Do Pregnant Women Have To Be More Beautiful & Fashionable In This Day And Age ??

United States
July 19, 2007 4:58pm CST
Today I was watching The View, one of the women is 6 months pregnant with her second child and she was saying how hard it is these days to be pregnant because you have alot of pressure to look beautiful and fashionable all at the same time. She was saying being pregnant these days doesnt give you the exscuse to wear sweats and an old shirt anymore like you could get away with 20 years ago. I remember when I was pregnant at first I would care about how I looked, I didnt want people to think I couldnt be beautiful and fashionable all while being pregnant. Well let me tell you after my 6 month all that went down the drain because I just didnt care what anyone else thought. So my question to you is: Do you think because "celebrity" women look GORGEOUS while being pregnant, that it puts pressure on US "non-celebrity" women to look nice and not let ourself go during our pregnancy?? Or should we not care what we look like because thast the one time in life we can eat whatever we want without having to explain to anybody? I would like to hear everyones thoughts on this.
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11 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
19 Jul 07
My Feelings on this why? A Pregnant Woman looks beautiful anyway and why put yourself through that Stress what has happened to the lovely Maternity Clothes? I think it is terrible that a Woman thinks that way She is carrying a Baby and what can make her more Beautiful? Nothing. There is no letting Go I never did apart from when I was sick which was quite often with both my Pregnancies Go by how you feel and what you want not what these Celebrities are remember they have more Money and don't do their own Make up and that half the time.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Jul 07
Yes I think so to and there are to many Girls out there that want to be like these Celebrity Girls and it is so wrong they should be themselves and not try to be someone else
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• United States
20 Jul 07
I agree when a woman is pregnant she should wear, eat and look however she wants BUT I just think theres more pressure to not get fat and wear nice clothes which is totally wrong!
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I never felt that way at all. I couldn't care less what others are wearing even celebrities. Living on an island back then, where its really hot I often wore lavalavas (wrap arounds) and got several made in different colors and different fabrics so I could also wear them to work. I never really cared what others thought about my fashion when I was pregnant, as long I was comfortable then that was the main thing.
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• United States
20 Jul 07
Oh the wrap arounds are sooo pretty and comfortable I would of loved to wear those while I was pregnant. Im glad you didnt care what anyone else just did your own thing which is really good.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
19 Jul 07
To be honest. I really dont give a $hit what anyone thinks I look like, I wear what is comfortable, there is no rule or pressure put down to say what you have to wear, thats Bull$hit....Celebrities have stylists, makeup people and all the other garbage that normal people do not have and can not afford....I wear what I want to and no media or anyone else will pressure me in to something different..I am my own person not a follower.
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• United States
20 Jul 07
Thats good you are not a follower. And celebrities of course have people making them up before they go out in public and its unfair how todays soceity looks up to them and copy what they wear or say.
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I wasn't really all that concerned about the way I looked while I was pregnant. I was sick through most of my pregnancy, and I didn't really care what anyone thought about the way I looked. I did dress up for work through most of my pregnancy, but that's about it. I didn't gain much weight, though, so I was still able to wear my old clothes up until about my 7th month. Even then I could still wear some of my clothes. I just had to wear my jeans below my belly and find longer shirts.
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• United States
20 Jul 07
I gained alot of weight after my 5 month and then I just stopped caring what anyone thought and I really did pack on the pounds so If I was to get pregnant again I wouldnt worry this time what anyone thought of me..why the heck should I? LOL
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• United States
20 Jul 07
how sad! i just wanted to feel comfortable, and you know what? i bought ALL my maternity cloths at goodwill. i was not going to spend thousands of dollars on cloths that wouldn't fit month to month. we don't have that kind of money. BUT i guess celebs do, and they all have to keep up. i just don't get anything celebs do though, so why should i be surprised by this? that is why i knew i could never be a celeb...i would never fit in. BUT it IS easier to fit in WHEN you HAVE money i suppose, ha! now i'm just confusing myself!! LOL!!
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• United States
20 Jul 07
I got my clothes from Freecycle and Good Will. I spent the money the first time and I thought I was done after baby #3 but alas I was not LOL Hey I would take them if a celeb bought them for me LOL I agree about the waste of money--its ok to have a few nice things to wear for appointments and such. But I had VERY little. I was on bedrest a lot with the last baby and figured that I didn't need to look good to lie in bed all day LOL
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• United States
20 Jul 07
that's true mikesgal. i had a few new items that i wore for my shower and such. of course i worked up until the end, but i found all the clothes at goodwill...nice black slacks, and blouses, as well as my jeans, i just had to buy some wide width shoes, ha i was sooooo swollen! i really think i got lucky though! ha. and i have saved them for the future. they were probably out of date when i wore them and say we get prego a year or two from now? ha, but i bought basics, like black pants and standard jeans. oh well! but yes when you're on bedrest....what's the point!!!
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• United States
20 Jul 07
Yea I wasnt into going to the maternity stores and getting a whole bunch of clothes that I was going to only use for couple months then get rid of so I just had like one favorite pair of maternity pants that were so comfy I would always make sure they were washed so I could wear them LOL
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@Nykkee (2522)
• Canada
19 Jul 07
I perconally think there is ALOT more pressure on us to be everything now then the was 20 years ago. Like WAY TOMUCH. It seesm like these days everyone expects you to have babies, while staying thin and beautiful and also working full time and still doing full time work at hoem as well cleaning and cooking. The worst part is that alot of the pressure seems to be coming from people who never had to live that life and would think the world was ending if they had to (the older people, like mother-in-laws). It makes me angry everyday. I have tried to start a dicussion about it before but I have gotten myself too worked up and got off topic and ended up not submitting it.
• United States
19 Jul 07
Nykkee I agree with you on everything you said, especially on the mother in law part LOL! They lived in a different day and age so they have NO CLUE as to how people expect you to look and act a certain way in life. Its sucks because thin is unfortuantely whats in right now whehter it be the celebrities or not its what everyone wants to be. Oh and the celebrity women always looking good gets me sick because thats NOT what it should be like, we SHOULD be able to eat and look however we want without people feeling the need to judge someone else. Thanks for responding... just know your not alone in feeling that way!
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
22 Jul 07
I think pregnant women are just as beautiful before they were pregnant. Now with the fashionable part, some women don't feel comfortable about getting all dolled up just to step outside to go to the market. I saw some celebrity pregnant women not so beautiful, and I'm not referring to Britney Spears, lol. So why should every single pregnant woman out there be forced to step up to standards to women that can afford to throw down thousands on one maternity outfit, that's my belief.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
20 Jul 07
i have learned a long time ago not to care what other people thought of me. and i stick to that in all areas of my life. i think the only opinion that counts about me is the one that i think of myself. i know when i was pregnant with my last child, i was so big, if i got dressed then i was doing something. mind you i was working at the time. LOL and it was the summer too. oh my goodness i so didn't care what i looked like, i just wanted each and ever day over with. i think those who don't think enough of themselves and always have to look to others for there approval are the ones that look to celebrities and other get the seal of approval. sh!t, i stamp my ownself! LOL
@34momma (13882)
• United States
20 Jul 07
girl i know what you are going through. i am still trying to drop the pounds. but i have a plan now so i am on my way
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• United States
20 Jul 07
It took me a long time to learn not to care what other people thought of me so being pregnant helped me in that department. It better of did something for me after gaining 78lbs lol
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@cosylvia (398)
• China
20 Jul 07
as for you,should be happy,coz you will be mum of two child.i am 23.everytime looks one pregnant passes by.i feel the urge want to born one.hahah
@ctiu80 (216)
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
i would say its good to be look great if we're pregnant. =) There's no need to be MORE fashionable. Look great is ok. =) Just look presentable to people and dress well. We don't have to be pressure to others or we don't have to be like celebrity or we don't to be very gorgeous women. Just do your daily hygiene, be clean and look presentable that's it =)But there's nothing wrong if you want to be still look hot gorgeous pregnant women. =) Its up to you what you want. just make sure we women especially pregnant women don't allow yourself to be look harass or don't care at all. We should take care of ourself or pamper ourself ones in a while. We only have one body to maintain our beauty =) looking good make your life better. =)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
I think it might have to do with the ammount of women who are getting more into their careers than starting a family. Years ago when women mostly stayed at home...their biggest responsibility was to have children and start a family. There were probably a lot more pregnant women back then, and because of that, other women wouldn't judge them for looking "bad" while pregnant because they knew how they felt. Nowdays though, there's significantly less women who are pregnant so pressure is put on them to fit with the majority of women who are not pregnant. That's my theory at least.