The Nephrilim
By agnescav
@agnescav (566)
United States
5 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Aug 07
The Nephilim can be found in Genesis 6. The Nephilim is translated as the "Sons of God". The Bible states they saw the daughters of men and thought they were beautiful and married them. It says also that they were the men of old, men of reknown.
It is often speculated that the Sons of God or the Nephilim were fallen angels who mated with human women. This theory is quite well known. But another theory may be just as likely, that the Nephilim were simply another creation, another man.
If you read Genesis, God creates man in Chapter 1, but Adam is not created until Chapter 2. Adam is said to have been created a living soul.
If then, these were men who were created and lived prior to the arrival of the soul-endowed Adam, and they were the cause of the evil that God saw on the earth as it states in Genesis 6, then it makes sense that God says He will destroy man from the earth with a great flood. He does not say, I will destroy man and Nephilim.
Genesis 1:27 And God created man in His own image...male and female created He them.
Genesis 2:7 And God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils and man became a living soul.
This was Adam in Genesis 2, the only man God mentions, but is he the only man God made? The Bible never attempts to name every person on earth at any time but focuses on individuals at this time or that.
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@Azzkiker039 (23)
22 Jul 07
I've not encountered such a word in the bible or maybe I missed it, So a wild guess maybe they are angels?
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@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
23 Jul 07
The nephelim are translated as "giants in the king james. They were the ofspring of "the sons of God" and "the dauthers of man", There are two camps on what this realy means. The first camp is that the sona of God are the descendents of Seth and the daughters of man are the decendents of Able. These two started inter marring, The second camp is that these were Angels that rebaled and came to earth and had children with these women, and their ofspring were terable monsters who after they could not be filled by food any more began to eat man. The angels that did this were bound and thrown into a prison under the earth, This may be the angels in revelation that were inprisoned for a certain time. Their offspring were destroyed and sense they were the copolation of phisical and emortal man, there souls became the evil spirits and unclean spirite, then God sent the flood to destroy the earth for the things the fallen angels had tought them.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
22 Jul 07
If you read Genesis 6: especially 1- 4, the sons of God, that is those who obeyed God's will, married the daughters of men, that is the descendants of Cain. The giants were there first. I suppose that the giants were those who had grown because of the lack of radiation and the belt of water above the earth (now replaced by the Van Allan Belt) Another is that these giants were the mighty men of old, the children of the union between God's sons and Cain's daughters, the latter who influenced the teachings of their children. It could also be that the Giants were on of the results of humans before they were reduced to the Neanderthals and Cro Magnons. There might have been three divisions, one of which would be known as Giagantidrals or some name like that. It could also be that demons or bad angels pretended to be human men and married human women, possibly the daughters of God because all the men were marrying those evil women. As it was, the Nephrilim were wiped out in the Flood because the only resemblance Goliath and his relatives had to them was their height.
@cristobert (332)
• India
22 Jul 07
They were born to women of human origin and fallen angels. I think they were one the reasons for corrupting this world and as a result judgement came in form of flood. There were giants after the flood as well and legend has it that the last one to be killed was Goliath.
@kimfitts (66)
• United States
30 Jul 07
The Nephiylim are mentioned in Genesis Chapter 6. The were the "bullies" created by the "son's of God" marrying the "dauthers of men". Many confuse this chapter because they don't define who these people are. The word "nephiylim" just means "bullies", not giants. The "son's of God" are Israel. The "daughters of men" are the people of the time who worshipped not god, but pagan gods. Agape.