Do celebraty weddings deserve soo much coverage.

July 20, 2007 1:16am CST
I for one cannot understand why celebraties are treated as Gods. They are just like us, only they have better luck at popularity and finacne. Believe me there is no jealousy here. Fans go ga ga over small things, which I believe make them so much more egoistic. Let them live their own life in peace and marry in peace. Why so much publiciy when they marry or divorce. Its happing everywhere around every nook and corner. Let them be.
2 responses
• Philippines
11 Mar 08
that is oh so true. purely egoistic. all for publicity. and then months after the wedding we hear about the devastating divorce. and then what? people suddenly forget about the grand wedding. yep. we shouldn't be jealous about it. let them be. that's the way they want their humiliation told to the world.
@yuanchang (474)
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
in my humble opinion, they should not be. but the people are the main reason why the media keeps on doing this. because people are interested in this kind of coverages. that is why no matter how scandalous or dirty the news were the media still keep on pining for this because it sells.