is honesty the best policy?

@rachel83 (101)
July 25, 2007 10:16pm CST
i'm having a few issues lately with people lying. a friend of my partners is a HUGE lier, i can't get over this as i have never come across anyone like this before. the thing is though, he even stuck by his lie after we caught him out! what makes people do this? i know in a lot of situations sometimes it is best to just say nothing instead of lying and getting yourself deeper into trouble. or just say nothing, so you don't hurt anyone. and it's almost as if they think you are just so stupid you will believe it anyway and they will get away with it. it baffles me, it really does.
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1 response
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
26 Jul 07
Yeah, I believe honesty is the best policy. Once we try to lie about something, it would forever be cause us to lie about others things as well to cover up that one big lie. Yeah, it still baffles me to this date why there are some who are comfortable at telling lies and are even proud about it. Maybe that's their nature. Maybe they've been lied to so much that they themselves have corrupted their own mind into believing that it's better to lie than to get caught at something. Others who are reformed-liars say that being a liar isn't a good life to live. Because you start to doubt other people, and are always suspicious thus giving you no peace of mind. Anyways, I'm not saying I'm perfect, but as often as I could, I would never resort to lying. I had chances before, but decided not too. It's too much pressure for me having to cover up several lies before. So better start a clean slate. Let others lie ~ that's their life, but don't trust them and don't prolong any relationship with them. A person who lies has no future. For they live in deception. Losing themselves as they have allowed themselves to be inter-woven in their lies. Good luck! =)
@rachel83 (101)
• Australia
27 Jul 07
thank you! that's right, they can never be happy!! some people suck! i'm not perfect either, nobody is, but i try to make my friends happy...and you can only really do that by being yourself. if people don't respond to that then.. live and let live..
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
28 Jul 07
yeah definitely. It's just sometimes it really pisses me off when I discover liars. You know what I mean? =)
@rachel83 (101)
• Australia
29 Jul 07
yes....teehee..... discovering them means they are not as good at lying as they originally thought.........:O)