I am not sure if I am a good mom

United States
October 25, 2006 7:32pm CST
I find myself questioning if I am a good mom? I find myself doing things(yelling, spanking) and I always said I would never do that to my kids? I try so hard not to swear in front of them but sometimes it just comes out. Any suggestions?
1 response
@megean2k4 (401)
• United States
26 Oct 06
Becoming a mom doesn't change who you are. If you swore before, what makes you think you can stop just for them? If you're a yeller by nature, why should you assume that would just evaporate by being a mom? Read some parenting books or magazines, have some good genuine conversations with moms that you really admire. Learn as much as you can about being the mom you want to be and start practicing it. A little at a time, keep learning, keep working at it!
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks for the advice. I have talked to moms I know and look up to but they just keep telling me it will come to me in time. I hope so