If you Fairy Godmother/ Genie granted unlimited wishes..what would wish for?
@Perspectives (7131)
July 23, 2007 10:20pm CST
I worded it that way rather than the 3 wish idea in fairly tales because when I heard those stories as a kid I always said; "I'd wish for unlimited wishes." I mean why stop at 3 right? I added the unlimited part for another reason..some people limit their imaginations because we can't time travel...but that should be a piece of cake for a Fairly Godmother or a Genie with all their magical powers.
So lets take the 'lid off the limiters' and let our imaginations run wild! You could resolve world hunger...stop the war in Iraq..drive a big fancy car while your celebrating world peace. As I wrote this I thought about all of those big things..but one thing I would wish for is to be able to go back in time before my parents died. I would give anything to be able to share a family meal and chat with the awareness I have now. We had a lot of problems within our family...and I understand so much more than I did then. I'd love a chance to get to know them on a different spiritual level than any of us were capable of while they were alive.
Anwyway it can be big or small..these are your wishes...wish whatever you'd like. I am sure I will hear a lot more everyday wisdom and interesting perspectives from all of you within the perspectives sharing circle.
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14 responses

@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Jul 07
I am not sure what you mean by complicated...but you certainly have some interesting ideas, experiences and a wonderful attitude about life..and those are just a few of the reasons I am glad we are friends!
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Jul 07
Well Lakota12, once again you have shared more of who you are, where the road of life has taken you...and what you'd do with your wishes. You have some wonderful ideas for you, your family and the world.
I liked your comment about seeing a Unicorn...now that would be magical! Buying your mountain and having your house there sounds so stable, peace and expansive...hope it happens for you.
I also like your fly on the wall idea...imagine what you would be able to hear in the White House and Pentagon...wow would have have some tales to tell!LOL
Anwyay I loved hearing about your wishes...it is my sincere hope that as many as possible come true for you and yours.
Hugs and blessings.

@ahamster (33)
• United States
24 Jul 07
Unlimited wishes would definitely be my first wish. Why not right? I'd just become essentially immortal if that happened. I'd actually make myself dictator and crush kim jong ill. And also to get a girlfriend :D. Woots for unlimited wishes.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Jul 07
Yes, unlimited wishes seems to work for most of us. Immortality...that is something many would like as well. Ending the hold Kim Jong has on his people...you have an interesting solution for that one. Anway...good luck with the girlfriend part...you don't need a genie or FG for that one...hope she comes along when the time is right.
Welcome to Mylot...hope to see you stop by again.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
5 Aug 07
Well...you keep on there are a lot of everyday heros. They often don't make the headlines...but they are out there!

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
25 Jul 07
1. All the comic books in the world.
2. One billion dollars.
3. A nice looking body.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Jul 07
Hi...your input is great...simple...direct to the point...and they all sound great!
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
30 Jul 07
Some of the above problems you mentioned could be resolved with one wish:
an end to the nwo/illuminati crowd.
Now for my second wish:
More money than Bill Gates & Donald Trump combined.
I have everything else I want already...except my degree, and I'm working on that.
As always, a great discussion :D
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Aug 07
Yes, all of the above problems COULD be resolved with one wish, Visitor, but I have unlimited wishes from my Fairy Godmother, and I feel if I separate them out into single wishes, then the wishes will be more powerful and more likely to take effect.
As for the riches of Bill Gates... who wants those... not I, for money is the root of a lot of the discord in this World. The power of love and understanding rules, my friend. Just imagine if there was no money in the World, and we were back to the age of bartering and small token gifts, what a better place this planet would be!
Brightest Blessings my friend, in the hope you get all that you wish for, and that this makes your life the happiest ever.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
5 Aug 07
How wonderful to hear that so many other things in your life are as you'd like them to be. If you don't mind me asking what degree are you working towards? Wishing you success there...
In regard to having the wealth of Bill Gates and Donald Trump combined...why not? We are talking about 'unlimited wishes here!
Thanks, I am glad you like the discussion...I value your particpation.

@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
24 Jul 07
You actually only need three things to be more powerful than God.
- A brain
- Good health
- Money
I already have the brain... so I would wish to never be sick and a bank account which never dries up.
With that... I can change the world for the better... and become president of the world.
Your genie can only provides you with the things that exist and that she knows about. So time travel and immortality are out.

@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
26 Jul 07
The problem is that you have picked on a fictional character which has been defined as a human being with magic powers.
You cannot create something... even out of magic... if it does not exist in your mind. To create it... at least you need to know what it is going to look like.
There is nothing wrong with dwelling on the possibilities. As long as you don't expect those possibilities to appear out of thin air through magic. You have to dwell on the possibilities while remaining realistic.
There are actually many people who believes that we don't need a time machine... but that we simply need to learn how to use our brain to transport ourselves through time and space. They actually do that in the TV serie "Charmed".
I also recommend you to watch the remake of the movie "The time machine". It is very good and is on DVD.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Jul 07
I am fully cognizent of the fact that the genie and fairy goodmother are fictional characters. They were simply used as a metaphor to remove limitors and create a discussion where repondents could share what THEY would love to have happen...if they could.
I was not looking for a pragmatic science project approach...just a discussion forum with a group of people sharing the possibilities within their own psyche. Part of why I suggested unlimited wishes was to prevent any inhibitors within the wishing.
So within the 'make. believe' world of imagination all things are possible...even time travel and immortality. Yes, I absolutely agree that it is magical thinking...and not to be applied to everyday goal-setting and goal-getting. I have a metaphysical view of the world...and understand the 'limitors' you have presented. However, I still find it enjoyable to hear what others would choose to do...if there were no inhibitors in their ability to do it.
Your world view is interesting and I appreciate your input.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Jul 07
Well...I like your 3 point breakdown...makes sense. Thanks for adding to the disucssion. I am just unclear why you think our genies and fairy Godmothers cannot create a time travel machine...or instantly change our biologies to a 'beam me up Scottie' dematerialzation/materialzation process...after all we are talking about magic and enchantment here! LOL
I live with the phrase; "I dwell on the possibilities" as one of my mottos. Also with the line from Robin William's movie What Dreams May Come...he said, "A miracle is just something we haven't seen yet." Works for me!

@miamilady (4910)
• United States
5 Aug 07
hmmm A seemingly simple question. But I can't come up with a simple answer. My first reaction would be to say I'd wish for everything that it would take to make the people in my life happy.
But, unfortunately, I think it might be human nature to always be a bit disatisified. Maybe I'm being a cynic, but I think not. I think it's a rational conclusion.
I also think that if we were granted all of our wishes, how would we know to appreciate them? If we could have whatever we wanted I don't think most people would appreciate it. I think they would continue to want something more and never be satisfied.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
5 Aug 07
Once again...you unique perspectives have added another interesting dimension to the topic. I cannot argue with what you say...'having it all' would probably get tiresome and pedestrian pretty quickly. The satisfaction of goal-setting and goal-getting is what makes life meaningful. So...thanks for putting another spin on the subject!
@hydrali (175)
• Pakistan
24 Jul 07
yea........nice discussion dude!!
hmm i will wish for a big house in miami and alot money and cars and servants and after tht ill ask for the money for my relatives if they r in need then ill donate some for handicapped pplz and much more............... :p
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Jul 07
Thanks...glad you like the discussion! I am sure you and your family would enjoy your unlimited withes...and unlimited funds. As would your willingness to assist those less fortunate. Good balance there that for the input.
@sunshinecup (7871)
24 Jul 07
OMG! I just had this conversation with hubby, LOL. Are you listening in on us??? :oD
My biggest wishes are in no particular order...
To go back in time so the little me could see the big me, stomp some butt. I would love to get about three adults that didn't do me right as a child at all.
Travel time again, to save my oldest brother Kevin (his pic is in my profile). He was struck down by a drunk driver in front of me. I would definitely go back to save him.
Remove the asthma from my children's lungs. They have had it since they were about 1 years old, and I hate it. They are severe asthmatics, and it's been a battle keeping their flare ups down and giving them a normal childhood.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Jul 07
Hi again,
No I wasn't listening in...but we are on the same wave length it appears...and like attracts like. Maybe our ideas joined together somewhere up there in the ethers and beamed a simultaneous messagee....wo...wo.LOL
Now on to the topice. Your wishes are certainly coming from a place of compassion and concern for your loved ones...I am sorry to learn about what happened to your brother. How tragic...I wish you could go back too...it would certainly change a number of things in your family dynamic. Even if you genie or FG can't assist with your children's lungs I hope another way will present itself.
Wishing you and yours all the best!
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
24 Jul 07
For me I would ask for enough money to have homes in New York, Chicago, and Tuscany. And to have enough money to do what I want whatever I want to.For the world I would wish for enough clean water, without flooding countries, a cure for Aids and Diabetes,money for all the charities I can't name, peace in the Middle East.And that every child that is born is wanted.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Jul 07
I was sure that this dicussion would be an enjoyable one...and I am receiving an immense amount of enjoyment for reading the responses. Your comment that "every child that is born is wanted" is adds another interesting perspective to your personal wishes. Thanks for drawing our attention to a problem that would be wonderful to resolve.
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@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
24 Jul 07
Hi Perspectives i wondered about it too i would always say my first wish is 'all my wishes be granted' LOL i like your idea of unlimited wishes. So my first wish would be that i meet my truelove and soulmate so we can start a lovely family with 3 children of our own and two adopted. Please dont ask me why 3 and 2 i have not figured out the logic of that but i always wanted it that way! and then ofcourse we have a beautiful house with a lovely garden and a car and ofcourse enough money to fulfill all our wishes. And yes i want my mom to have a house of her own as well. and she should be happy and ALL her needs met. and my brother has a happy fulfilling life and so does EVEYONE in the world. No more hunger, war, terrorism and this will sound stupid b'cos i just said i want enough money but then i dont want money in the world we just exchange love and goods for all our needs like the old barter system then i think most of the world's owes will go away. And ofcourse we take care of Mother earth and dont trash her like we are doing now. We can also travel anywhere in the world without restriction somebody feels like visting a place they just take off without passports, visas, etc and every child has a beautiful childhood no abuses, trauma, everyone looks after eachother - a global village! wat else?...hmmm peace and love reigns everywhere and ofcourse people who love ice cream and chocolates can eat as much as they want and not worry about weight gain :)
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Jul 07
Hi again...my goodness Ano...I like the way you think. You have come up with some solid ideas for yourself and others...and Mother Earth...keep wishing girl you are on to something here.
Your idea of children is intriguing...will be interesting to see if that is how your life path outworks. Clear inner intentions have a way of manifesting...could very well turn out just the way you want...I hope so.
Your ideas for the world sound live heaven here on earth...especially the eating ice cream and chocolate without gaining weight...ohhh the world would be bowing at your feet if you granted them that one. I can see them saying..."Ohhhhh thank you great Ano...what a blessing you have granted...unlimited sweet treats....ohhhh we adore you!" Anyway...fun sharing with you...thanks for you interersting views.
Take good care...and we'll keep in touch.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
24 Jul 07
Hehe...well you know me with my Law Of Attraction and my boning up on the whole The Secret concept...on the DVD, James Ray points out the whole "genie" thing...now some legend had it that the genie only granted 3 wishes, but this wasn't so, not really, in fact, when the genie pops up, he says to Aladdin, "Your wish is my command." Meaning unlimited wishes...oh, isn't that great!!
You might very well view me as a bit materialistic, but this is no doubt since as a kid growing up I really didn't have the "luxurious" lifestyle my mother had --in other words she was a spoiled pampered brat!
That whole idea of maybe going back in time...something I never thought of...I would have loved to have been able to go back to my great-grandmother's time for some reason...I actually felt more of a connectedness with her than either my grandmother or mother--she was a tough as nails, didn't put up with nonsense kind of person, and would have loved to have seen her as a young woman, since I only knew her as an elderly woman.
So the materialistic part---
I kind of mentioned all this in my other response to you...about that Jaguar car, the home...but most of all I would like to have the success I've always yearned for every since I can remember...Yup..I want the fame, recognition and glory of my work..as a photographer, writer, artist, and craftsperson I think this is a basic yearning most creative people have...it's like we want to have our creative endeavors acknowledged, that we're worth something.
Also of course my grandest wish is to completely overcome all negative obstacles, particularly my disability issue...I want to live life to the fullest without anything to hold me back
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Jul 07
Hi...I don't think what you wish is materialistic...after all we are talking about letting our imagininations go wherever they want...with no limitors. Your lifestyle of Pyewacket...the rich and famous sounds quite balanced. You have your self in the middle with an abundant lifestyle that provides physical and emotional security, opportunities to do what you love...and the money follows. Striving for excellence in your profession..and working through whatever transformatiional changes you need to be able to life you best life. It all sounds positively enchanting...of course with fairy godmothers and genies orchestrating the positive outworking it couldn't help but be magical!LOL
Fun addtion to the post...thanks!
@kawaiijamichan (773)
• Philippines
24 Jul 07
that sounds interesting and fun. having unlimited wish is, yes i guess if a genie or a fairy does really exist you can resolve a lot of crisis in this planet. and yes you have the pleasure of asking whatever you wanted. but i think only the material things were a genie or a fairy can grant you. because asking for something which is beyond their power is not possible for them to do. being with your family and even the people you love who is not a family member brings truly happiness more than any other material things that you can have. probably we have the same wish, to go back in time where my grand parents were still alive. remembering the days with them is a part of my happy days when i was still a child. i love them dearly just as i love my parents.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Jul 07
I appreciate what you added to the talking points. In regard to asking them beyond what they can do...in my idealistic view of them I think they, like people can develop their powers rather than remain stagnent and stuck. Sooooo, hopefull they would know how to go to a Master genie or FG...and obtain additional skillsets to assist us in ANYTHING that is for the greater good. Just my writer's brain...going into the I dwell in possibility mode again!LOL
Anway, hearing about the love for your grandparents is very sweet. I feel the same way about one grandmother in particular...my Mom's Mom...my Nannie. She passed on when I was around 10...and yet my memories are like yours...happy, happy days filled with special moments. Oh if we only could go back...but they live on in our hearts and the bond with them obvioulsy shaped us. Thanks for your personal perspectives!
@anousha (406)
• Mauritius
24 Jul 07
I would restrict myself to 4 wishes, one more compared to the fairy tales..coz there's so much I can wish for and I feel that I'll never finish! First and the most important I would wish excellent health for me and my family, because without health you can't do much in ur life. Next I guess I would wish for my bro and my career success. Third I will wish for loads of money since I'm a shopping addict and last but not the least an exceptional life partner.. ^_^
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Jul 07
Hi...thanks for adding your wishes to the list. Excellent health is so crucial...without it the fullfillment of any wish would leave it less that satisfying. Shopping addict...wow wouldn't you have a blast with unlimited funds! Hope you find an exceptional life parter with or without the assistance of your genie or FG!
Good luck with all of it!
@helpingmomsathome (88)
• United States
24 Jul 07
Fun discussion!
If I could have anything my heart desires it would be:
* Money to pay off my mortgage and bills, my family's mortgages & bills
* Good health for my family
* A boat for my husband
* World peace - everyone learn to get along - stop killing each other!
* Rollover wishes to use at a later date - when I think of something else. :)
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Jul 07
Thanks for you comment...yes, it is a fun discussion isn't it? Pausing and thinking about it...then reading what other people's wishes would be...I am enjoying it...and yours too.
Financial security...and being debt free is a wish we all have...I wish it for you too...and all the others. Having good health for your family is so true...and I bet your hubby would love a boat too.
I like your 'rollover wishes'....great idea! Having too much happen too soon can be disruptive even if they are positive changes.