A sense of humor..Do you have a dry sense of humor? sarcastic? something else?

@miamilady (4910)
United States
July 19, 2007 8:39am CST
I know a few people who have a dry sense of humor. Sometimes it throws me off. To me, a dry sense of humor is close to having a sarcastic sense of humor, but not exactly. I can be sarcastic but I try not to overdo it because not everyone appreciates that. Some find it offensive. What type of sense of humor do you have?
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24 responses
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I don't know if I do to be honest. I think I am too serious at times and don't know when someone is joking with me. My husband and his best friend and girlfriend visited us recently and they both have great sense of humor and I just couldn't get it LOL they kept telling me Rachel, its just a joke, and i'm like haha ok LOL sheesh what an idiot I am. Sometimes I try to be funny with others and others times I overdo it LOL so I don't know what you would call that!
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
19 Jul 07
laughing. Well, you managed to be very funny just now! lol You're NOT an idiot. You're a sweetheart!
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
19 Jul 07
haha Thank you miamilady :) I need to check my grammar when I write these too, its terrible. *my husband and his best friend, should read My husbands best friend* LOL
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
19 Jul 07
No worries. I didn't notice. I mess up all the time too. Take care.
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@pendragon (3349)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I have a dry,black sense of humour.Kind of like a week old banana peel.
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@pendragon (3349)
• United States
19 Jul 07
It could probably be any kind of commentary as long as it's not exaggerated.Somethings that wouldnt be funny sometimes just are, if it's said correctly,lol. I laugh easily as well, and always at the wrong time..ALWAYS. Things just seem funnier to me than they are, and boy howdy do i get told about it,lol.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
19 Jul 07
lol inapropriate laughter. yeah thats a tough one to deal with.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
19 Jul 07
lol I have a friend that has a truly dry sense of humor. Sometimes it's hard to tell if I'm supposed to be laughing at what she says or not. I tend to laugh easily so, sometimes I think I'm laughing off cue. She probably things I'm a laughing idiot. How would you define dry humor?
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@gberlin (3836)
19 Jul 07
I have a dry sense of humor. In my case I can tell a joke and not everyone will get it because they are not sure whether it is a joke or not. I do not intend to be sarcastic especially if I think it will hurt someone's feelings. I think most of the time I have a healthy sense of humor. I laugh at myself when I do something that turns out to be funny.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
19 Jul 07
It's great to be able to laugh at yourself. Lord knows I give myself plenty to laugh about. I enjoy a dry sense of humor most of the time, but I have friends that play it off so well it really is hard to tell. Then you're afraid to laugh because if your wrong it will come across as offsensive. It really gets people like me who try to be considerate of others feelings. I dont' want to hurt their feelings, so I don't laugh (just in case) then they say... I was just kidding!
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@sunshinecup (7871)
19 Jul 07
I have a great sense of humor, I can laugh at anything especially silly people with no sense of humor who so really do take themselves way too seriously. I reckon I just love laughing. In a way I feel sorry for those that can not do that, it almost makes me feel like just sticking with them anyway and trying to find some way to brighten their day. You know, I just think my heart is too big for me at times.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
19 Jul 07
Yeah, I hear ya. I thing it's sad when people take themselves too seriously too.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
19 Jul 07
I believe that sarcasim is a form of anger. I use all types of humor, depending on the situation. Humor is a very good tool to use in every situation, but you have to know when it is appropriate to use a certain type and timing is everything. Because I use humor so much, I miss sometimes, I am still trying to learn damage control and how to back out of it gracefully. I believe that I have a quick wit and sometimes I speak before thinking and put my foot in my mouth. My friends catch me in that a lot. I'll ask them for a favor. But before they have done it, I will have said at least three things to insult them. And they want to back out and then, I have to beg. We have a lot of fun with it though. They will say, you just can't keep your mouth shut, can you?
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
20 Jul 07
Believe me, when I stick my foot in my mouth, it is no accident. I just do whatever it takes to get my friends to laugh, even at my own expense.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
19 Jul 07
Damage control! lol I have LOTS of experience with that. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses. Some people just can't get over stuff and move on. You're lucky that your friends appreciate you and are able to laugh it off. You seem like a good natured person that just tends to stick her foot in her mouth sometimes. Thanks for your response. Take care.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
19 Jul 07
I do not find myself humorous though some of my friends find me to be one. To be sarcastic or insulting, I am definitely a pro. I can be as insulting when the situation demands it. You need be careful,lol. I studied the book of insults instead of compliments when I was in school. I have toned down too much until I have forgotten how to insult off the cuff. *whew*
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
19 Jul 07
It's probably not such a bad thing that you have forgotten a lot. Some people wouldn't appreciate it.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I think I have a good sense of humor. I dont like people with a sarcastic sense of humor. I think its rude. When Im really tired and tend to get silly and I laugh at everything. I just cant help it.LOL
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
19 Jul 07
My boss told me one time I had a sarcastic sense of humor (like him). I guess I do. My husband gets mad at me sometimes because of it. I kind of have to watch myself...or at least I try, so I won't offend him.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I think sarcasm just kind of rubs off on you. If your around it a lot, you pick it up. Some folks are more sensitive to it than others. We need to try to be mindful of that. Thanks for your response!
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@dmillman (2273)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Funny, sarcastic, preverted, etc.
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19 Jul 07
I have been told that I have a dry sense of humour but I can usually find humour in the worst situations too. I don't really appreciate tv comedy programmes as they simply don't make me laugh, they don't match my sense of humour at all, and yet I can giggle at some very sarcastic humour and dish it out as well in the right company
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@muscare (3068)
• Australia
20 Jul 07
I have to agree with you on tv comedies, so many of them just aren't that funny. When I find one with the same humour as mine, that usually makes me laugh!
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@lyndee22 (1210)
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
Sometimes I am sarcastic depending on the people I am with. I know there are people who are easily offended when you throw a sarcastic humor. They can't relate or go along with. So to be not offended you must know how to dance with others dance.
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I have a sarcastic and sometimes silly sense of humor. Like you I try to control my sarcasm around certain people. I know some people don't know how to take it and could take things the wrong way. I just try to save my jokes and sense of humor for people who can handle it.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I like to think I have a rather wacky sense of humor...by this I can at least see the humor in things even if its dismal...When I was going through my SSI Disability fiasco during the month of May where my benefits were completely cut off, I kept my sense of humor, even though, but especially when I got a letter from Social Security informing me that they had made an overpayment of $4,910.00 and to pay back this amount by June 9th..My reaction...I absolutely laughed since it was so ludicrous --then when I got the form to fill out to waiver this overpayment one of the sections was to fill in what vehicles did I own ( I suppose to use this to turn into cash to pay back the amount)--well you have to understand, at that moment, I had only $5.71 in my bank account, and have never owned a car..but my sense of humor was just DYING to fill in that area with...my Jaguar, Rolls Royce, yacht and learjet...Then it also asked what real estate do you have? Again that wacky sense of humor would have loved to put in my chateau in France, my private island in the Bahamas, my country estate in England...So bottom line I think I can have a nice healthy, but wacky sense of humor especially in adverse times of my life...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Jul 07
And oh my goodness...thanks for the best response! :) Guess it pays to have a wacky sense of humor...hehe
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
21 Jul 07
lol That's great! I love your attitude. Thanks for the response.
@xquisite (156)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I actually dont really have a sense of humor...but when I'm doing things natuarally, people laugh for some reason. I guess I act a little different than other people. Some ppl say that I care too little and I'm more on a ditzy side... I don't like sarcastic humor too much, but my boss has it. It's annoying because it's not funny and it's not nice either... :( xquisite http://www.xquisite.us
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@nana1944 (1364)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I have a warped, deranged sense of humor. As well as sarcastic, wholesome and a lot of other types. I guess you could say that I have an equal opportunity sense of humor. I can find humor in most anything except in cases of pople being hurt.
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@mummymo (23706)
20 Jul 07
Well honey I have a very twisted and warped sense of humour and I know that some people sometimes take offence easily so I try very hard to make sure that I do not upset anyone! xxxx
• United States
19 Jul 07
This is one of life's little jokes on me of course. I have been told very frequently that I have a dry sense of humor to the point of being caustic. Now my initials if you please are dri, so sense of humor being in place my id in some places is dri53...:}...I had one friend that laughed everytime she said hello to me for it was hi dri, which is a cheap brand of paper towels in some areas. All things considered I have to have a sense of humor...lol.
19 Jul 07
I have seen your posts on here many times and I can say you are one of the most upbeat people. You always seem happy and funny and you do have a great sense of humor. BTW cute avatar, looks just like my kitten. :oD
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• United States
20 Jul 07
Thank you very much and the avatar is pretty much what my cat looked like in her younger days...:}
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@derek_a (10874)
20 Jul 07
I might lean towards mild sarcasm sometimes, but I don't like it getting too "heavy" as no matter how funny it may be, it could seriously undermine the other person's confidence. I know somebody like this, and he just never stops trying to be funny at the expense of the people he is talking to. He often resorts to personal remarks about how they may have put on weight or what they have done to their hair or appearance.
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@muscare (3068)
• Australia
20 Jul 07
I think I have(I've been told often enough) a slightly warped sense of humour, and can often see a funny situation in most things. It can verge on sarcastic, but not to the point where someone is hurt by my humour. I use to work in retail, so fine tuned my sense of humour to fit in with customer relations! My wife had to learn really quickly how to tell I was joking about something, lol!
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• Philippines
20 Jul 07
I dont know exactly what my sense of humor is but I do enjoy people with an "intense" sense of humor!
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