HELP!!! My reputation sacked 20 points within 4 days. Why???

@vivienna (582)
July 18, 2007 9:18am CST
I can't understand this. I left friday with 93/100 and wake up today with 73. Anybody has an answer????? please help me understand myLot rating system. Where it some angry mylotters? Please tell me how I managed to get your anger. Was it MyLot system? I'm very confused. Was it because this month I posted less? Did you make a similar experience? Do you have insider knowledge about the reasons why this may happen? I'm really discouraged. HELP!
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2 responses
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
18 Jul 07
I hope you get your star back, I gave you a couple of + ratings, I think others will do the same. If you keep posting more discussions and answers, the reputation will not fluctuate so easily. Some discussions that you have responded to might be deleted so it is probably not your fault. But donĀ“t worry, just keep posting and having fun, everything will be sorted out in some way, I am sure of that. After all, it is your personality that counts, not a star...
@vivienna (582)
• Venezuela
18 Jul 07
Thanks to you. Yes, of course, I'll continue to post and to start discussions. Just wanted to get a bit of explication... Thanks again.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
18 Dec 07
Happened to me. I offended one of the Wiccans and there is a lot of them here. Then many of her friends gave me negatives. People assume it is because you or someone violated myLot rules, but in many cases, it is not so. Even an innocent response or post can be taken the wrong way and then it leads to a fight. The only way to avoid it is to carefully check your interests and read the posts that the ones you want to be your friends make. We are supposed to only mark minus those that are nonsensical and obscene, not those who does not agree with us. And we should not gang up on one particular myLotter. It takes longer to get the ratings up than it does to get the ratings down.