the cycle stops here with him ..NOW!! and i pray for his sister..shes such abeautful girl..and to have this ha[p[pen to her?its DISGUSTING!!
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@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I must add that there is NO excuse for this 12 year old boys behavior, ADHD or not.
There is NEVER a good excuse.
And I am glad you are going to seek help for your child professional wise, it will work wonders on him.
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@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
18 Jul 07
You should do something to stop this boy from doing those horrible things, and explain it to his mom that you have to do this to help that boy too, and that you are not doing it only for your kid but for the others whom he molested too.
Shower your son with so much love, he needs it more now and make him sure he's at no fault.
My prayers are with you.
@tina12679 (1126)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I am so tuely sorry to hear that this has happened to your son and I will pray for him and you. God will guide you through this. You are handling this alot better then I would. But I agree with everyone else that something needs to be done. Especially since his mother is making excuses for him instead of trying to teach him that this is wrong. If nothing else to help his sister since her own mother isnt helping her. I am sure that there may be some reason as to why your friend is acting the way she is but the boy needs help and if he isnt stopped now he will continue to do it. Good Luck My friend !!!
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@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
18 Jul 07
well first i would feel the exact same way, but in a calm matter i would first talk to his mom and tell her what happened if she already didn't know. And have the kid be confronted of it.. In hopes he will tell the truth. I would talk to her and tell her to talk to her child about this because yes it is some serious stuff..(in which you have already done) Yes I would press some kind of charges friend or not, your child doesn't need this in his life. I know that sounds extreamly bad but if it were my child and someone did this to him i would be just angry.. Or i would make it so that they didn't have any contact what so ever.. Your child is precious in every way i am very sure of that.. I am deeply sorry this has happened to your child and i do wish the best for the both of you.. Best wishes
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Yes..i did talk to her..and a second time..i let her daughter stay here tonight..above all the stress from this..her husband is gonna die anytime now,,and im afraid im gonan set him off now..but anyways..of course he denied it and shes on his side..morre in denial..and theres gonna be a hige wakeup..because this should never had happened..especially after he did it before to his own sister thats5 and when she was younger,,i just want to cry..and cry but it wont come out..i have such anger in me i feel i need to explode!! thank you so much for the complment of Skylar..i wil kepp yas updated tomorrow..take care!
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Run-- Do not walk- Go to the police- Can you imagine if this boy is raping other kids- If I knew someone touched my daughter inappropriately I would call the police first and then ask questions later- This boy seems pretty messed up- Your poor son and his poor sister- this mom is oblivious- and she really needs help- If she knows this kind of thing is going on- Hello-- she is just as accountable- Please report this- this boy may be harming other children- You don't want to hear this and in the back of your mind- think if only I reported this- he wouldn't be touching other kids!
@laridbz (1280)
• China
18 Jul 07
Yes, I also think you should involve the police. I know it's easy to say, when it didn't happen to me. But anyway, that's the right thing to do and you know it. Probably his mother has no idea about what his son has been doing, so I think you should talk to her first, but making clear you WILL contact the police about it.
How did you find out about it? Your son told you about it, you saw something or you simply suspect? First you gotta be sure that you're accusing the 12 year old boy fairly, right?
@stepintostep (25)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I agree totally with the others about involving the police. Also, social services will evaluate this child's mother to the reason of why she didn't seek help when her own daughter was violated by this boy. I remember years back this problem kid or bully in the neighborhood that terrorized other kids, he was 13. We kept telling our parents and teachers that he was trouble and doing things he was not suppose to. One day after school, the bully walked home everyday because he was thrown off the bus. He tied this other kid 12 to a tree, who by the way was mildly retarded, he just lived right up the road from the school and raped him. Everybody was appalled by this behavior. I couldn't understand why when we kept telling them that he was trying to touch us inappropiately. If somebody had of took the iniatiative when we first tried to tell then this poor boy would have never got raped. You see this kid who did this to your son probably was molested to. Now he is doing this behavior he learned. Please, never leave your kids unattended, I'm not saying it is your fault but now a days you can trust no one. I took my own son to the women's restroom with me up until he was 10 years old because of the guy in the MC Donald's restaurant who molested the boy in the men's restroom. I know you are hurt and disappointed, and probably want to do something drastic right now. But, try to keep your cool, for your own sanity as well as for moral support for your son. I was molested at 18 months of age, I don't remember the incident but my mom remembers and she told me when I was 18 years of age, not to hurt me but to open my eyes to a world of adversity. My thoughts and prayers are with you and God bless you and your son.
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@lbp1961 (45)
• Canada
18 Jul 07
First of all, poor you. I feel your pain. You must feel so helpless.
I think too that you should involved the police. The mother is obviously overwelmed with the actions of her son. He needs therapy. Because he will take this further for sure.
Now for your son, as long as there is discussion with him and the situation is made to be in the open so that he sees that he did nothing wrong, all will be okay.
I pray for you and your family.
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
18 Jul 07
What makes me angry is that she told me that he has done it before to his sister..and now she is more or less denying it and sayin there is no way it happened..and he never got in any trouble..of course he isnt goin to say he did it..he knows thats wrong! and he is in therepy..hes adhd..and soemthign else maybe not sure..but thats just no excuse..i understand that she doesnt want to believe her child did it..but he did..and yes im goin to take it as far as i can so it doesnt happen anyone..
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