I quit!
By dreamertink
@dfollin (25543)
United States
July 18, 2007 2:05pm CST
I have been trying for a while to find a way to make money online.I found some and they want me to put up money to get started which I can't afford,then there were other's where I have to bug my friends and family about buying stuff or joining something and I cannot do this all homebased.I found these PTC/PTR,but unless you belong to a bunch of them and get referrals you aren't going to make much money.I used a bit of my food money to get a website.I worked hours on it joining these programs and adding them to my site and advertising the site.But,I did not make enough to cover my website fee.My computer broke.So,I had to rent one.I was told that I can open a blog for free and make money thru that easily.The past week and a half I have been spending hours again working on that.Yesterday afternoon I spent hours working on it.Then last night when I went to log in some more to add something I received a message that my blog was closed because I had told people in a few making money from home discussion boards about my blog and that is blog spam.If I cannot tell anyone about it how am I supposed to making money with a blog easily? Iam not going to make any money to pay the rent on this computer by the end of next week.
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11 responses
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Don't give up-- It takes time- all things take time in life- I can't make any money online either- But I have not tried- really- I work outside the house- I'm sure there is a good way to make money online- you just have to find it- DOn't give up- especially if you really need the extra cash!
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I know that it take's time.I have been trying this for quite a few years.And this is not extra cash.I get enough from socail security survivors benefits to pay the rent and utilities,one tank of gas and my car insurance.I need to make money to buy food,pay for my computer rental(so I can work) a small loan against my car I had to get to help pay for our move,church tithes,household products and bill to the cemeteryhat still leaves us without health insurance.
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@kimthedane (945)
• Denmark
19 Jul 07
Sorry to hear about all your distress making money, but you are not alone. I myself tried for a few years, not to make a living but just a little spending money, and instead of making money i found that it cost me a fortune, without bringing me any closer to my goal. Eventually i decided to give up too and today take great pleassure knowing the money and time im saving on something that just seem too impossible.
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@nolipo (407)
• United States
19 Jul 07
Gosh, sorry to hear about all that. I just started working with a company (a real one, no crap stuff) that helps non-profits with fundraising. It's hard work, no get rich fast stuff. And we have big named stores onboard, such as walmart, home depot, amazon.com. target... i could go on (its over 1300) but could message you the link to more information about it? I know we're not supposed to put that stuff here.
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@asawako48162 (3321)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I never though of renting a computer. Maybe you could have have one take over the rental agreement of your computer if it cost too much to return before the lease is up?
I have a six year old HP Pavilion that runs kind of slow but it does at least operate and I also go the the local library to use thiers for an hour time frame.
I have a neighbor who is out of work and he just worked on my computer and is checking out the possiblities of upgrading my 128 Ram to at least 256 or higher..but I am cost conscious as I told him I don't want to put in a lot of money in an old system.
How can you rent a computer? and what is the approx. cost? this sounds interesting as I was thinking of renting a camper for a vacation. cause I don't want to buy one as I don't know if i would like it..
well I am sorry about your not making money on the computer...good luck with your next business endeavors
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@asawako48162 (3321)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Thanks this old HP Pavilion still runs but it does stick and it is slow..so maybe taking a memory chip down to Spaples and see if I can get it brought up to more ram? well first I have to see if it is cost effectivee.have a nice day and enjoy your new computer
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@ppack88 (25)
• Canada
18 Jul 07
Ouch! Sounds like you've had it quite rough. I'm just starting to get into the game of online earning and I've run into a few of those earn-from-home programs that require you to buy a kit that's like $1500...at any rate, I've read around places that you need probably a good amount of time before your income starts to pickup from those things, like several months to maybe a year (I'm not sure on this though, I kind of freaked out the first time one called me, lol - I thought to myself that was a pretty good signal that path wouldn't be good for me). Anyway, if you still want to give a little go at it I have a few suggestions (just hear me out...). First off, try getting a free website from somewhere like weebly.com or geocities and then just transfer over your source code. It's probably not so professional but I got introduced to all this online earning concept from a weebly site so if anything that's a testimonial that free websites can work for you...also, maybe you've tried this program already or maybe not but I think it's worth a try. It's called marketingpond. Basically, it groups a bunch of programs together for you and provides you with tools to help build your downline. It's really great (I'm in it myself) since it really helps to organize alot of the resources that you would need (the program is more like an organizer and a MASSIVE downline builder for the site admin). You promote one url (the marketingpond one) and it takes care of promotion for maybe 15-20 programs through it. Now, just to give you a heads up the programs that it bunches together are the ones where you have to build a referral line but hey, it's all free so yea...anyway, my ref link is at the bottom so check it out and see what you think.
ref link: http://www.marketingpond.com/ref.cgi/13324/
P.S. I checked your profile and it said you live in the US. This puts you in an advantageous position since at marketingpond there are some paid-to-do programs that are more specifically geared toward US residents (I live in Canada so I kinda get the short end of the stick). Some of their offers are really easy like sign up for a free trial for something (maybe an online dvd rental service, or some weight loss green tea) and they pay you quite handsomely - sometimes like $10.00 or more or you redeem points for $20.00 gift cards and stuff like that. Well anyway, this is quite the postscript (and message, sorry for being so verbose and thank you for reading this all the way through if you did - you seem very stressed and I know when I am I always seem to have no time to do anything). I really hope financially everything is ok because using your food money to pay for a website worries my abit (I don't think you should sacrifice your health at the expense of making money but that's just my opinion, I'm not trying to say anything offensive or the sort). I guess message me if you have any questions.
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@punlonnjack (1308)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I can help you I think. Send me a message and I will reply. It dont want to promote the site. I think this will interesting to you since you are serious and its free. Its also easy.I ve done it myself. Its resonabily quick.You get paid twice a month.

@murali_passion1989 (356)
• India
19 Jul 07
You cannot make fortunes overnight. It needs patience
perseverance and concerted efforts. I hope you got it.
Am i right ?
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@squrrly26 (556)
• United States
18 Jul 07
You should try out the game site Moola. You play against other people in hi/lo..ro sham bo fu and gold rush. They give you the money to start playing with so you never have to spend your own money. I have actually been paid by them so I know for a fact it is not a scam site. The only way to join is to be invited by another member of the site so not just anyone can sign up on it. I have invites if you would like one just message me your email addy and I will be sure to send one to you.
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I know how frustrating it is believe me. It took me over a year to figure out what worked and what didn't. About your blog: What kind of blog is it? Are you using blogger? If so I don't know why it would get closed for telling people about it. That is not blog spam. Here is how I have been making my money. I write articles for Associated Content and have been paid for them. If they like the article they will pay you anywhere between $3 and $20 per article you write and they will publish it on their site. You will have your own Content Producer page and if you promote it really good and get good page views then you will earn from the page view bonus. Although I will warn you that you don't make a lot from the page views but they will pay you to write articles for them. And they are free to join.
Now here is how I make money with my blog. Right now I can only use one blog because you have to wait 90 days before your blog will be approved by most of the "pay you to blog" sites. I was told that to earn the most money with these sites you should have at least 5 blogs and this can earn you $1,000 a month. Blogsvertise will take your blog after it is close to 60 days old. I know how much this sucks to wait but this is the only way to get approved by these sites. I have another blog that will be ready for approval very soon and I started another one which still has a couple of months. I am also starting 2 more blogs. This will be very hard work but it will be worth it in the long run since I will be hopefully making $1,000 a month.
If you haven't joined Associated Content yet and would like to then send me a PM and I will send you the link. I hope this information helps and I know you are frustrated right now but with a little hard work you can make a decent income online. :)
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@asawako48162 (3321)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I never though of renting a computer. Maybe you could have have one take over the rental agreement of your computer if it cost too much to return before the lease is up?
I have a six year old HP Pavilion that runs kind of slow but it does at least operate and I also go the the local library to use thiers for an hour time frame.
I have a neighbor who is out of work and he just worked on my computer and is checking out the possiblities of upgrading my 128 Ram to at least 256 or higher..but I am cost conscious as I told him I don't want to put in a lot of money in an old system.
How can you rent a computer? and what is the approx. cost? this sounds interesting as I was thinking of renting a camper for a vacation. cause I don't want to buy one as I don't know if i would like it..
well I am sorry about your not making money on the computer...good luck with your next business endeavors
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