success and personality
@ayush_aggarwal18 (52)
July 27, 2007 1:34am CST
I see people of my age who r so intelligent, skillful, who can do everything more good than i can. and that also so many people in a small place. on seeing this i get depressed about my skills and the fact that wheather i will ever be able to be successful and have an edge over these high IQ people and million others out there.I am filled with guilt that of being of the same age and not being able to do well like the others, could have i used my time better to do things. or simply am i good enough to be financially successful, and also have respect in this damn society.
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16 responses
@tiwsevol (84)
• Philippines
27 Jul 07
Insecurities were top of those sickness of humans before it will turn to a contagious disease called as Anger. Better to look everyone as having a unique personalities and destinies. Like said by many ages, each of us is unique in many ways. So better not to look on your weaknesses but on improving yourself. Try to develop your strengths and not to belittle others weaker than you. Try to believe on your capabilities so you'll go a long journey to appreciate yourself in many ways.

@tiwsevol (84)
• Philippines
29 Jul 07
Thanks! I just learned those from my parents. You don't have to look at other's capabilities and get mad afterwards.. But rather, try to look their strengths and admire their good deeds. Hope it helps a little. Just have trust in yourself. You can start by praising yourself on good things that you've done in the past. Be satisfied of what you have. Though reach for the things you wanted to achieve in life. Cheers!
@ayush_aggarwal18 (52)
• India
28 Jul 07
tiwsevol! u write well. i think u right. i should buckle up now and start acquiring skills. U know something- the thing which gives me strength is that i have the basic qualities to make it big, and i am not deaf or physically challenged and the problem is with my mind only which can be dealt. and with this little stupid confidence thought i think know i can start living with some dignity. thanx tiwsevol u r an angel.

@yammydudes (865)
• Philippines
28 Jul 07
I am a PhD student at a very young age in the most prestigous university in the country.yte, I still find others more intelligent than me, smarter than me.One thing I learned is that to find my satisfaction not on what I have, i have gotten but on the basis of who i am in the eyes of God.I know that what I have right now is not because of my abilities or of my own strength but of God's grace and blessings. With this raelization, it keeps me from becoming proud and insecure...
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@yammydudes (865)
• Philippines
28 Jul 07
erratum: yet, I still find...(not yte)
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@rinaaus (1201)
• Australia
27 Jul 07
It is completely wrong when you think like this. Everyone is different, you can not compare. Someone is good in this area, anothers are good in the other areas. You are perfect the way you are and the way you are not.
Have you ask yourself what is good about you? we all know what we are not, but we hardly look at ourselves to know what we are. We know what bad about us, we did not see what good about us.
Stop doing this anymore. Stop complaining, stop blaming, and stop comparasing. So what you can do with your best, so you won't reget about that. Time for blaming, comparasing, complaining can't do anything better for your life. So live your life with what you have!
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@ayush_aggarwal18 (52)
• India
28 Jul 07
hey rinaaus! thanx for replying. i know something is wrong wid me but rinaaus i cant help the way i feel.
i might be having some good things in me, but the field i am working in has nothing to do with thoose skills. I can sing, dance , play guitar like no one can. but will these leisure activities going to help me in my higher education exams,in general group meetings where fellow people are speaking about their opinions on politics, nuclear deals, the new generators technology and what not. I understand your point but, the thing is if the bird shuts his eyes and says that the cat is not coming to eat him just because he cannot see it anymore it does not mean that the cat will not eat him. looking awy will not help me.
@Sunmav (53)
• India
27 Jul 07
Ok going throught u r problem
what i say is that u started comparing yourself with those who r more intelligent and skillful than you
at the same time if had compared yourself with less IQ people u may fell that you are not bad at all
see ayush in this world lots of people are there who are good at some field only ... so dont compare if u compare u r demotivating yourself only by doing this u may loose u r self confidence and courage and those areas of strength which you possses may become null ..
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@ayush_aggarwal18 (52)
• India
28 Jul 07
hey sunmav. thanx for responding. i have got ur point. keep in touch.
@flpoolbum (2978)
• United States
27 Jul 07
I hate that, too. I bothered me when I saw one of my wife's doctors and he was obviously younger than I am. I hated it when in one episode of Grey's Anatomy, when Addison was telling Derek (two highly respected specialists in their field) about her prom experience and that her date spend the whole night talking about "Star Wars". That made me realize that they were about the same age or younger then I am depending on which episode of
"Star Wars" they were referring to.
I have a couple of disadvantages that made it hard for me to succeed in life.
First of all, I had one of those father's who made it his life's mission to tell us how stupid and worthless we were. I hate myself for allowing that to penetrate into my heart and mind and end up feeling that way about myself. (I suffer from a bi-polar disorder that is heavy into the depressive side.)
I hate the fact that I freeze when taking tests. In high school, I could get a "A" (the highest grade) in the class but fail the final exam. I always got low scores on tests, including the SAT's because of that.
I also hate it that I didn't even try to apply myself, in school and in life. Luckily, I have a decent paying job, but it is a job, not a career. But I only have myself to blame.
@ayush_aggarwal18 (52)
• India
28 Jul 07
flpoolbum. thanx for answering m. I would like to apologise if my question made u remember your bitter experiences from the past and made u feel bad. flpoolbum just like your father i had my school teachers crtisizing me for not doing well in my exams .i dont know wheather it was to pull me up or to dicscourage me down.
You should not feel low by your bipolar disorder. Did you know that hip hop star DMX also suffers from bipolar disorder & he has it since he was a kid. But he has chanellised upon his disorder into oozing energy and today he is a millionare. buddy its cool you have got a job.Again thanx for letting me know that i am not the only one standing apart and i am totaly normal.
@loverboy3236 (82)
• India
27 Jul 07
" Success and Personality" these words remind me of a girl
in my school who was good at everything from discipline, her soft nature, being punctual, she has managed to win the student of the tear from 1st grade to 10th std that i would say is an amazing achievement in life, She was even was even good at sports, she was playing Basket for state level and yet managed to keep her marks above 90% at all times, all this never be jealous of her but made me her admirer and then know her and i finally fell in love with a person a perfect example about being successful and setting great bench marks in life. ?
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@ayush_aggarwal18 (52)
• India
28 Jul 07
het loverboy3236. thats gud.I also like people who i see doing great in life. but i dont get jealous by them. its what i feel about my self and not about them. i dont want that they go down or something bad happens to them.i dont. so the fact that i am jealous of them is totally untrue.
thanx for trying to help me out. apprciate.
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
27 Jul 07
Being intelligent and skilful doesn't always bring success. Those people have (probably) worked really hard to get where they are. You could be just as good as they are if you put in the effort. If you don't think you are academically clever, there is surely something you are good at. Even if you think there isn't, you can always try something and work at it so you get to be good at it.
I know people who are a lot less intelligent and a lot less skilful than I am but they are still more successful because they have been lucky enough to find the opportunities.
Go out and look closely for the opportunities and take up something you think you will enjoy and stick to it.
There is no reason why you can't be financially successful. But, you still have to realise that success usually takes lot of time and hard work and you may have to go through several different routes before you find what you are looking for.
I left school 10 years ago with a very good set of exam results but I've not been successful so far. I have now decided to go down a completely different route and train as a plumber so, in another 10 years, I might be where I want to be. You have to plan quite far ahead. You need to say "this is what I want in 5 or 10 years time" because saying "this is what I want instantly" is just going to mean you will let yourself down.

@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
30 Jul 07
Yes, that is more or less what I meant. I don't mean any kind of inteeligence is better or worse tha any other, just that different people have different types and we must all make the most of whichever we have. Personally I have both academic and physical skills but I'm still nowhere near success because I'm not lucky and I don't know where to find opportunities. If you can do that, whatever opportunities you are looking for, you should be able to find success.
@ayush_aggarwal18 (52)
• India
28 Jul 07
hey pumpkinjam. i think i have got what u r trying to say. u r trying to say that creative intelligence is above analytical intelligence. and to be successful its not neccesary that i should be high in IQ, but should do something which i am good at and can find a way to be successful in it. is that what u r trying to say. let me know.
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@jal1948 (1359)
• India
27 Jul 07
each person is unique in his own way and many have hidden qualities which have never been explored,while i congratulate you on your success and may you continue to do so please do not try to compare your success with that of others because in such a situation if someonedoes better than you may tend to build u stress competing leading to depression and other psychosomatic deseases, concentrate onyour self and let your own achievements boost your self esteem
@ayush_aggarwal18 (52)
• India
28 Jul 07
hey jal1948! i think u r right . i shud not creep this feeling of inferiority on my self as it will physically and mentally hamper mey growth. thanx for contributing to my problem.keep in touch
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
27 Jul 07
I understand how you feel. It is easy to get disheartened when you see other people your age or yunger who are what you think is more succesful than you. It's natural to feel this way and I used to feel this way all the time. I felt useless and a failure. That is, until I thought about it. I thought 'what is success?' I asked myself if I'm happy doing what I'm doing. I realised I wasn't so I asked myself 'what would you like to be doing?'. I have since enrolled myself in a vet nursing course and will be starting that soon. I realise it may not be as high paying a job as some of my more 'successful' friends, but I will be happy doing that job and will feel fulfilled that i am doing what I want to do.
Also, remember that some people may have great jobs and lots of money, but if they don't have a loving family and friends, they have nothing. Count your blessings and do what makes YOU happy!
@ayush_aggarwal18 (52)
• India
28 Jul 07
hi coffeeshot! thanx fofr telling me that i am not the only one who feels this way and thinking and feeling this way is totally normal and happens with other people as well. this has given me a lot of courage. keep in touch
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
27 Jul 07
Hello ayush_aggarwal18,
I am just an ordinary person who want to lead a happy and simple life. I am not a career minded woman and I don't dream of living in too much luxuries in my life. But I am content with my life right now. I don't like to compare myself with others because it will only make me feel bad. Maybe, my friends are better than me in certain aspect of life but it doesn't mean that they are happy with their lives. It doesn't mean too, that I am a failure. I don't like to be depressed because of the target others set on me. I am doing what I love to do and just a simple and happy occasion will make my day *smile*
@ayush_aggarwal18 (52)
• India
28 Jul 07
hey gr8life! it seems u know exactly how to have a gr8 life. well i appreciate that u r doin what u want to do. but r u able to do it that efficiently so that u become a successs. well i also am doin wat i like but i still see many people doin well than me. does that mean i am jealous of them and want that something bad happens to them so they pull down and i ride up. i dont think so. it means whaen i see other people doin well i just get a feeling that i am not able to do equally well and there is some short coming with me and not with them. this society makes u or breaks u. in the whole frnds and family circle u r nothing if u r not a financial success, it doesn not mean anything to them as being happy.
i enjoy with frnds, hang out with them and have a good time. i have a loving family which really does not care how i am doin out there but only cares about my well being and that i am doing good with my health. but at the end of the day when i go to sleep, its me who is sad. but anyway thnx. keep in touch
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Jul 07
I think that maybe you are being way too harsh on yourself there. We all have areas in which we are better than others. The key is to figure out what your best assets are and put them to work for you. For example, Are you kind, thoughtful, patient? Are you a good listener? Do you try to do your best at whatever job is given you? Are you dependable? You might be surprised at how very valuable a warm smile and a kind heart is in some fields. If you are working with animals, children, elderly or in the public in general, a pleasant and happy personality is vital and all the booksmarts in the world will not replace that. The very worst thing you can do for yourself is to compare yourself to others. You are unique and you are just as good as anyone else on this earth! Remind yourself of that over and over until you believe it. it is the truth.

@ayush_aggarwal18 (52)
• India
28 Jul 07
hey sid556! ya i have been a good guy around . be it a son,be it a boyfrnd,be it a brother,be it a frnd. but how does that help me get over problems hanging over my work issues. keep in touch
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@ayush_aggarwal18 (52)
• India
29 Jul 07
ya sid i got wat uur tryin to say and wat lisa is tryin to say. cheers . thanx.
@jitendrasatyam (21)
• United States
27 Jul 07
First of all do not think that you are inferior because such type of complex will stop your growth. Always think that you are good even better, i am not saying you to feel that you are the best but think like you are better. Be focussed at your aim. Have a compitition with you only. How good you have done in past and how much better you can do in future. Age does not matter for growth. Akbar became the king at the age of 13 only, though he did not struggle for that but on the Shershah Suri struggled alot to expand his kingdome. Both of them grew; they succeede in what they desired but efforts they made that is not same. So sometimes we can say that somebody is taking litle time to grow and other is taking more time but ultimately aim should be achieved.
our duty is to work hard, Result we will get surely.
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@a_ce_e (1422)
• Philippines
27 Jul 07
I think we're the same. Somtimes, i feel the same way too, but i keep thinking that i can do better things than the others. I just focus on things i know i will enjoy more than looking for those things i am not good at. Don't feel insecure, know yourself, check where you will be good at and excel on that field. Success is not just a matter of skills, perseverance and strong determination, but I believe also a matter of guts and luck. Who knows, you got luck and become financially successful instantly, just know how to handle when this opportunity comes. Live a simple life, be thankful on what you have, aim a goal which you think is possible for you and one important thing "Believe in yourself". If you don't believe in yourself?, who will?
@arvensis (85)
• India
27 Jul 07
yea it is really depressing to see successful people of your age,it makes me to think about my future and past also which makes me frightened and unstable about my goals in life,perhaps we need a fixed guidance since our early childhood about what we are going to be in the future but then i see there are some great persons who just became successful in later stage of their life.There are also stories about people who were working hard to achieve a goal but finally they got successful in a totally different field. I dont know....but perhaps we should not feel guilty about it as it's never late, IMO.