Is your Mom your best friend?
By Kristiana77
@Kristiana77 (28)
United States
July 21, 2007 9:19pm CST
I have two brothers and they hardly stay in contact with our parents, but I have a far different connection to my mom. It seems that mothers and daughters have a special relationship that seems indescribable. I know my mom will always be my best friend. We shop, laugh, joke, and run a business together. She had breast cancer about a year and a half ago and it's very scary to think of losing her. Every pain or ache she complains about, I'm thinking what if that's something serious - what if the cancer is spreading. I shouldn't worry so much but I've been a worrywart since the day I was born. Hearing that my friend's mom just died of breast cancer after fighting it for 10 years scares me too. I just want to make sure she stays healthy and watches out for Cancer, after having a mastectomy and chemo, I'm praying that it's all gone.
This experience has brought my dad and mom and me closer.
Does anyone else consider their mother as their best friend??
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12 responses
@raychill (6525)
• United States
22 Jul 07
My mom wishes we were.
She always talks about how she sees people like this on tv and in movies and in real life and wishes we were like that.
I'm not estranged from my mom. I love my mom. We do things together. But we don't always get along. It's funny, because I'm so much like my father. I've always been a daddy's girl for that reason too. I actually talk and do things more with my mother though, but she still feels like we have a strained relationship and that always makes it worse. Plus because I'm more like my father my mom and I bash heads a lot, which would probably make more sense if my parents were divorced but they've been married 34 years.
the relationship i have with both of my parents together and individually is good though and that is good enough for me. my brother on the other hand...whole other story.
@Kristiana77 (28)
• United States
22 Jul 07
Hi Raychill,
I SO much wanted to be a "daddy's girl" but my dad was very much involved in the Army and everything had to be neat and in perfect order. So that did not include his children who were often playing with messy things. The plus is that I'm getting along with him better now that he has seen what things he's missed in my life. He is starting to live a little less perfectly :)
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
22 Jul 07
I can understand how that can be a strained relationship. Neither of my parents did anything like that and were pretty good at being involved in our lives and such. plus my dad and I are really so much alike...that it's inevitable and who knows, maybe that's why my brother and I have lost touch because he's like my mother.
@apsuz73 (28)
• United States
22 Jul 07
Even though my Mom lives over 4 hours away, she is definately my best friend. We have sort of an odd relationship, though. I started out life thinking she was my sister. She was only 14 when I was born (turned 15 a few weeks later), and her Mom and Step-father were kind enough to adopt me (her bio-dad passed away several years before). Although I knew I was adopted my entire life, and I found out who my bio-Mom when I was still in elementary school, we weren't really that close until I was 16. That's when her Mom/my Grandmother/my adopted Mom passed away, and I moved out. My first husband (yes, I married at 16) lived with her and her family for a while. That relationship was far from healthy, and caused some difficulty between us because I didn't want to listen to her. However, since then, we have grown very close. We can talk about anything. I don't think she will ever know how grateful I am that she didn't have an abortion, and that I wasn't adopted outside the family. So Mom, if you see this, Thank You!!!
@Kristiana77 (28)
• United States
22 Jul 07
Wow apsuz73
I'm so glad you were able to find out who your mom was. Distance must be difficult but it's obvious that you are staying connected with her. :) I can't imagine living 4 hours away but I suppose you never know what life has for you in the future. I wish I was already married but just haven't found the right guy yet. My dad even suggested he would "arrange" a marriage. I said, "I'm not that desperate dad!!!!" My mom of course laughed. Sometimes I think my dad is jealous of the time my mom and I spend together. He has suddenly become interested in shopping with us :o Hmmmmmm :)
@babyblu1998 (325)
• United States
23 Jul 07
My mom was my best friend and will continue to be so even though she is passed on. I miss chatting with her about everything.
@kat_princess (1470)
• Philippines
24 Jul 07
My mom and I kinda get along but I don't consider her my best friend because she hurts me really bad when angry and she's so close-minded.Annoying most of the time but I'm still grateful for everything she's done for us.
@mrrtomatoe (800)
• Canada
22 Jul 07
I am very close with both my parents and I feel like I can tell them anything that's on my mind. It is great to have an open relationship with your parents because they can offer you advice from their own experiences.
@Kristiana77 (28)
• United States
22 Jul 07
Hi Mrrtomatoe,
I wish I was close to my father but in reality he's a little bit scary. I don't let him watch what I'm doing because I know he's going to tell me I'm doing something wrong. My mom has always stepped in right as he is telling my brothers or me that we just did this or that wrong. I think that's great that you are close to both parents. maybe in time I will be.
@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
26 Jul 07
My mom is my best friend, we are very close and share everything. I'm an only child and she was a single mom so I think that brought us closer together. I think it's so sad when I see people, like a lot of my friends, who don't even get along with their mothers or hate them. That breaks my heart, you only get one mom in life and no matter what happens and after the dust clears she's always going to be there for you.
I hope your mother stays healthy!
@umair2hot (1220)
• India
22 Jul 07
My best friend, Olivia, and I met in a fiction-writing class almost 20 years ago. We bonded in an instant during the discussion of one poor soul's incomprehensible story involving a woman who'd undergone surgery and was described delicately as having lost "that which made her a woman." Suddenly, out of my mouth sprang my impersonation of Monty Python's Eric Idle, "Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean?" Every other student in the room looked at me as if I'd lost my mind, but Olivia snorted with laughter. Thus, a friendship was born.
When people are asked, "What gives meaning to your life?" friendship figures at the top of the list. Yet the dynamics of friendship have remained mysterious and unquantifiable. Like romantic love, friendships were thought to "just happen." New research shows that the dance of friendship is nuanced—far more complex than commonly thought. With intriguing accuracy, sociologists and psychologists have delineated the forces that attract and bind friends to each other, beginning with the transition from acquaintanceship to friendship. They've traced the patterns of intimacy that emerge between friends and deduced the once ineffable "something" that elevates a friend to the vaunted status of "best." These interactions are minute but profound; they are the dark matter of friendship.
Well my mom is also my best friend !!
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
22 Jul 07
My mum has always been my best friend and I worship the ground she walks on, not only is she a friend, but a confidente and she gives me so much love and support totally unconditionally, she's always there for me and she's always telling me if I get into trouble there's always a home for me. We keep in regular contact and I like to see her every four to five weeks.
@Geminigirl (1909)
• United States
22 Jul 07
I am so glad that you feel that way about your mother. That is wonderful. I think it is really important, especially for daughters to have a good relationship with their mother, because mothers can be wonderful positive role models for us as young women. Unfotunately, I do not have this kind of close relationship with my mother. But I did have that with my father, and for that I am so grateful. We are so lucky when we have good parents or a parent who really loves us and connects with us.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
22 Jul 07
Most definitely not. But then, my mother didn't actually raise me either. I sometimes lived with her for short amounts of time when no one else in my family would take me, and several times she just moved without even telling me. So we don't really have a mother/daughter relationship at all, let alone a friend one.
I think it's great that you're so close to your mother. I want a mommy like that! =P
@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
22 Jul 07
We were sometimes friends. But my mom and her constant mood swings makes it near impossible to become best friends with her. I dont like to talk about stuff and all that junk. Bascually shes pushing me out of her life. We are moving out soon, far away. Not cause of her completly the far away part but in part cause we cant find a place around here with cheap rent. But yeah we arent best friends for sure sad to say but its true