Breathing a sigh of relief... when you get test results back for your child.
By Leca
@lecanis (16647)
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
July 20, 2007 3:49pm CST
So recently my son had an EEG and a CT scan of his brain because he had a few seizures, and while they could just be febrile seizures, the doctor wanted to check because both his father and I have some history of seizures ourselves.
Today I was at the doctor for a totally different reason for myself, and the doctor I was seeing happens to share a waiting room with my son's doctor. So while I was getting my paperwork with my doctor's office worked out, my son's doctor comes running up to me out of the blue waving papers around! Apparently she had seen me walk by and run to get his chart so she could talk to me.
My son Dustin's CT scan and EEG were both normal, according to the initial results, though everything hasn't been finalized yet. Which means most likely he doesn't have any form of seizure disorder or ongoing problem that we have to worry about, and the seizures he had were just the fever kind that kids get sometimes, which means he could have more when he has a fever again, but they aren't likely to cause any real damage and he'll grow out of them.
This is partially just an update for my friends who were concerned about Dustin, but just to make it more interesting, here's a question. Have you ever not realized how worried you were about test results for your child until after you got them? I mean, these tests were mostly precautionary because of the family history involved, but I realized after the doctor spoke to me that I had been terrified about them!
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18 responses
@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
Hi lecanis!
I am so happy to hear that your son is going to be fine! I honestly haven't run into anything too severe with my daughter where she has had to have tests for something so I can't answer that part of the question. I honestly feel lucky that I haven't because knowing how much of a worry wart I have turned into since having her and how easily scared from other things I get (if she vomits, has a fever, chokes, etc) I would be going out of my mind!
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
21 Jul 07
*nods* It's so easy to get scared even with small things with your kids! After he had the first seizure I was driving Dusty nuts because I was just following him around all the time watching closely, and he wanted to play, and he was just like "MOM!" He's such an independant little boy already, and he's only 1! =p
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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
22 Jul 07
My daughter is one too, and I have noticed she is getting very independant also. She turned 1 in June and we have seen such a big difference in her since her birthday!
@vijigopi (991)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Wow! That's good news Lecanis. Now you can breathe freely I suppose. Dustin will be quite fine. I know how terrifying waiting for your child's results can be. My son was admitted in hospital for fever when he was 2 months old and I didn't realise how serious the situation was until the hospital staff showed their hurry in treating him. I was told children below 3 months do not have much immunity and sometimes even an infection can be fatal to them. My baby was chubby like so many others and he got pricked oh so many times to be given an IV. And when they had to take his blood test every morning they just chose to cut his fingers and his toes to do these tests!! I just pray nobody else has to go through all that. It was plain Hell. My baby lost his voice crying!! Just thinking about those days gives me the creeps.
How about your Meniere's disease. Have you convinced the medical insurance of the genuineness of your case? I hope they get convinced too and that too very soon.
Wish you luck!
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
20 Jul 07
Yes, I am so very happy with the results for Dustin! Oh, it sounds like what you went through with your son must have been so very difficult! Especially with him having been so young, they just seem so vulnerable at that time! Me being a first-time mother and all, when my son was that young I was so worried every time he did something the slightest bit out of the norm for him that something was seriously wrong. =p
As for my condition, it's still the same. Still the constant vertigo, and now the doctor is saying that it might be something other than the Meniere's causing it, because while vertigo is a Meniere's symptom, it typically happens in "attacks" and goes away quickly. So now we're pursuing the idea that there might be a neurological problem involved. Thankfully if that's the case my insurance shouldn't have any problems covering it (the only thing they balked at so for was the Meniere's treatment that is seen as kind of experimental), but it means going to new doctors and going through many more tests. Right now I have an appointment with the neurologist on Monday to go over the results of the MRI I had done last Friday, so hopefully that will give us some ideas. If not, it'll be off to yet another neurologist to consider medicines that we might try. My ear-nose-throat doctor, the one who diagnosed me with Meniere's in the first place, wants to make sure I don't wind up having ear surgery I don't need if there's a neurological problem going on that could be treated first.
It's just frustrating because apparently I'm some kind of medical anamoly at this point that has them stumped, so they don't really know what to do. Of course the positive of that is that the doctors are really interested in my case, so that means they'll pay lots of attention! =p
@vijigopi (991)
• United States
20 Jul 07
OH OH..... Well, I don't know if that's a good news or a bad one. The insurance seeing your Meniere as kind of experimental is annoying though. I don't know if it is a worse case... neurological as well as Meniere or just one of the two. Hmm.. I would go nuts trying to find out what's wrong with me if this was the case. Being an anomoly might be interesting for the doctors, but that means we have to wait to find a solution. That is not what you want just now, I guess. For anyone, a fast solution to our medical problems is most welcomed. Hope they find out what's wrong very soon and pray they have a solution to that as well.
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@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
21 Jul 07
I fortunately haven't gone through anything you have but I would be worried sick and on pins and needles. I think it is always fear of the unknown too. But you never want to see your kids go through anything where they will feel pain or be scared.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
21 Jul 07
It's true! It's so much easier to go through something yourself than to see your kid go through it even! I mean, I'm in the middle of my own health crisis but I was just freaking out over this stuff with my son! So it's great to have that over with now and know that everything is well with him. =)
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
21 Jul 07
OMG that's so wonderful!!! Congrats hun, ohh give the little bug a hug for me.
i know what you mean, it doesn't matter who it is, but i'm sure it's a hundred times worse when the child is your own, i'm so glad the results are positive for all of you.
Now we just have to insure that your and your hubby's health gets better and your off and racing!
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@Healthkeep (996)
• Israel
21 Jul 07
Hey dear, I am so glad to read you r son is OK, even though I am not so up to date with the rest of the story. I sure do know how it is like to wait for a medical test redults of a family member... I am glad you can now have a sigh of relief, and put all this stress behind you.
I wish you and your family lots of health!
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
21 Jul 07
I am so very glad that everything came back alright. It is nerve racking to have to wait for the results. Sometimes I think we tend to think negative before we even give ourselves a chance to be positive..I am glad that you had them done and now you can rest easier.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
21 Jul 07
*nods* I am so glad we had the tests done too! Normally they wouldn't even test after just a couple of seizures like that in a child, but since my husband and I had both had seizures before they were extra careful. And I feel so much better now! =)
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
22 Jul 07
Good news about Dustin, Lecanis. All your friends here will be happy for you. You have enough on your plate without added worries. I do hope all your problems get sorted out soon.
I enjoy extremely good health myself and haven't even had a cold for more than forty years. I have five sons and they all have exceptional health. However, my eldest (now mid forties) had tests last month and I was very relieved to hear the all clear report.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
21 Jul 07
Who says being a parent is easy, lol! I don't even allowed a single mosquito to touch my little ones. We may be parents but our little tykes will forever test our inner strength. Not exactly a dream role but a role we need to face to.
I remember my eldest needed to go through a series of test because of gastric reflex. She was only 3 months old back then and seeing her so small and lying on the cold metal table for her CT scan was enough to make me cry. I wouldn't mind trading place with my girl. After all the tests and results came in which thankfully showed no indication of any untoward symptoms, did I finally took my first deep breathe. I may need to buy more medicines to bring back my nerves to it's normal state again and again, lol!
@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
20 Jul 07
Hello lecanis!:-)
I feel relieved by coming to know the piece of news that you shared. Thank you!
I can feel how much worried you would have been while waiting for results even if they were just precautionary. I haven't been to this stage yet when my son is in this world but during pregnancy of my wife, we have had our fair share of such worries many times. Though I always have and still do believe in ultimate good but I also always had a sigh of relief every time it came out as well as I wanted or perhaps even more than that.
I am happy for you and your family and I sincerely hope that everything goes well:-)
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@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
21 Jul 07
I am so glad his seizures seem to be just from the feaver. I hope everything goes well with him.
Yes I have been in your shoes and have not realized how worried I was about a test result until I go the results.
@hermitcrabheaven (645)
• United States
22 Jul 07
I'm glad everything came back okay. It's hard to have to wait for tests for anything, but it's especially hard when waiting for test results for your children. Parents usually want what's best for their child. It's hard to wait for a test when something might be wrong, because we don't want anything to be wrong with our children. We would like to make sure they lead as full, rich, healthy and worry-free life as possible, while we're responsible for them.
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@HereLiesSlobe (71)
• Canada
21 Jul 07
I'm glad he doesn't have any disorders...or likely won't have any.
I don't know anybody with medical conditions but they sound like they make life very complicated.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
23 Jul 07
That is really great news and I can bet you are breathing a sigh of relief. To answer your question yes I have had that. I didn't realize how worried or concern I was until afterwards. I think it's a matter of trying not to think on it. That if we do think on it we'd be no use to anyone least of all the child in our life. Then when we get the news we either jump for joy or what have you. I know my neice recently had to have an ultrasound to rule out appendicitis and other problems due to pains in her lower stomach area. They now want to do a CAT scan to rule out a problem with her overies. Yeah I'm worried but I don't want her to know I'm worried so I don't show it. I'm sure once it's all said and done I'll have worried for nothing. I'd rather worry and find out its nothing though then the other way around.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
21 Jul 07
Most definitely! My youngest really had us worried for awhile. The first thing was that he kept failing his hearing test in the hospital. When he finally did pass it I was suddenly just flooded with all kinds of emotions about what it would have meant had he had a significant hearing problem. Then he failed the thyroid portion of his PKU and had to be retested. I read up on what it could mean if he did have a thyroid problem but wasn't worried since it is almost always a lab error that causes results like his. We had the retest done and were told we would know the results within a week. I didn't really think much about it until the week passed and I still hadn't heard. Then two weeks passed...Finally, after calling every day to ask, I convinced a nurse at the hospital to call the lab to get the results. He didn't have a problem and again I felt so much relief even though when I first learned he may have the problem I didn't feel concerned. The other thing that happened with him was that his doctor heard a heart murmur. My 4 year old does have a heart condition so I honestly laughed when she told me that the baby probably had the same thing. But it has since gone away completely and his heart has checked out fine. I know I could have handled it if he did have the same problem but I am so relieved that he doesn't.
I'm glad your son turned out to be alright. Hopefully it was just a one time thing. Even though you know now it was just caused by his fever, it must still be scary to think about it possibly happening again.
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@aissha (2036)
• India
23 Jul 07
yeah lecanis i'm happy too for and more for dustin ,febral seizures occur due to higher temperatures i guess ,so take care now on ,and u have homeopathy medicines available then they are better for children and u can take medicines to increase immunity and strength in dustin so that next he never gets seizures.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
21 Jul 07
Just checking in and glad to hear about the good news around Dustin's medical reports. It must be a huge relief...and yes, I have had similar feelings after I've moved through something.
It is as if the 'freezing comes out.' My guess is we numb ourselves to the fear so we can get through it...then once it is over and things are not so bad..we can allow ourselves to access what we were feeling from a safer emotional place.
Anyway, that's just how I see it...take some deep breaths and enjoy the sense of relief. Hopefully all that pent up fear can be released and you can put more into your own healing journey.
Light filled blessings to you and yours.