What Keeps You From Sleeping?

sleeping - get to have some sleep!
July 18, 2007 1:05am CST
No matter how tired I can be, but my dog outside keeps on barking - I can't sleep! This really upsets me because the time when I'm already sleeping, my dog suddenly barks because of something, then I instantly wake up... I don't like taking sleeping pills.. Err.. I'm kind of scared of them.. Heard news about people dying due to sleeping pills.. Eeeek!
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7 responses
• United States
18 Jul 07
sadly my brother keeps me up all night because he's always watching tv or playing video games, and its sad since we share the same room...hahahaha i dont know anything about sleeping pills or the affects of them, but im really happy that i dont have a dog! -safe
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• Philippines
18 Jul 07
can't you tell him off? hehe.. unless he's you're younger brother, can't do the telling off that much, can you?
• Philippines
18 Jul 07
get rid of the television? just like that? your bother would probably object..haha.. :)ΓΌ
• United States
18 Jul 07
ha!, nah... i think i can probably learn to tune it out...and if that fails i could always just get rid of the television and buy a bunch of books..hahaha
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I am wide awake and its 3.15am already. I think its because my son and I had a nap earlier on and even though he is fast asleep, I can't get to sleep. I am hoping to also talk with my hubby online as he is overseas at the moment so I would rather chat with him before I lay down to sleep, if I can that is.
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• Philippines
18 Jul 07
3:15am? wow.. do you think it's healthy to still be up late? i mean, nap's a good thing. but a good long sleep is different. that's part of being healthy, aint it? :)
• Philippines
18 Jul 07
wOow! haha.. that's cool. even my mom does that. she's addicted to sidney sheldon books and stephen kings. in one night, she insists on reading the entire book. hehe..! :) well,as long as you get to rest during the day, i guess tis fine. :) thanks
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
18 Jul 07
It is all part of being healthy is by getting a good nights sleep, but for some reason I can't LOL I tried lying down with my son and closing my eyes but I ended tossing and turning for about an hour. So I decided to waste my time away on mylot. If I get bored I am going to read a book. Mind you my son has to get up at 7.30am so I can take him to his activity class downtown by 9am LOL I hope I am still awake by then haha!
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• Philippines
18 Jul 07
Computer games usually kept me awake late at night. WraithStrider http://www.wraithstrider.com
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• United States
18 Jul 07
im gonna check that out!, i like playing computer games...would you recommend that one?
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• Philippines
18 Jul 07
computer games - playing computer
haha.. typical guy. well, at least you're having fun with playing computer games. unfortunately, i have to deal with my barking dog. drives me nuts.
@skydancer (2101)
• United States
19 Jul 07
Things that keep me from sleeping: light, voices or any kind of unsolicited noise whatsoever (I have to block it out with a fan or noisemaker), thunderstorms (again, that goes with the noise), any recurring disturbing thoughts on my mind, too much energy, etc... to put it simply, I am an insomniac! Unless I am just burned out from exhaustion, I cannot sleep. It takes a lot to burn me out too... I do control this with melatonin though.
@2wicelot (2945)
19 Jul 07
I am a kind of person who does not like taking a kinds of medicine or pills for anything. I like everything to be natural. I try not to take any medicines even when I have a headache. And I don't think I will take anything to help me sleep as well. I know coffee does not keep me awake but rather it helps to facilitate my sleeping. Weird right.
@yeewong (73)
• United States
18 Jul 07
do u like to read...if u dont, great...everytime i try reading, i instantly start getting tired....ive heard of swimming, walking, calming music....have u ever tried getting a soothing massage. im a massage therapist & ive had clients tell me that they r slepping better since ive been working on them.... i dont suggest u take naps cuz then u really wont sleep at night...u need to do things in the day that will tire u out & force urself to stay up till bedtime...... good luck girl
• Philippines
18 Jul 07
the problem isn't with my eyes or my muscles. it's with my ears. when my dog barks, i hear noise; therefore, i really can't sleep. thanks for the advices though..:)
@subathra (3519)
• India
18 Jul 07
I enjoy sleeping and follow time to go to bed and awake early to get back to my routine.I dont want anything to disturb my sleep and get annoyed if something happens that disturbs my sleep so silly. I cant sleep with lights on..but other things like a television on, music with low volume or someone talking which i can manage.