Could you make more cash by picking up cans than the time spent on mylot?

@Kman64 (98)
United States
July 19, 2007 6:55pm CST
I want to experiment in a few weeks and walk down the road for one hour picking up cans for one hour then turn around and walk back down the other side picking up. Two total hours and then at the end of the week cash in and see how much it works out per hour. Mylot seems to work out for me to about 5 cents per hour. Even though I am sitting in my own home, I can downgrade internet and make more money. Does anyone think I will get more per hour for the cans after gas to the recycle is paid? Take a guess and I will report back in a few weeks.
2 responses
@xenpen (90)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Oh please, there is no making more money with recycling than myLot where I love. Not with aluminum cans anyway. It pays more to recycle metals that are more expensive, like copper. My family managed to pack a pick-up truck full of smashed aluminum cans. We only managed to get a little over $2.00 with that haul. It's just not like it used to be. For that amount of aluminum, it would pay $20+ back in the day. But not anymore; that's why I don't bother to recycle cans anymore. The haul won't even cover the gas I'll burn on the way to the recycling facility.
@xenpen (90)
• United States
20 Jul 07
love = live* Darn typos.
@Kman64 (98)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Ok...So what is the going rate for aluminum per pound now? I drive by the recycling everyday on the way to work.
@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I don't know where you live, but there are no cans by the side of the roads here, so I would assume you wouldn't make much with the can idea. Although taking a walk is nice :)