Are Stay At Home Moms Viewed As Lazy?
@helpingmomsathome (88)
United States
July 26, 2007 3:21pm CST
I'm a stay at home mom and sometimes get the impression from others that stay at home moms are too lazy to get a job outside the home. That we sit around eatting BonBon's all day and watch soap operas.
I find staying home with my kids to be a challenging role most days. Whether you stay home with your kids or work outside the home; someone has to watch your kids until they reach school age. I'm not saying one way is better than the other and I understand every mom is different and we were all given different skills and gifts. However, as a society, do you feel that moms who stay home are viewed as lazy. Or do you feel they are an important part of society by staying home and raising the next generation?
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38 responses
@plainhousewife (332)
• Philippines
26 Feb 08
Amen to that! :D
Actually, I also thought that SAHMs would have all the time to theirselves even getting to nap all they want.
Until I became a SAHM myself did I discover that it wasn't any easy job and SAHMs are definitely not lazy!
Argh! hey, our job is around the clock unlike those who work in offices that only have a 9-5 job! We also work on holidays... AND we don't get monthly wages, bonuses etc.
@wifeytype (67)
• United States
26 Jul 07
Stay at home moms should be valued for the superwomen they are!! I DO think this is one of the most challenging yet rewarding jobs someone can have. I do hear some women putting stay at home moms down... and I find that sad; as women we should uplift each other and help each other have pride in our individual choices in life!! Not pass judgement if someone is different. But I think the ones who put down stay at home moms are few and far between. Anyone who has been a mom should know that being a mom makes you a SuperWoman! And YES you are definitely contributing to society by being there to raise and nurture your children; the little ones you watch today will be the leaders of tomorrow. So pat yourself on the back and be proud, momma! :o)
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
i dont think it is being lazy. When a mom decides to be a full time mom and work at home, she is giving up half her life, career and social life to some extent and this is quite a big sacrifice.
There is nothing wrong working at home and taking care of the family at the same time... besides, she is still "working" at home too.. right?
@loopylou2406 (382)
27 Jul 07
i think we are branded as lazy, but people obvously do not know the work that goes in to be a stay at home mum, you have the washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning, bathing of kids, teaching of kids, entertaining the kids, my boyfriend USED to come home and say u have been sat on your butt all day long, what have you being doing?? i used to get really upset, and it took for him to have a week hoiday from work to realise how much i actually did do, but obviously when he was off work i had one more to run around after HIM, louise get me this, louise get me that, so i think the stay at home mum should be branded SUPERMUM, as its not just one job we do but many then on top of that use the net are also trying to make some extra cash for our families too!!!! Is there anymore we could possibly fit in......oh yh then at bedtime, and io dont mean with the kids we still have enough energy for you men at the end of the night too!!!!
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
27 Jul 07
i totally agree with you.we should be considered is really hard all that we do for our family and our so happy that my husband actually understands now what i go thru.between the cleaning,cooking,vaccuming,dishes,3 young babies,doing hair at home for extra cash,selling things on ebay,and ofcourse doing surveys and stuff.its rough.
@kosykosy (160)
• Ghana
6 May 08
Hey, stay at home moms actually do a lot more work than most people. They are definitely not lazy. Those who perceive them as lazy must be lazy themselves because they don't know how much time it takes to scrub the bathroom or clean the windows or cook a meal. Stay at home moms are towers of strength!
@averyismyhero (13)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I think a lot of people think stay at home moms are lazy. I don't because I am one and I know how tiring it is and how much work I actually do. It's harder than any job I've had because you don't get paid, you don't get a break, you don't get a vacation, you don't even have a mediator if something goes wrong. There is no time to go home and rest. It never ends. You are everything. You're the janitor, the cook, the maid, the problem solver, the teacher, the manager, everything! It's sad that SAHM's are under appreciated in society. Regardless of what anyone thinks, stay at home moms are important and valuable.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
13 Aug 07
I don't think stay at home moms are lazy. I just think it's not for everybody. Some people would not be suitable to be a stay at home parents. They'd go nuts!
@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
20 Feb 08
Oh how stereotypical of people..I get the same feeling from others when they find out what I do.
I'm a stay at home mom too, and I'd challenge ANYONE with a job to come and do mine while I do their's. Being a stay at home mom requires so much more effort than usually thought of. We not only make sure the kids are fed, dressed, etc. We take care of a HOME! We cook, we clean, we sweat, we bleed, we make sure EVERYTHING runs smoothly...all to make a caring home for our family. We are so under appreciated it's unreal!
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
12 Aug 07
I stay at home full time with my son, and work part time from home. I hate it when people act like I'm lazy and don't do anything. It's really hard some days just to keep the messes picked up as my son makes them, along with meeting deadlines for my job, and cooking and cleaning.
I hate the way that the supervisor's at my husband's job act like just because my husband works, he shouldn't have to do any baby care or WANT to spend time with our son. There are guys that he works with that tell him he should spend money on whatever he wants, because it's HIS money, and if I want money for things for me and the baby, I should get a JOB. It's so annoying. They are too stupid to realize that if I still worked, a lot of that money that "Belongs to" my husband, would be spent on daycare. I'm just glad that my husband only works with idiots, and isn't an idiot himself. Luckily, he believes that the money he makes is our money and he fully supports me staying at home full time with our son, because he thinks it's what is best for our baby, too.
I've also heard some working moms say stuff like "I would get so bored after about a week, because I would feel like I need to be busier." I often wonder what they think their toddlers do all day. They know that they have to pick up after them and cook for them at they think that during the day, the kids just sit around and don't eat or play or anything?? There are days that I feel like all I do is feed my toddler, and then pick up his messes that he makes as soon as he leaves the table or the highchair.
@Danielle11 (103)
• Australia
1 Aug 07
I had a stigma set upon me by my then fiancee from France for being an at home mum....AND it is the one thing I will not forgive! How dare ANYONE criticize stay at home mums(or Dads), what ever their reasons!. Lets face it, look at the world as a whole. How much better would have the last few generations had been, had they had at least one stay at home parent!
I agree with you, every person's situations is different, and I do not in any way condemn mothers who have had to go back to work out of need, straight away.
I don't feel anyone has the right to criticise another person when they have not walked a day in their shoes, OR live in a totally different social/ecomomic/religious community... we all have our reasons. But, you know what, I faced poverty (as I know it in my country), for the belief that I owed it to my children to be with them until my youngest started school full time.
I think society does view stay at home mums as lazy and it is a terribly misconceived point of view and should be corrected. We all complain of children not having any control because of lack of disipline and adult supervision.. well...its just cotradictory isn't it.. if people who say this dont like the idea of stay at home parents!!!
For all the stay at home parents out there.. GOOD JOB.. be proud of the choice you made. it IS the right one.. don't let other peoples opinions sway your right to be at home with your children, the end of the day.. you are the ones who will direct your children in the right directions in life!!! well done I say !!!!!!!!!!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
12 Aug 07
I don't think stay at home moms are lazy but I do think that many do have this impression. when I stayed at home, I worked harder than I ever did in my life. I never was able to stay at home and just focus on the kids and the house. In order for me to stay home , I had to babysit, cook for an elderly man, do mending and laundry for cash and on weekends I catered weddings. I also worked a steady part time job in the evenings from 8pm to midnight. As for quality time with my children, I wouldn't say that I got any more of that than had I worked outside the home. What I did get was being there for them and less stress from wondering about the sitter she caring for them right. Also, since I was my own boss, I had much more flexibility to schedule appointments and what not. What I found most irritating is that people knew I was home and assumed that I had nothing better to do than sit and sip coffee and chat. Somedays there was a parade of friends stopping by it seemed making it impossible to get anything done let alone spend time with my kids. I actually had to set a break time and inform my friends that from 11am to 11;45 that is when I am taking a coffeebreak and that is the best time to stop by.
@soulsister_16 (738)
• Switzerland
1 Aug 07
Quite the opposite. Staying at home to do the household chores and looking after the kids among other things is extremely tiring. I really look up to all the moms around the world.
@SUMM3R (18)
• United States
18 Dec 07
I totally understand what you are saying. People do view SAHM as lazy and that we really dont do much of anything at home. I feel that my kids deserve to have me as part of there lifes so i decided to stay home with them until they go to school. I think its unfair for people who dont stay at home with there kids to pass judgement because they dont really know what we are going through from day to day. Things can be hectic. I feel that SAHM make things go smoothly at home because the kids learn and have to keep the rules that their parents have made. If they are with a sitter the rules would be totally different. I think that SAHM are the ones who run and keep the home organized. I think they are very important
@DBabbit (42)
• United States
19 Feb 08
SAHMs are not lazy - well, I take that back - I know only one who doesn't do a thing to clean her house - her husband does it after he gets home from work - but she does love her kids. Kisses, hugs, and special days are planned weeks and days in advance, she answers all of their endless questions, and the kids are well behaved, so I do have to give her some credit.
SAHMs are an important part of society - Your job is worth about $250,000 per year. Too bad you don't get paid! ;)
@soulist (2985)
• United States
30 Jul 07
I don't think stay at home mos are lazy or anything like that. I actually commend women who do because there is so much work for them to do. When I get married and have kids I would like to be a stay at home mom.
@browneyedgirl (1264)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Unfortunately, some stay at home moms do exactly what you said-they watch t.v., read romance novels and magazines, and eat bon bons while the kids run amok. I was a stay at home mom for about four years and I know it isn't an easy job. A lot of folks have no idea just how many work hours go into running a home and caring for a family.
@MzKitten (11)
• United States
27 Jul 07
I don't think mom's that are SAHM's are bad moms, nor do I think they are lazy. I am a sahm myself. I have 4 children I care for on a daily basis, while my husband is OTR. My children's ages range from 14 to 6. I have no respect for those that think SAHM's don't work during the day. With me being able to stay at home with my kids, I know what is happening day in and day out. To be honest I don't trust anyone beyond immediate family to care for my children, so that is why I do it. My kids do get on my nerves from time to time, but I think it's very rewarding for me to be at home with them, and my kids feel the same way. Now their father on the other hand thinks otherwise. He thinks while he is OTR, that I should be out there working, coming home caring for the kids, keep the house clean, all the laundry done, mow the lawn, keep the van cleaned out and vaccumed, and so forth. But my beef is daycare is so much, and if I got a job, most of those monies that I made and than some would go towards daycare costs. Sure I have two children that are 14 and 12, but they aren't mature enough to stay in the home and care for the other younger too. My mom's health isn't the greatest, and neither is my father's. This is something my husband doesn't understand. But I hope one day he realizes why I am a sahm. It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it, I just won't kill myself doing so!
@vinzen (1020)
• India
28 Jul 07
Hi, yes it is a common notio with most people that mothers who are home, are good for nothing. I have under gone this phase, and now i am working and have realised that no matter where you are, a mother is a mother. She will have to raise her kids, look after the house, do all the chores, and yet keep a happy face. But i work during the hours when my kids are out, and am back for them when they are back, making the best of both the worlds. Of course one of the parent has to take full responsibility, not only till they reach school age, after that too. We are parents and have to fulfill our duties.
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
27 Jul 07
i think most stay at home moms are viewed as being lazy.but i personally feel that a stay at home mom does more work than someone a mother of a 36 month old and 25 month old twins,and i clean,do laundry,cook home made meals every day except the week end,and potty train 3 kids,and vaccum etc.and i also do hair at my house in between my childs naps.its very ruff being a stay at home mom.because we try to get everything done,and sometimes we cant.but my husband always tells me that i have more jobs than him and that i work harder.which makes me feel good knowing how much he knows i do and how i help our family.dont get me wrong he works very hard but at least he can get a break here and there.i really dont get that chance til he comes home.
@tattooedcrafter (79)
• United States
30 Jul 07
I'm a stay at home mom and my mother-in-law sees me as being too lazy to get a job, she only stayed home with my husband for 6 weeks when he was born so she has no idea what its like, my son who is 18 months old is a wild child, he is very active and never sits still, not even when he sleeps, I am blessed to have a child who loves to sleep( about 12-14 hours a night and atleast 2 hours a day) but when he is awake he never stops. When he is alseep its not like I sit around and do nothing, i have alot of cleaning ot do while hes not making the messes. I feel like I have the most important job in the world no matter what people think of me.