If you had the chance 2 spend a day with your EX now, what would you do?
By deadraven999
@deadraven999 (1386)
Saudi Arabia
July 18, 2007 6:43am CST
What would you do if your ex (the one you had been in love with for years), all of a sudden appears before you? What would you do if you had the chance to spend with him a full day????? Just imagine and share it here with us ....
As for me, My relationship with my ex girlfriend wasn't stable although it lasted for 4 years. There was plenty of pain, highs and lows as everybody else but in our case it was intense and heavy. If I had the chance now 2 spend one complete day with her, I would want take my time talk with her, there were plenty questions when we broke apart that need an answer, would love 2 retrieve our good n' sweet memories, I don't want 2 plan or write a scenario for what's gonna happen but would leave it open as it may come, I would love it 2 happen in a remote sweet place away from everybody ..
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22 responses
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
Hi there, I hear ya, thanks for the response and sorry 4 the late reply from my side.
@apricotrains (456)
• Melbourne, Australia
21 Jul 07
I would make him spend the day with his son. Not that he would. He has NEVER spoken to him in the 14 years he has been alive. I would then procede to slap the EX about the head just to let him know that from NOW on he WILL be paying for his son's schooling, clothes, food, ect. Not that he would because he has denied parternity ever since I told him I was expecting his child.
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@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
I know it is tough when things are the way you described. Things aren't always easy and smooth. Wishing you and your son the very best.
Thanx 4 ur response and sorry 4 my late reply.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I never really got to date the one I fell in love with. He was my best friend all through school and we did many things together. At 1 time we ended moving our basic friendship to friends with benefits. Next thing I knew he disappeared and I couldent find him to tell him how I really felt.
Recently we have been reunited and we went out together yo hang out and catch up and I had a chance to tell him how I felt back then and he told me that he knew all along but was a fraid if we took our friendship to the dating level that it would ruin the friendship.
If I had a chance to do it all over again but as adults instead I would tell him how I feel from the start and ask if we could give it a try and see what happins. The thing is if it dosnt work out then for it wouldent stop me from being friends with him. He is a great guy and a blast to have arround. (Plus he is good in bed ;)
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@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
So what I understand it was just a school crush in the beginning then turned out to be feelings. I understand, it is difficult when you fall in love with a friend, you'll be always alert and afraid that if love falls apart you'll lose that person 4ever. So I admire you had the courage 2 reveal your feelings to him when you reunited but what about now ? is there any chance you could two meet as adults ?? wish you good luck then.
Thanks for the response and sorry for my late reply ....
@Anniedup (3651)
• Richards Bay, South Africa
18 Jul 07
My ex and I are still good friends, although he is married now, we still see each other on a regular basis. I hope you get a chance to ask her all the unanswered question my friend. But above all I wish you great success and hope all goes well. I'm holding thumbs!
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@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
Hi there Annie ...
You know Annie, that's real cool you two are still good friends. Mature relationships and friendships last. Well regarding my ex, she once in awhile shows up but as you know from previous discussions, she is extremely moody and our relationship passed thru' real tough times, it has become a bit hard that we meet right now, I just hope we do. She disappears and all of a sudden gives me a call, that's what she is doing now.
Thank you very very much for your valuable response and apology 4 my late reply xxx
@silver_shaddow (1204)
18 Jul 07
Tough question to answer my dearest friend.
I could NEVER see my X again, not even co-incidently on the street, to even spend one whole pre-planned day alone with her. I'd probably kill her!!
What she has done to me during and after our relationship is way BEYOUND imagination, beyound trust, beyound lies and conspiracy and way far beyound betrayal. My anger for her, cannot be contained, becuase I loved her so much it's affecting any new relationship I might venture into. My wounds have only BEGUN to heal. Seeing her will reopen them all @ once and the circle begins again.
As for "answering" questions and remembering "good times", The last time I saw her was my final attempt to get her back. I spent not 1 day with her, but 7. We did exactly that. She refused all my attempts, only to find out that she was ALREADY dating OTHER men in a bigamous reltionship.
LOGICALLY speaking: If I had a chance to see her, without letting my anger get in the way, all I would say to her is " how could you?"
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
I know the pain you had been thru'. I was awaiting your answer honestly to this post. You know, you really love this woman, period. Whether I agree or disagree on how the relationship was handled by both of you but one thing for sure, she lost a guy who really loved her. Every word you wrote down shows how much you still love her. You know something ? sometimes even if you had the chance to ask her: how dare you? or how could you? I don't think you'll get an acceptable or soothing answer.
Thank you very much for your participation and sorry 4 my late reply my dear friend.
@sweetmae27 (181)
• Philippines
18 Aug 07
hi! i only have 1 ex-bf and when i am given a chance to spend a day with him, i would like to spend it just by talking. going back to memory lane and reminice the times we spent together.
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
19 Aug 07
Hi there, that's sweet, I guess some of our past moments are so precious that we'd do anything 2 live them again.
Thank you sweetmae27 for your input and lookin 4ward 2 hear more from you.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
21 Jul 07
While I do have an ex (sort of) he wasn't the kind of guy I'd been in love with for years. That kind of love doesn't die. This guy and I had more of a fling, than a relationship. Outside of the bedroom, we discussed such topics as religion and politics. This was especially interesting since I'm Christian and he's Muslim.
I am now engaged to THE LOVE OF MY LIFE and if my ex-fling were to show up, there'd be no interest. I never allow myself to meet people with whom I can't remain friends, so if he and I were to meet again, we'd end up going out for coffee and discussiong religion and politics like a pair of old friends.
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
You have a point, how can you meet people with whom you don't see eye 2 eye. You know it is not all about bedroom. If you don't have things in common or you don't feel comfortable, you simply can't meet him. If you two could deal like a pair of old friends that would be cool.
Thanks a lot for the response.
@jayalaksmi (1039)
• India
18 Aug 07
I would love to spend the day with my ex. I would have talked with her the whole day and would had repeated my old days. I would had make her remember my old days and would love to get a day like that.
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
19 Aug 07
Hi Jay, thank you for your response. And honestly, I don't blame you. Most of us miss moments like that and wish 2 retrieve them even if it is just one day.
Thank you again for your participation..
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
19 Jul 07
I ahve an ex which I am very close to up to now, not only with him but with the rest of his family also, we haven't seen each other for quite a while now since he work overseas, but if I have to spend a day with him..maybe we'll have endless chats of what's goin on in our own lives, talk about our own family,his wife and my husband, and maybe reminsce some good,old memories, we will definitely have lot's of fun and laughter..but of course, I have to include my hubby with me. :)
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
Very nice answer and good to see really mature answers like this one here. I do have respect for what you said.
Thank you very much for your valuable answer and looking forward 2 hear more from you. Sorry for my delayed comments.
@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
18 Jul 07
Hey.. Very nice topic thanx..
For me:
1- If my ex appeared I will not notice him, won't look at him, will just ignore n feel nothing...
2- In syria we say (fashar) -hope u know what it means- will never waste a minute of my life with him...
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
Hi there Dew .....
Nice always to see you around
Well from your answer I figure, he doesn't mean that much to you, anyway you may have a point, what can I say ? :D
Thanks 4 the response and apology 4 my delayed answer.
@yammydudes (865)
• Philippines
19 Jul 07
ex boyfriend? well, my one and only ex-boyfriend is my husband...
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
Hi there, I see.
Thank you so much for adding me to your friend's list.
Thank you again for your participation.
Looking 4ward 2 hear more from you and sorry for my delayed reply.
@asawako48162 (3321)
• United States
19 Jul 07
i think it would be sweet to think we could go back to how things were were our former lovers g/f or B/f
we were younger and i know not as learned in certain area's ..
some women need more time others i should have just took them and got it over with...it is different with different people..some i don't believe i would want to see them on their best days or mine
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
I fully understand. It varies from one case to another. But it would be sweet if both of you could talk and retrieve some sweet memories sometimes.
Thank you for the response and sorry for my late reply.
@nutea_anin (281)
• Indonesia
23 Jul 07
no no no and no! i don't want to spend a day with my ex! not even a second,minute...no way! there's nothing to talk about,nothing to be discussed. He's just a really bad b****rd i've ever met in my life and for that i'm really sorry for my self
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
23 Jul 07
I understand your point. So often after breakup things aren't really fine so it really depends on the situation.
Thank you for your participation.
@temptress1 (40)
• Philippines
19 Jul 07
talk to him, ask how he is doing in his life and make friends again and forget the past..move on...
@Graymsqtech (496)
• United States
18 Jul 07
ex for a reason I would probably keep it distant. I dont want to get caught up in the old good waiting for the old bad to get me hurt again.
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
If the relationship was a tough one, some prefer to keep a distance so they don't get hurt again, i hear you.
Thanx 4 the response and sorry 4 the late reply.
@golfproo (1839)
• Canada
18 Jul 07
Good question,
I am not sure I would want to spend a day with my ex however. There was a reason we split and it was because we were not compatible and had no connection. I am sure it would only be a matter of time before the talk ended up in a fight...which is why we split up in the first place. So I guess my answer would be I would not want to.
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Right now that would be my dream to spend a day with my ex. We were together for 5 years when he abruptly ended it.
I would really like to spend the day with him and his family because I really liked them and we got along great. After that I would love to have some alone time with him for some hugging and kissing. That would make me so happy!
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
I hear you. It would be a dream. All I want to do is spending one complete day with my ex, feel her hugs and kisses again, it would really make me happy. Things were kinda similar here, it was more than a 4-year relationship and it ended in a way that I didn't like. I do miss her honsestly and I fully understand how you feel.
Thanks for your response, thanks for adding me to your friend's list and sorry 4 my late reply.
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
18 Jul 07
Hello deadraven999,
If I had a chance to spend the whole day with my ex, I will just spend it in a public place like a restaurant or a shopping mall, do nothing except talking!
I will definitely want to know about his life, what happened after we broke up and if he is married, how is his marriage life and the kids (if any). I don't have anything to regret about our past relationship and don't feel like talking about it anymore. I really do not have any special feeling left for him except as one of the ordinary friends of mine. For me, the past is past and I only think about my future. Right now, I belong to my husband and it will remain as that.
But thinking about it again, I think I don't want to spend the whole day with him anymore. Maybe an hour or two! LOL!
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
Thank you for the response. I mean the whole thing is kinda wishful thinking, what if it happened, that is. I fully understand you point.
Thanx again 4 the response, sorry 4 the late reply.
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
Nice to hear that things are quite smooth between you two despite the break up.
Thank you for the response and sorry 4 my late reply.
@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jul 07
ha ha you could have picked the one who meant to you so much coz I believe the case varies from one ex 2 another.
Thanx 4 the response and sorry 4 the delay in replying 2 u.