Why Abortion Is A Terroristic Action.
By mwashu360
@mwashu360 (366)
July 19, 2007 5:37am CST
I would say that a thousand times without being intimidated by those who hate the Law of God.
Abortion in essence and in all it natures involves and entails deliberate termination of innocent life or lives.
The crime is distributed from the one wishing it to be done to the one doing it.
Which means even doctors have several counts and charges of murder and killing to answer before the creator none of which they would escape from.
Since it is only God who gives and takes away life,it would just for him and only him to undertake that task.
Life is so precious such that mankind with full senses cannot at any instance think of terminating any life for any reason.
Therefore any excuse for abortion is vague and cannot justify killing of an innocent creature.
I suggest that it is all these evils among them racism and religion discrimination which sum up and bring up terrorism in the society we are living.
Instead of wasting mass resources in war which is a step backwards,we ought to build stable relationships and change of behavour in the world..
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17 responses
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
20 Jul 07
First of all, terrorism is an act of violence committed for political purposes. Abortion is a private and personal procedure, and is done only to terminate pregnancy...there's nothing political about abortion itself. Therefore, abortion is not terrorism, and comparing it to terrorism is nothing short of ignorant.
Secondly, I'll never understand the mindset of pro-life people. I understand, of course, seeing the potential life of a fetus as something to be precious and protected. What I don't understand is the militant drive to take the ability of a woman who does not want to go through with an unwanted pregnancy to have a safe and efficient way of aborting it. Illegalizing abortion will not stop the act. It will, however, drive women who are desperate to stop an unwanted pregnancy to extreme measures. Many will go back to the old fashioned ways of abortion, which would include unsafe and unsanitary practices by non-professionals, as well as poisoning or harming their own bodies in order to bring about a miscarriage. I've spoke with many young girls in states which ban abortion who were desperate for advice on how to abort an unwanted embryo. Some have gone to the extreme measure of ingesting unsafe amounts of vitamin c to bring about miscarriage (effectively poisoning their bodies). If this is happening in select states, imagine how much more common these practices would become if abortion were illegal throughout the entire country?
The interesting thing I find about both stances is that the pro-choice stance recognizes that abortion is not for every woman, but it leaves the option of terminating a pregnancy open to those who desire it. It does not in any way, form, or fashion force people to abort. The pro-life stance, on the other hand, holds that all potential life should be protected, and therefore demands barring access to a safe and legal termination of pregnancy for all women. This stance, in my opinion, is counter productive.
Personally, I find the pro-life movement to ban abortion abhorrent. It forces a woman to give birth to an unwanted child, and reduces her to nothing more than a vessel for giving birth. It takes out of consideration what the individual woman wants, and instead forces her to abide by the moral beliefs of others who, interestingly enough, have nothing to lose themselves by her giving birth, while she may have everything, including her life at stake. Personally, I find that if the pro-life movement gets it's way, then, ideally, it would only be fair to force pro-lifers to raise the children. After all, they were the one's that wanted it born, right? So if they can force a woman to give birth, we should be able to force them to raise the child. We should all be equally forced to do things we don't want to do. What's more, this would guarantee that every unwanted child that is born will find a home. There are millions of children aborted every year; if abortion were legalized, we'll need millions of families to accommodate them.
Or we could make it easy on everyone, and allow every woman the choice to abort even if we don't agree with the action. That way we can avoid flooding our already failed adoption system, as well as prevent and increase of children that are adopted into abusive foster families.
@mwashu360 (366)
• Kenya
20 Jul 07
I did not ask for any defination of terrorism,but I am glad you leaped over it.
Just as abortion is propagated through impious laws which are politically motivated,terrorism also is politically motivated as you said it.
So in that regard,you have not clarified what you were talking about.
In all those crimes there is terrorism.
Infact every living being has a right to life and therefore,I know that infact could not agree to be aborted but could opt to live if he/she was allowed to make a choice.
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@mwashu360 (366)
• Kenya
22 Jul 07
I hope it would be kind enough to expound how do you think I am ignorant?
That word does not exist in African dictionary;and it could have been wise for you to have carried it elsewhere.
When people pressure the state to legalize abortion are you not seeing any political links with abortion?
Infact I used the title terroristic action as an adjective to explain the magnitude of the abortion crime;but people have come running on my page calling themselves terrorists.
That seems strange.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
21 Jul 07
Actually, to be more precise, terrorism is the unlawful use of violence or threats of violence in order to coerce a government or society with an individual's political or ideological views.
Abortion itself, as I already stated, is a personal practice. The women aborting an embryo is not in any way trying to sway the minds of the government or society...she is merely practicing her legal right to terminate her pregnancy. So you are again incorrect, abortion is not terrorism. Abortion isn't about politics, it's about terminating an unwelcome pregnancy.
Of course, you're entitled your opinions regarding a right to life. On this we'll have agree to disagree.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Mwashu, if the time ever comes when you would have to carry an unwanted pregancy for nine months and then push the unwanted thing out of your pe*is then you can choose. Until you can walk in the shoes of these women who have to make a heartwrenching decision, you have no say.
I could not do it. I've had a couple of surprise pregnancies and they are both joys to me, but that was my choice. i'm glad I live in a country that gives me the choice.
God has never been pregnant.
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I'm pro-choice. Abortion for birth control gives me pause, however. I think that many people have no choice- for example rape or severe disability as a result from pregnancy. I know there are other opyions in most cases, but I think the option of safe and legal abortions need to be there in case.
@Whisp1976 (488)
• United States
19 Jul 07
You're mind is closed and your post makes you sound like a fascist. I believe that abortion shouldn't be taken lightly or used as a means of contraception. I also do not think that an abortion should be carried out after 8 weeks. However, there are situations when abortion is the best solution. Rape victims, just for example, have every right to teminate a pregancy so long is it is done early. What kind of life will a child born of rape have if it's mother resents its very existance?
Tell me why it is better to have a child when you know it will be born into a situation of abject poverty and suffering than to terminate the pregnancy when it is not more than a tiny ball of cells? Because it is the "law of God"? Prove to me that God exsists. Until you can, you do not have a valid argument. Your intolerant attitude disgusts me.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
Adoption is an option. Have they closed all the adoption procedures? And you assume when a woman is raped, she wants the pregnancy terminated. See this link for an answer: http://www.pregnantpause.org/aborted/curerape.htm
and this http://www.christiananswers.net/q-sum/q-life005.html plus these ones.
I figured that you need more than one link to persuade you. That the unborn will not be a rapist like his father and that you are punishing the mother more by permitting abortion in the case of rape.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I've had 7 pregnancies and 5 beautiful babies. Pregnancy can be hell in the best of circumstances. No woman should be forced to carry a entity conceived in violence for nine months and all the pain and problems that go with it if she doesn't want to. That is like being raped again.
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@Whisp1976 (488)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I know the pro-life arguments already. As I said, I actually agree to the extent in that I think that abortion ought not be taken lightly. However, most women don't take it lightly. Calling abortion an act of terrorism is very wrong, deeply hurtful and extremely insensitive. For those women who have had an abortion, how do you think they feel when they read your post? Do you suppose most women who have abortions do so with out awarenes or remorse about their action? Do you not think that they grieve over the child that might have been? Many women have abortions not because they are heartless, but because they have common sense- they know that they cannot support a child emotionally or finincially. . Child raising is a very hard job, and not all women are up to it, for various reasons. When a woman has an abortion, it breaks a huge part of her heart for ever. What do you hope to achieve by writing a post comparing them to terrorists? A real Christian would never even contemplate such a thing. After all, Christ said judge not lest ye be judged.
Furthermore, yes adoption is an option, but giving a new born chld away would very difficult for most women.
On the subject of abortion and rape-I have not argued that the child born of rape would be like its father. A great deal depends on how the child is raised. My argument is that the mother may resent the child- not because of its character- but just because of who its father is. That would be very unfair to the child. Also what if the child should discover the circumstances surrounding its conception? That would be very damging to the child's psyche.
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@ChupoLibro (54)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Argument #1: If the creature cannot live outside my body on its own, then it isn't a viable creature at all in which case, I can decide what to do just as with any other medical condition.
Argument #2: If God is against abortion, then let God deal with those have gone against his will when their days are done.
Argument #3: Pass a law to ban abortion and it will STILL go on, but it will be illegally conducted in dirty alleyways and backrooms, putting the woman ever further at risk, not just due to the procedure, but by those who would act as though they were qualified to make a buck but were nowhere near qualified.
How exactly will our poorly-spent resources be spent to build relationships and change our behavior? And who is to make those choices? And how hard would it be for each person to just be nice, considerate, and caring towards other human beings every single day? Do you know how many people cut me off in traffic, ignored my 'hello', or failed to smile back today? Start at home, people. Start making the change at home.
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@jodenton (222)
20 Jul 07
In some ways I agree with you but of course for the people involved your argument only works if they believe in a God and many don't. I would caution about calling people terrorists though because as the name suggests the perpetraitors want to instill terror in the population...a foetus can't feel terror. A murderer perhaps is a better term for your line of thinking. I would like to ask you though, since God is the only person who can ultimately judge since he is perfect what gives us the right to judge others on their actions and call them murderers/terrorists?
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@mwashu360 (366)
• Kenya
20 Jul 07
I think you know what judgement is and at least you could have come across a holy book known as bible.
I am not effecting any sort of judgement on any person.
Infact Iam just repeating what is in the bible so that those who don't know can be careful when doing some things without full knowledge of the implications.
It is a fact that we all expect judgement at the end of our lives and we all know which constitution God will use to judge people.
So why should some people assume that I am Judging them by posting it here?
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@mwashu360 (366)
• Kenya
21 Jul 07
"When facts are presented people tend to disagree and when the truth is open people look for every means to run awy from it."
@Whisp1976 (488)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Mwashu you are a sanctimonious,religious maniac who doesn't have a real clue about some of the horrors some women are faced with on a daily basis. So zealous are you in your beleifs that you have forgotten to have any compassion for others. You base your argument on a book written a very long time ago. It may have worked then for some, and parts of it still hold true and offer a good guide on how best a person can live their life. Other parts of it are obsolete and no more realistic than a fantasy or science fiction novel.
A tiny ball of cells is nothing more than a tiny ball of cells. It could not live outside of its mother's body, therefore it is not yet a living being. It has no more soul than the snot you blow out of your nose or the drivel that pours forth from your mouth every time you condemn those women who terminate a preganacy as terrorists.
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@TattooChik16 (363)
• United States
19 Jul 07
abortion is murder! i dont care who you are or what you think!!! god commanded "thou shalt not murder!" what exactley do you think it is when you kill an innocent life that isnt even born yet? you are taking away a child of god, an innocent child!!!! to all those out there, who choose abortion and who perform the abortions, shame on you! i pity you and hope god will get through your head one day and let you see the evil you have done!!!!!
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
Abortion isn't murder. It's a medical procedure. I don't believe that weeks old fetus is a life. Don't pity me, I don't need it. I have no doubt that I'm going to heaven. I don't need you to help me get there.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
20 Jul 07
Many think tattoos, smoking, and having babies out of wedlock are all sins.
Shame on us all I reckon. *shrug*
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I think a collection of cells, without major organs, without viability, without self-awareness is not yet alive. If it's not alive, it can't be "killed".
I am not Jewish nor Christian, why should I be subjected to rules put forth in a book for them?
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
19 Jul 07
By your rationale I assume you also don't agree with contraception if we are supposed to just leave everything to God?
I don't agree with abortion but I am a pragmatist and a realist so I know that we will never stop women from wanting and having abortions. I think the most reasonable thing to do is restrict abortions to before 16 weeks gestation.
In my opinion your argument will only appeal to religious people. Abortion is just wrong in most cases as it kills an innocent human being. You really don't need to bring God into it.
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
19 Jul 07
That's only if you're of the opinion that it's a life, and I don't happen to share that opinion. I firmly believe in a woman's right to choose, and I'm glad that that's the way it is. You think it's a "terrorist action"? A terrorist is one who wants to frighten and/or intimidate. I don't want that, just leave my rights alone.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
19 Jul 07
I commend you on speaking your opinion. I even agree with you on this...
"Instead of wasting mass resources in war which is a step backwards,we ought to build stable relationships and change of behavour in the world.. "
Well said!!!
However, we go down separate roads on abortion. Regardless how I personally feel about it, I support every woman's right to a legal and safe abortion. Further more to be honest I don't pray to any God that would rather see a young woman die with her unwanted pregnancy, than to have an abortion.
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@TattooChik16 (363)
• United States
19 Jul 07
for one, there is only one god! two, if the mother doesnt want her unborn child, she is no mother at all, third off, if god wants her to die, it is her time to come before judgement and the glory of god, and enter the kingdom of god if that is where she belongs!
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
20 Jul 07
tattochik, you are the reason I can't stand Christians and Christianity. This holier-than-thou BS is uncalled for and entirely unwanted. And how dare you say that a woman should simply let herself die? That's insane! I guess we should just eliminate ALL medical practices then, right? I mean, if it's your time, it;s your time, right? Even if it's just a flu or a deep cut, if you die, then you die. Oh well.
You make me sick.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
19 Jul 07
How could I hate the Law of (your) God, when it's just not something I believe in? I don't begrudge you for believing it, I just don't agree. That's not hate, that just a difference of opinion.
So a doctor who removes a tubular pregnancy from a woman is going to have to answer for it to God? I don't think God will have a hard time understanding it- "Well see God when the embryo started to grow in the tube instead of the uterus the chances of that pregnancy continuing became pretty much zero, and the chances of the woman dying when it ruptured became pretty much 100%" I'm pretty sure any God is going to understand that one.
Vague & unjustifiable? Women who can not afford to feed a child are being vague? Or women who got pregnant from a rape can not justify wanting to end the pregnancy?
And what does racism have to do with any of it? Chances are the woman & the embryo are of the same race.
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@brayn_val (7)
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
abortion is a terroristic action it simply becuase it kills the lives of every innocent individuals

@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
I couldn't agree more Latrivia. The idea of terrorism is to incite fear and intimidate. That's what pro-lifers do when then harrass women coming out of clinics, or shoot abortion providers. 3 Canadian doctors were shot in the 90's but "antis", that's terrorism.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Again, terrorism is violence committed for political purposes. Abortion is a personal practice, and is therefore not terrorism. The termination of life, or potential life, does not always equate to terrorism.
An true example of terrorism is blowing up an abortion clinic because you disagree with abortion.
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@jodenton (222)
20 Jul 07
You also can't equate a woman who progressed through to the painful decision of having an abortion with a terrorist....afterall a terrorist is a danger to society as a whole and perhaps should be jailed to protect other members of society. A woman who has an abortion is no real threat to society as a whole.
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@SnipedYou (37)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I am all against abortion. Just give it a thought and think back to when you were developing in your mother's womb and she decided to get an abortion so you would not exist. I can't even imagine what it would be like to not exist. I love life too much to let it happen to someone so I am against abortion. I believe that everyone should have the chance to live regardless if they've developed enough to be called human or not because eventually they will be.
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I'm with Eden.
Embryos, zygotes and early fetuses do not have the brain development for thought, cogninzance or sentince. How, then, can one "think back" to a time when they did not pocess the physiological capability for thought? Also, if a fetus is aborted, then would it not reason that it is not currently reading your post? If it never existed past the stage of early fetal development, it never pocessed the physioligical ability for thought, much less awareness of its own existance and far less the ability to now be an intelligeable adult with the ability to speak to you.
PLease think before you type.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I for one can not remember back to my days as an zygote, embryo, fetus or even a young child. There's not much to imagine if you never existed, you just never were.
Should sperm cells & ovum be granted rights too? The potential for life is there too. No more periods for women, no more self-pleasuring for males, that's all potential life you're wasting & we need to value all potential life, right?
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@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
12 Jan 08
Abortion is not an terroristic action. Maybe it is an action of no choice or by pushing by her parent or other person to do it. But, it is a wrong doing. Abortion is an absolutely wrong and it is a crime of murder. And absolutely I am not favor for this. And I think the fetus have life and like us she/he have a right to see this wonderful world.
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
19 Jul 07
Forced abortion ..it is somewhat crucifixion of the unborn ! abortion ..it cannot be legalized in whatever circumstances . Except where medical termination of the growth of the feaotus is required, abortion is a grave crime.
@fredgame (1260)
• China
27 Jul 07
Indeed i very much side with you and it's true for belivers in God.
However, the question is, what of those who might not be ready to take care of a child but has been inpregnated? someone like a teenager who has been raped and has unwanted pregnancy? this world is full of misery, sorrow and evil. some much as we want good there is also the bad side too that potrays it urgly head and hinders the good thoughts. we do have to think of the pro and cons in every actions we take. some wicked men may inpregnate a woman and run away while that lady depended on him for everything and if she brings forth the child and neglect it, isn't it the same murder? as she can't take care of the child and if those children survive all these odds and become arm robbers or terrorist as they haven't had love or can of human and therefore hate human race. initial abortion and have someone to destroy many lives, which one? though there are some exceptions. we have orphanges but not all these are sent there.
i strongly against abortions as a christian but in some urgent cases, i'll support it.
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@mwashu360 (366)
• Kenya
28 Jul 07
If you believe in God then you must follow his commandments right?
Or are you trying to tell me that you don't feel great to please the eternal father?
Just do that to please the one who created you out of nothing and not because of me.
Thou shall not kill and the you go why kill anyway?
I you believe in God you will be the happiest person in the world;God is the only person who can make you infinitely happy in this world if you obey his commands.
I urge you all to love God even if It is only a little it will make the difference.
As long as you obey God without asking questions,you will always be happy throughout your life and you will never miss anything in your house.
You can be the richest but without knowing God you will never be happy.
My friends please just think about this even if it is just for a second;you may end up changing your life for the best.
God has done so many great things for me such that I cannot explain his greatness because in the world there are still not words worth explaining his mighty works.
May God bless you all and if you wan't to try a business opportunity;I wish you all the best.
Just sign up here and become an executive affiliate build your downline and you will be the happiest.
I have tried it and it is working for me it is such a splendid opportunity!@
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
8 Aug 07
"If you believe in God then you must follow his commandments right?"
You're assuming that all who believe in God are Christian or Jewish, I am neither. I am familiar with the 10 Commandments however, and I don't see that terminating a pregnancy violates any of them.
"Thou shall not kill and the you go why kill anyway?"
I've never killed anyone. I don't believe that an abortion in early pregnancy is "killing" anyone. However, if I had to kill to protect my children or my life, I would without a second thought & I am confident God would understand my motives.
"As long as you obey God without asking questions,you will always be happy throughout your life and you will never miss anything in your house."
Why would God give us free will & not want us to ask questions? I should blindly follow mans interpertations of what God wants?