What is your opinion on these subjects?
By alnilam
@alnilam (969)
United States
July 20, 2007 8:44am CST
I am an atheist but i would like to know what is your opinion on these subjects (please state your religion--atheist opinions welcome too)
1. What is your opinion on homosexuality do you approve it?
2. What is your opinion on abortion?
3. What is your opinion on other religions and atheism?
4. What is your opinion on evolution... How did the human kind begin?I did not open this discussion to mock you in any way i really am curious what are the opinions toward his subjects from different religions or sub religions.
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21 responses
@dafnie (382)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I am Christian (Baptist).
1. Hmmm homosexuality. It is a lifestyle that I do not agree with personally. I do think that it is wrong, but that thought does not lead me to judge a homosexual. I've got homosexual friends and I am willing to be their friend, listen to them, help them when they needed and treat them like they were heterosexual. Those who choose to be rude towards homosexuals or make fun of them are just wrong for doing so because it's just like being prejudice toward someone because they are Muslim or something. If some is a homosexual, that's their choice and I respect that. I don't agree with it cuz I wouldn't become one myself, but I still respect that you made ur choice because we have that right to be who we want to be!!
2. Abortion. I don't approve of that either... but just like homosexuals, that's your choice. Now the whole thing about the law and stuff... that's just going to far. It's been going on for too long! People will always be pregnant, and there will always be someone who will find a way to kill their child when they don't want it, doesn't matter if there is a law or not!! So why not try to find an effective way to make it easier for those who may want to kill their child, to have an easier way out? i'm not saying abortion is okay, i'm saying that we should find easier ways for those who want it, to have adoption ready for them so that they know that their child is safe. Or if you've been raped and ur about to have a baby, there should be something available out there for those to have the baby and give it up for an adoption that they could trust.
the reality? i don't even know if this could ever actually happen... with the way things are going, we are giving ourselves more reasons to have abortions. it used to be that a woman who had a husband and didn't mind starting a family had babies, but these days, people are being raped more often and teen pregnancies are more common and that's why abortion has been questioned.
3. Genesis 1:1 is what I believe with creation...
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@dafnie (382)
• United States
20 Jul 07
i totally skipped religion...... well, i really don't mind the fact that everybody has different views because that what makes us who we are. now what i hate about religion is that it has caused so much confusion, separation, war and pain!! I am not typically a "religious" person persay. I have my beliefs, I go to church and I worship and serve a God that is Great, Powerful and Mighty. But... that's my choice. I shouldn't feel the need to force someone else to do so also. I shouldn't be forced to stop either. I shouldn't feel like I need to judge someone because they are Buddhist! That's their choice. Of course, because it is part of my belief, I will share my views and thoughts on my 'religion' but I will not force it down your neck.
Religion has grown to become the enemy of this world..... that's how I see it.
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@HereLiesSlobe (71)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
My religion is Wicca (not a conventional one, but I suggest you look into it before assuming the worst)
1. Even before I converted to Wicca, I was alright with homosexuals...I realized that they are people too. Also, after realizing that I myself am homosexual...it is kind of a given that I would approve of homosexuality. Though this did nothing to influence my personal opinions, the Wiccan religion is also accepting of homosexuals.
2. My opinion on abortion is pro-choice. A woman should not have to suffer through something growing inside her that she does not want, regardless of how irresponsible she may have been in order for her to become pregnant. People often say that people should take responsibility for their actions, but many have them have never been in such a situation so I don't believe they have the right to pass a judgement like that onto another person.
3. Other religions don't bother me unless they're shoved down my throat, or tell me that I am going to "hell" because of my beliefs. I don't deny the existance of the God(s) of other religions, I merely say that I have chosen which God(ess) is better for me to follow. As for athiests, its pretty much the same - just don't try to shove it down my throat and I'll be ok with you. I frankly don't mind if others don't believe in my Goddess, that's their choice to do so. I only hope that they will live their lives as respectful people.
4. I really don't care how humans came to be. It happened so long ago, I don't think its worth all the arguments people create over the subject. Why does it matter how we started? We're here now, aren't we? That's something that we probably know for sure, so why waste time on things we can't really prove that won't effect us either way. Evolution is an amazing thing in my eyes because it symbolizes the power of a natural species to adapt and grow with its surroundings. But I wouldn't become angry at someone else for believing in something else.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
20 Jul 07
i was hoping to get responds from different religions and here you are :D... wicca is an interesting religion truly... i like the concept of it it is a positive religion as i am known of (right?), nature, freedom, bad deeds will return upon you in triple times. the only flaw in it is that it is still young and controversial by opinion of many (and i guess not tolerated pretty good)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts
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@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
I suppose I could call myself an agnostic.
1.Homosexuality - I neither approve or disapprove. I think people are born with this trait -so they live by it naturally.
2. Abortion - I think it is morally incorrect to use abortion as birthcontrol or to wipe out the consequences of a careless lifestyle but abortion should be an option of women who are raped and whose life is really in danger. When it comes to choosing between the mother or the baby the choice should be the mother.
3. Religions - All religions that advocate peace and a decent and moral life style should be respected as well as the choice of atheists.
4. Evolution - I don't have a problem with it. Again recent studies show we all descended from Africans. I don't see a problem to reconcile it with the creation stories of the three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam who share similar creation stories. The bible did not say where the garden of Eden was and what colour the first people were. The creation stories show that people were pre-occupied many thousands of years ago as to how life on earth began and in particular human life. There are many different creation stories in different cultures and their mythologies.
@alnilam (969)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I am glad you said that abortion should be alowed in some circumstances... i was say that women who were rapped have to have an opportunity to make an abortion because a great chance exists that they will pass on the hatred they fell towards the person who did that to them to their child (that would not be fair to the child) and many of them would not be able to love the child the same way as they would love tha child made with love
Thank you for your opinion
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
21 Jul 07
I'm a Pagan.
1. I don't think it's ever my place to judge a person based on whom another choose as their partner. I suppose I could say that I approve of it, but why should my approval of it matter anyway?
2. I am pro-choice. Until a pregnancy reaches a point of viability, it is not a "life" in my opinion.
3. I find religion very fascinating. So long as the other party is respectful of my opinions too, I love to listen to people talk about their faith & what it means to them.
4. How did human kind begin? I have no idea, I wasn't there. Evolution is seems more logical & likely to me, but life doesn't always follow logic. Maybe God spoke the word & out popped the world in 7 days, maybe a great egg broke apart & spilled forth every animal on the planet or maybe aliens seeded our planet in some biology project. It has little or no effect on my life today, so I don't give it much thought.
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@HsuYinFung (161)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I'm a Christian.
1.I'm going to go with the fact that God considered it an abomination, so no I don't approve it.
2.I place a higher value on life and I don't think you can murder your kid because of convenience or any other reason.
3.Jesus said, "I an the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Jesus claimed exclusivity and it doesn't leave room to follow anyone else. I would say the other religions(Buddha, Hindu, Wicca, Islam or whatever), are false and do not serve the true God.
4.I believe in creation as stated in Genesis.
These aren't going to be the most popular views but I truly believe the Bible is the inspired word of God so I will side on what God said.
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@caramel22 (62)
• United States
21 Jul 07
i am a christian. i dont believe in denominations(batist, methodist, pentecostal, and etc.) i just believe in the word of god and that everybody who is a christian are part of the body of christ. point blank. i attend "the inspiring body of christ church" in dallas, tx. im inviting you to come and check us out sometime. any way i dont judge gay people in any way. homosexuality and the word of god just dont line up with each other. its wrong and its nasty. god put us here to keep producing life and once 2 men and 2 women sleep with each other they are stopping reproduction of mankind. i believe that god let us go through things so that we can have a testimony to tell other people. i have never had an abortion given that ihave 5 kids. i would be lying if i said that i have never thought about it either. i would say its wrong but some peopl have to do what they feel is right at that point in time. i dont condemn other religions. its not my place to judge but god. i believe tha satan has gotten ahold of many people early in their lives so it will be much harder for them to believe that god is the only way to eternal life. god is the only answer to human kind.
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@caramel22 (62)
• United States
21 Jul 07
God gave men "permission" to write every book in the bible. God made men after His own image. Since men are created after his image that means homosexuals are saying that God is gay and we know that's a lie. God never wrote one book in the bible with His own hand but he had to use us humans to write them for Him. Just as if God wants to do something in this realm He has to work through us to accomplish everything He wants to get done. My whole point is that Paul wrote the book with God's permission. If homosexuality is so right then why don't know one debate that being straight is wrong?
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@caramel22 (62)
• United States
21 Jul 07
If you read Romans 1:21-32 God tells us that this is unnatural. And also in the old testament God destroyed a whole nation just because men were sleeping with men and women with women.
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
21 Jul 07
I wouldnt feel good if any reltive of mine was homosexual and God should never make this happen, but i respect them as they are from a good distance.
Abortion has to be selective-when raped, when carrying the unborn full term jeopardizes the life of the mother, outside this, any involvement in abortion is cruel and unjustified!
anilam, I urge to believe in some religion, believe in some higher being, being atheist is kind of being confined to the now of life-life to me is beyond now! It transcends into tomorrow, hereafter!
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
21 Jul 07
well i do believe in something, i believe in myself, people around me, in knowledge...
I just can not force myself to believe that there is a man up there pulling all the strings...
I live for today, somedays, and asomedays I live for tomorrow and many years to come...
If afterlife exists, i will see after I die, but in my opinion if it exists it is not connected with religion.

@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I am a Methodist
1) I believe that homosexuals are people with an inborn attraction to their own gender. They have as much right to find love as anyone else. The only harm from homosexuality comes from people thinking they should live a lie. This harms both the gay person and whomever they decide to take as spouse.
2) I am pro choice. I wish abortion were not necessary, but I can see circumstances where it is. If abortion were suddenly illegal, women would die, and the life of the living is more important to me than the fetus.
3) I beleive that every person has the right to decide their own spiritual paths. I respect all beliefs as long as they don't seek to harm others. I try to learn as much about other religions as possible in an attempt to increase my awareness.
4) I believe in evolution, but I do believe that a Supreme being got the ball rolling. I do believe science over the bible.
Do not think that my way of thought is indicative of all Methodists. My father is a Methodist minister but he is also a highly enlightened individual.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
21 Jul 07
I am a Christian a Calvinist.
(1) I do not approve of homosexuality. I believe it is a lifestyle choice made palatable by the way they were raised, the absence of a father's influence in their formative years, for example.
(2) I am against abortion. Adoption is a viable choice and should be encouraged. (3)I believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and that unless God calls them, atheists and those who practice other religions will go to hell. However I believe the greater punishment will go to those who reject HIM and the lesser who were ignorant.
(4) God created Adam and Eve, and we are their descendants. Every animal was created after its own kind and what we have now is the result of the many divisions done through the centuries, and resulted in animals descended from a single source, such as a pro horse, eventually turning into horses, and donkeys who do not create fertile offspring.
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@leavert65 (1018)
• Puerto Rico
21 Jul 07
1)Homosexuality - I'm against it but I don't have any adverse feelings against a per son simply for being a homosexual.
2)Abortion: I'm only for it if it can be interrupted before the baby starts to form and then only in extenuating circumstances.
3)I'm tolerant of most religions. I'm non-denominational but I'm a member of a pentecostal church
4) I don't agree with macroevolution. I believe God created man.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
21 Jul 07
i think it is forbidden to make an abortion after fetus is 3 months old (because that is the time he really becomes alive) they make a abortion after three months of pregnancy only if there is something seriously wrong with the fetus or if pregnancy could kill the mother
@sandwedge (1339)
• Malaysia
21 Jul 07
you have 4 different questions. please do a separate discussions for each so you get more earnings instead of just relying on just one.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
21 Jul 07
to say i was not attracted to this place because of money would be a lie... but i do not lack of it... so when i open a discussion this is the last thing on my mind. if i made 4 separate discussions this debate would not reach the point i want
but nevertheless thank you for your advice
@bearfan (63)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I am a born again bible believing Christian who attends a protestant church. On the subject of homosexuality I think it is definately wrong. I have a relative that is gay and I still love him however I feel that that lifestyle is totally against God and his teachings.
On abortion I am against that too except in the case of the mothers life in danger. I don't want to put down anyone elses believes or non beliefs but I truly don't understand atheism. I think that it is to easy to just not believe in something or God then just to have faith.
I also believe in Creation.

@dafnie (382)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Here is a table of explicit and emplicit references to homosexuality in the bible -
Go to
Leviticus 20:13
"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have commited an abomination..."
--- there are more verses and explanations in the table.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
20 Jul 07
thank you for your answer...
i will ask you the same question as i asked previous poster... where it is stated that homosexuality is against goods teachings... does it say so in the bible or do you hear this in church... I really wanna know... So please answer :D

@missa405 (290)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
I'm an atheist also.
1. Homosexuality is perfectly natural and acceptable.
2. Abortion shouldn't be used as a form of birth control, but it should be available to anyone who wants it. Women deserve to choose what happens to their own bodies. Adoption is not the best option, I would not trust the government to take care of my children.
3. I think religion is just a way for people to deal with their lives, having something to believe in is important for some people. They don't have to be afraid of dying if they believe there is an afterlife. Religion is also a way to control people, the fear of Hell and the devil is enough for some people to follow like sheep. Atheism has turned into a dirty word for some people. They like to change the definition and assume things about people who don't believe in god. (I admit, I'm assuming some things about religious people). I really don't like how religion gets involved with politics.
4. Evolution is more believable than the creation story in genesis. I haven't studied evolution enough to have a real opinion on it.
There's my short response.
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@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I agree with what you said about religion. A lot of people just use it as a crutch. When something good happens they say that it's a miracle or a blessing, but when something bad happens they say that God is just testing then! Everyone wants that sense of security that there really is someone up there watching out for them. ..I think in the logical way, though..and just can't believe in something like that.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
20 Jul 07
well it certainly must be easier, in a way, to believe that there is somebody watching over you... but i do not like the thought that my achievements were achieved with help of the greater force... But as I strictly say: everybody believes what they want to and there is nothing wrong with that
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@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I am an atheist...and here are my answers:
Homosexuality: As long as it doesnt affect me then I dont care! People can do whatever makes them happy. I'm not going to judge people by what they do with their lives, it's none of my business. Other people need to mind their own business and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing! (I'm straight, btw)
Abortion: I have different feelings on this. I actually did consider it once..for a second, until I started doing research online and found all of the horrible pictures. Yeah, we struggle now financially and mentally (having 3 toddlers drives me crazy some days!) but this is my family and I wouldnt give them up for anything. ..BUT, I do think it should be the mothers decision but there should be a one time limit..like some big database somewhere, lol..so that women can only do it one time and not use it AS a form of birth control!
Religion: Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. I'm not going to bash someone just because of what they believe in. Everyone thinks that their own religion is the true religion but none of us REALLY know what the truth is and wont know until we die..and then we can't come back and tell everyone else!
Evolution: Not sure, don't really care. I dont have to know everything, lol!
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@rosie_123 (6113)
20 Jul 07
Hmm - good question. I find them a rarity these days on MyLot which is very sad. Anyway - to your questions. And by the way I am an Atheist too.
1) Homosexuality - I don't have a problem with it at all. The love between two men or two women can be as deep, long-lasting and worthwhile, as that between a heterosexual couple. I abhor any form of bigotry - whether it is racism, sexism, or on the grounds of anyone's sexuality.
2) I am a firm believer in the woman's right to choose. It is her life and her body, and if she feels mentally/emotionally/physically/financially unable to cope with having a child, then she has a right to an abortion. I hate all these holer-than-thou people preaching to women about what they do wth their own bodies- it makes me really mad.
3) Religion - well, as Karl Marx once said - I see it as the "opium of the masses". Just a load of fairy stories made up many years ago to keep the proletariat in their place, and frighten them into doing what they were tld! In general however, I tend to adhere to a "live and let live" philosophy, and if people want to worship their "god" I let them get on with it, and don't mock them - afterall, they have as much right to their views as I do. However, if people try and preach to me and ram their own "religion" down my throat it drives me mad and I will argue with them.
4) My theory of evolution - well I'm sure Mr. Darwin explained it much better than I ever could.
@zhisheng2005 (301)
• China
21 Jul 07
I seldom go to those things ah,I just concern some news
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@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
23 Jul 07
I am Christian and my opinion on these subjects....
Homosexuality- I do NOT find it "natural", but do what makes you happy. If it's a sin then I am not the one that would go to hell for it so why should I judge someone on their lifestyle when I am FAR from perfect.
Abortion- It's murder, no matter what. That is my personal belief. Yet again, why should I judge someone on their choices? I won't have to suffer the consequences.
Religons- Being able to worship and believe how we want is part of having freedom and people should not condemn others beliefs until they have studied them and walked a mile in their shoes.
Evolution- My ancestors are NOT monkey's!
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@Sushicook (690)
• Sweden
20 Jul 07
Homosexuality and abortion is perfectly accepted in my eyes. I've had some personal experience with both, and I see no reason why either should be looked down upon. As for other religions and atheism, I encourage people to believe what they want as long as that doesn't harm anyone else.
Evolution...I'm partial to the scientific explanation, and for those who believe in God it's so easy to just accept the scientific explanation with an "God is clever, if he thought of all that! :D"
I'm sort of a religious cross-breed, with Christian roots, Pagan tendencies and some Shinto influences. ;)
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
20 Jul 07
3. other religions: i do not judge religions, i have respect too all of them, the morals and the general idea of them is great. I think every individual has a right to have his religion and i am not in position to degrade anybody because of his religion...
I think everybody should respect every religion (with good moral)
4. evolution: i believe in evolving from small bacterias to higher life forms and through million of years to human
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