Eeeek! I caught a snake!
By firecracker
@sacmom (14192)
United States
July 27, 2007 12:46am CST
While my kids and I were playing outside yesterday my 7 year old son spotted a snake in our yard. So with his help I caught the snake (no, not with my bare hands LOL) and put him in a mesh container. The snake is a baby and no more than a few inches long. Fearing that it would be able to escape the mesh container I put it in a box. But I didn't like that either and ended up putting it in a small empty plastic fish tank. My 7 year old son and I put some flowers and grass in the tank for the snake and today we removed the old flowers and grass and put in some that were fresh. My 7 year old son and I went up to the store and when we got home the snake was gone! I asked my husband about it, since he was home with our oldest, but neither of them seem to know where the snake has gone! My only guess is that it had escaped by going up the flowers. Scary thing is, the snake is somewhere in the house as I type this! Eeek!
So I ask you to please pray that no one at my home steps on this poor little snake and that we find him safe and sound so that we can set him free outside. Even those of you that don't care for snakes. It's just a baby after all. Thanks in advance!
By the way, the bottle cap that is to the right of the snake is from an 8 oz water bottle. This should give you an idea of just how tiny this snake actually is.
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24 responses
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
27 Jul 07
wow! you really like snakes huh not afraid of it! unfortunately i the way try putting garlic on every spot where you think the snake hides so that it will come out ..peel it off so that the aroma of it will come out..
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Where in my discussion did I say I like snakes? :P LOL Actually I am not too afraid of the non poisonous long as they are small and I don't have to touch them. LOL I only held one snake in my life, a baby boa and I only held him for a few seconds. That was enough for me. :P LOL
Thanks for the tip. Now I just need to go to the store and get some garlic, though it'll have to wait until tomorrow as it is too late to go right now.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
27 Jul 07
I have never heard of the garlic idea. Very interesting indeed.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
28 Jul 07
Unfortunately I was unable to go to the grocery store today so I didn't get the garlic. :( But I'm glad to hear from someone else on here that it does work.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
27 Jul 07
Do you know what species the snake is? Could it be poisonous?
I am not too fond of snakes myself, but that could be because most snakes here are very venomous.
With the brown smnake for inbstance,m the babies have more concentrated venom than the adults.
I guess you may eventually find this snake in your house, especially if you have a cat!!
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
27 Jul 07
My husband and I assumed it is a garter snake, but after your comment I looked up "pictures of california garter snake" just to be safe and I found that it is in fact a garter snake. Luckily for us here in California the only venomous species are rattlesnakes and I know to stay away from those!
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@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
28 Jul 07
Same rule applies stateside, the smaller snakes have more potent venom. At least that was what I was told about rattlers. In Kansas we only have two types of poisonous snakes, the rattle snake (large family, though) and the copperhead.
@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
27 Jul 07
You will find him someplace of a nice average temperature and dark, probably. Since they are cold blooded, their body temp changes to match the surroundings. If your house is very cool, he may be sleeping. I am answering from e-mail, so I have not seen the picture yet. Were you able to determine what kind he is? Around here the kids know that if you open the lid off the water meter you often will find nests of baby garter snakes. I also know that one year, before I worked there, there was some talk that a snake came in through some plumbing,at my school, so I guess I am saying look around in dark areas near water pipes for your guest. I do not mind snakes and lizards, but I know some people do. I would congratulate you on being open minded enough to have this learning experience with your seven year old.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
28 Jul 07
Thank you for the information GardenGerty. I have found some tree frogs in my bathroom, maybe I'll find the little snake in there as well? I hope I find him soon as I don't like the idea of a snake slithering around in my house, even if it is a friendly type.
I was pretty sure it was a garter so I compared my pictures of the snake I caught to the garter snakes online and I found out it is a black headed garter. Here is the link to the online picture so you can see it for yourself:
Thanks again for your help! :)
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@creematee (2810)
• United States
27 Jul 07
LOL! I just think the whole story is amusing. Sorry that the little guy got lost. Do you want my kids to help search and rescue? They are pretty good at catching toads, and have chased snakes in the fields. Only caught one, I think, with Grandma's help. (Grandma LOVES snakes!)
I hope you catch that little guy soon. He is really little, isn't he!
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
28 Jul 07
LOL, thanks for the offer but my kids are pretty good at finding frogs and snakes themselves. Okay, so we still haven't found it, but hopefully soon!
I just have to ask LOL, grandma loves snakes?!? Does she like to keep them as pets, eat them, or what? LOL
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
28 Jul 07
Crickets freak grandma out??? Yet snakes don't? That is too funny! LOL I've gone bug catching with my own kids, though it's usually ladybugs and butterflies. I've even caught a few dragonflies, though the big ones creep me out. LOL
My youngest son wanted to keep the snake, but neither my husband nor I want a snake as a pet. LOL
@creematee (2810)
• United States
28 Jul 07
Grandma doesn't keep them as pets, but she isn't afraid to pick one up. :) She told me that she always wanted one for a pet when she was younger, but her mother wouldn't allow it (Can you really blame her??)
So, now, when we are out in the woods, she's out there hunting snakes, toads, and bugs with the kids. Just too funny! She doesn't want anything to do with crickets, though. They give her the heebeejeebees. LOL!
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
27 Jul 07
eh Snakes always freak me out.
When I moved a few years ago to a new house with my parents before moving out... we had a snake in our house. I suppose it got into one of the boxes as we were bringing it inside, but it scared me. I was watching my cat who was fascinated by something and I couldn't quite figure out what it was. He also seemed a little timid and scared. I was like "what's up reggie cat!?" and as I got close realized it was a snake and I was like what the crap do I do?! luckily my dad came in a few minutes later and grabbed the snake and letting it loose outside. ugh. i can't even bear to be in the same room as those creatures. they freak me out!
I hope you guys do find the snake...and not in your bed at night!
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
28 Jul 07
Hey raychill, sorry, but I couldn't help but giggle a little from your story. I hope the one you (and your cat) found wasn't a poisonous one! I don't think the little snake I caught could reach the top of the bed, but then again he was able to escape the fish tank, so anything is possible I suppose!
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@dreamjapan (409)
• Japan
27 Jul 07
I had a snake in my porch the other day, but it wasn't a baby, a great big long thing. Now I don't mind snakes or any other thing but not in my house!! Hubby managed to sweep it out but now when I go to put my shoes on I check first that there is nothing in there!!
Good luck on finding your baby snake, I'm sure that it will come out to look for food or to warm up if it gets to cold.
Take care
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
27 Jul 07
I think I'd freak out if I found a big snake in my house! I've never had a snake in the house (not including the baby one I brought in from outside). I don't usually mind snakes or other little critters, so long as they are outdoors! I'll have to remember to check the families shoes before we put them on. I'd hate for the snake to be hiding in there!
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
28 Jul 07
long like this one?this snake that two of our kids are holding out is a RAT SNAKE, which are very helpful snakes indeed. We keep poultry so we do not want the rat snakes on our immediate property but we do safely relocate them down the road a ways.
on the other hand we had a copperhead curled up under the door frame last week, that got itself decapitated by the shovel my husband was wielding like a sword. I think I need to get that man a machete!
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@dreamjapan (409)
• Japan
28 Jul 07
No not that long!!
I really don't like snakes, but living in the Japanese countryside I've had to get use to them. When they are out in the yard or on the field I don't mind so much but when they comw in the house that is another thing altogether.
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@jbb316 (1779)
• United States
27 Jul 07
OMG! I cannot believe you caught that snake. Weren't you afraid it would bite you. I am so terrified of snakes. I probably would have called someone to get it for me. And if I knew a snake was loose in my house I just would not be able to sleep until it was found. I have a terrible snake phobia. I hope you find that snake soon and that it doesn't try to bite anyone.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
28 Jul 07
Did you look at the size of the snake? It's just a little itty bitty thing. LOL But yes, I was a little bit afraid that it would bite me. I know there is no reason for me to be scared, but I'm not used to being around snakes, unless they are in a glass cage. LOL
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Of course it would want to get out ,... it had no food. It does not eat flowers or grass. Anyway, it should not hurt you and it might even eat something else that you do not wish to have in the house more so. Not sure why you would not touch it with your hands. They are amazing animals.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
29 Jul 07
I'm not into snakes, just like some people aren't into cats or dogs. It doesn't mean I hate them, I just don't care to hold them or have them as a pet.
@rosie_123 (6113)
27 Jul 07
Awww - I hope you find him safe. I love snakes! In fact - I love all kinds of living creatures. We don't really get them here in England much, but I did find a grass snake on the path on the way to work one day, so I picked him up and carried him to the banks of a nearby stream, where I knew he would be safe and happy:-)) People who kill and hurt snakes just because they're scared of them - just make me really angry. Most of the time, the snake is much more scared of you, than you are of it, - and will only hurt you if scared or cornered. I hope you find him.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
29 Jul 07
I personally don't care for snakes, though I won't go and harm them either. I would rather just leave them alone, and I would have done just that, but with my youngest wanting to catch it, I figured it would be a good opportunity for him to learn a little about snakes up close and personal.
It was nice of you to put the snake you found in a safe area. Good job!
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
27 Jul 07
Wow...How freaky....I would be so scared...If its in the house I would be searching for it until I found it...Maybe try somewhere warm and dark, maybe under the fridge or something..I really really hope that you find it...EEEEKK alright..I agree..
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@pelo26 (1552)
• Philippines
27 Jul 07
Cool... but why didn't you set it free somewhere far in the first place? I'm not a snake expert and have tried searching the net to help identify the snake in the picture. I found this bit of information in an article:
Eye Pupil Shape
An easy method of telling the difference between a venomous or poisonous versus a non-poisonous snake is to look at the shape of the pupil. Non-poisonous snakes all have a round pupil (in the center of the eye) whereas all poisonous snakes have a vertical elliptical (cat-like) shaped pupil. All pit-vipers (poisonous) also have a small hole (pit) between the nostril and the eye.
You seem to be a good snake lover but I'm really concerned about the real identity of the snake you found. For more information, I'll post the link for the whole article. Cheers!
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
29 Jul 07
Well 1) because my house is on a field, and 2) because I wanted my kids to learn a little about snakes first hand, so I caught it for them. I had no intention of keeping him. These past couple of weeks alone my kids and I have seen 6, maybe more garter snakes in our yard, so even if I set him in the field he would most likely come back into the yard.
I've heard about how to identify the eye shape years ago, but have forgotten about this. Thank you for the reminder and the link! Shortly after I posted this discussion I looked up garter snakes for my husband and I already suspected that is what it was and I found out it is a black headed garter snake. I also found out that the only poisonous snakes around my neck of the woods are rattle snakes. I know to stay clear away from those!
@mummymo (23706)
27 Jul 07
Oh Dear - the poor little thing! At first I panicked when I read the title - now I am worried about the poor little thing! I do hope you find him/her soon but a snake so small could have gone anywhere! I will pray that you find him safe and sound and nothing bad happens to him! xxx
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@di1indilin (802)
• India
27 Jul 07
hey most snakes aren't poisonous so it won't be a problem(we hope) but just in case why don't you find what kind of a snake is it that you just caught through the internet. it'l be a very easy thing to do too. You do have the whole power of the internet out there waiting for you to unleash.
anyways do tell ur kids to be extra carefull bout the snake just incase. As they say,prevention is always better than cure.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
29 Jul 07
The night I posted my discussion was the same night I looked up what kind of snake it is. The snake I caught is a black headed garter snake. I already suspected it was a garter, I just didn't know what kind until I looked it up online.
I always tell my kids to be careful with the wild creatures that are around. Unless their dad (my husband) or I tell them otherwise they know to leave certain ones alone.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Wow, so you got a snake in the house? Yeah, it would be bad if someone stepped on it. I am not afraid of snakes either, but I don't know my snakes enough to know whether they are dangerous or not. I had one in my backyard not too long ago in the process of trying to eat a large toad. If I had known it was only a garter snake I would have placed him in a bucket with a screen on top because my husband wanted to see him.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
29 Jul 07
Yep, unless I vacuumed him up yesterday. Ewwww!
It sure is amazing what a snake can eat isn't it?
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
28 Jul 07
The snake must have been scared and wanted to get free as soon as possible. I certainly hope it will be okay and that you will catch it and set him free. He or she is probably missing their mommy right now. Small snakes like that do not scare me. That was very nice of you to try and help it.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
28 Jul 07
I remember when my son caught a snake a kept it for awhile as a pet. He liked to touch them but I didn't want to go anywhere near it. I did make sure it had something to eat and eventually I talked my son into letting it go. I was so happy that
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
31 Jul 07
EEEK is right- I’m so thankful I had a daughter- I would never have brought the snake into my house- My sig. other would have had a heart attack- He is the person who is the most afraid of snakes in the entire world- I swear- I hope you find this baby snake and get him out of the house- YUK--- good luck to you- but remember—baby snakes grow up to be big snakes—and they scare the bejesus out of me too!
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
28 Jul 07
cute. glad it is not a pit viper, the babies are much more cantankerous than the adults, because they have not yet learned to control the amount of venom they release.
maybe he is in the walls getting all the little buggers. or he found another way out?
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@sjohnson628 (3197)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Oh My! I hope by now you have found this snake before it grows into a bigger one LOL! I am deathly afraid of snakes and I would never have brought that thing into my home. Good Luck!
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@8ctavarium (552)
• Australia
28 Jul 07
Oh great and bad. First of all its great that you manage to get hold of a snake as who knows what could have happened had it been left to run around in your yard. The bad news is there are snakes! I hope everything has gone to plan and nothing serious has happened yet. I guess that also acts as a precaution now to take care whilst in the yard and keep watching out for snakes!
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