"Conspiracy theory on God" or "Just me thinking out loud"
By alnilam
@alnilam (969)
United States
July 27, 2007 1:11pm CST
Lets presume that God really exists. so heaven and hell exist to right? And every person will be judged after they die. God is forgiving right, and treats every person the same when they stand before him, and everybody has the chance to see his way in the end right? so my theory is people who do not believe in God have greater chance to end up in heaven, because their only sin is ignorance and living in a lie, they did not know that they have broken the laws of God and that they have sinned. But on the other hand, people who are religious make sins even though they know they are sins (the original sin, small lies...) so they break the God's laws on purpose. I think that breaking these laws is more serious than living in a lie.
---when you die and see God in this scenario if you have not believed in him, you realize you made a mistake in your life and you admit that you were a sinner because of lack of knowledge, and God should in his greatness forgive you. you accept him in the end and all is well.
---people who believe in God must explain themselves why have they broken his law if they knew they should not.
This is just a conspiracy theory made by me...Thinking out loud... so no insults anywhere please.
So what is your opinion about it?
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14 responses
@oldiebut (859)
• Canada
27 Jul 07
Well, from my viewpoint as a non-believer, I believe I would demand an explanation from god first. His methods seem absolutely ridiculous if we judge them from the major religious texts. They caused an enormous amount of suffering in the world, unneccesary deaths by the millions. Then he would have to explain why an advanced being would need to be worshipped, it seems such a trivial thing. In other words, if the christian god is true, I am on my way to hell. I don't think I am going to lose any sleep over it though.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
27 Jul 07
well look at it from the bright side. one teacher once told me (since she was always sending us to hell) that in hell it is at least warm and the food should be better there (grill, barbecue, hamburgers, unless you are a vegetarian, it may suck a bit yeah).
---thank you for your response---
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
28 Jul 07
plus, everyone you like will be there, from john Lennon to Mozart.. IMAGINE THE MUSICAL POSSIBILITIES!
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
30 Jul 07
Most Christians will disagree with you completely. I, as a Christian, will not disagree. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the father but by me." I've always taken this to mean that HE is the gatekeeper. Peter doesn't judge the people at the gate, Jesus does. He decides the good and the bad and the good could be athiests as well.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
31 Jul 07
Sure, but no one needs a god or any kind of religious afiliation in order to be moral. I think human kind naturally follows the golden rule, "Do unto others..." We do so because of morality. We do so in spite of religion, not because of it. The moral fiber of humanity is a mortal one. We know right from wrong not because a book tells us what it right and wrong. IF the bible did not say "thou shalt not kill" I doubt most people would kill anyway.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
1 Aug 07
yes i also agree about that. moral is natural and I guess that that is so because of survival. If people would not follow these rules (of course minority is always and everywhere braking them) it would led them to extinction. If the majority killed---no one would be left, if the majority would lie, no one would trust nobody and this would too lead to self destruction.
The fact that civilizations, tribes, whatever were functional even before the knowledge of God(s) is a proof that some inborn moral must exist.
@alnilam (969)
• United States
31 Jul 07
Thank you on your opinion.
I think the important thing in this world is to follow some "moral laws", act good no matter which religion or no religion you belong to. As I have stated for many times, I do not believe in God (Gods), but I think I live my life fair enough (heh I respect all the 10 commandments ;D, Ok some of them I bend a bit occasionally ;)... So deeds should be what matter.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
28 Jul 07
God will forgive people who are really truly sorry for all of the wrong they have done in their lives, but I believe that we go where we want to after we die. Our minds set the destination.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
28 Jul 07
our minds stop working after we die..
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
28 Jul 07
Then we do not go anywhere do we?
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
28 Jul 07
i like it that you think that after we die we go where we want to go.
thank you on your response.
P.S.: we can not prove nothing about what happens to our mind after we die. so both ways are possible. or the mind exists in afterlife or it just ends its existence.
@hello_cancer (183)
• United States
30 Jul 07
i never thought of it that way, though it makes great sense. your theory seems about right to me, because all along i have never been able to believe that this great and merciful god every christian i have ever met has told me about would be able to send poor children and old peaceful great men who have never heard of him to hell. [ie, african natives who live and die without ever leaving their villages, buddhist monks who live more peaceful lives than most anyone else, etc.] i like this theory, and if god is real, i surely hope this is the way it is when i reach my judgement day.
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@rahmat2k7 (9)
• India
28 Jul 07
I believe that if I am existing here in this life given to me with senses and the nature around me with lot of glory, it's just because Some SUPER POWER is EXISTING and HE is my CREATOR and HE IS MY GOD...
If you look with logic, you would end probably that GOD IS REALLY EXISTING...
for more clarifications and concilliations please visit : www.irf.net and see thru all the resources that clarify thru any end about the REAL GOD from all the scriptures of all the religions around the globe and Science...
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@oldiebut (859)
• Canada
28 Jul 07
I am always curious why they think capital letters improves their point any. But I should point out that science does not comment on matters of faith, it is contrary to the way of science, sort of like god and logic, it simply doesn't work together.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Jul 07
I think you have presented an interesting scenario..and you could be on to something. After witnessing so much hypocracy and bigotry within extreme fundamentalism I agree that they may have a fair bit of 'atoning' to do when they get to the other side.
My view is that there are many pathways on the raod to enlightenment. The aspect of free choice and how authentically we live our lives is, in my view of greater significance than what dogma a person follows. A non religious person...or atheist cold stand a better chance of advancing themselves along their soul path than a supposed religious person who is non-loving, controlling, maniplating and dogmaticaaly tells others how misguided they are.
Good topic...interesting responses!

@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
30 Jul 07
Good example...and it is intersting to read other responses on you site. Once again it is a great topic and I am glad to have participated in it.
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
29 Jul 07
That is a truely interesting religious conspiracy-am christian, and I know God Exists and he is sharing in your conspiracy right now! Firstly when you are here on earth saying you have not heard about God or his laws is no defence-If you are christian, the Bible has been there for you to read God's words, the churches have also been there so feining ignorance will not help you on judgement day!
Sin is sin and remains so whether you commit it knowingly or unknowingly-a person who commits a sin without knowing what the context of sin is from the christian view point will not be forgiven if he appears before a Christian God on Judgement day!Try Another God on judgement day over this!
Lastly, when you appear before a Christian God on Judgement day, there is no room to plead for forgiveness, if you want forgiveness, seek it now before it is too late-on judgement day, God and His Angels will be too busy going through the lists of your sins, ticking those for which repentented and marking with red ink those which you committed without repenting-when the computer adds up your sins, and those that never attracted any repentence out weighed those for which repented, the Angel on duty will not listen to your pleas for mercy anymore-you will be directed to the sea of everlasting fire and there you will grind your teeth in pain eternally, while your friends who passed the sin test will be singng and praisng God in Eternal Peace! This is my view of you before a Christian God form the ontext of your conspiracy
@alnilam (969)
• United States
29 Jul 07
ok, i agree nobody can say he did not heard of God, as nobody can't say that he haven't heard of other Gods. I have heard (in my life time) more about my ancestor's Gods than i have heard of Christian God. heh so what if they are the true Gods? And we are being ignorant to them? never mind...
Thank you on your response.
@rosie_123 (6113)
27 Jul 07
Hmmm - it is a very interesting theory. As an Atheist for many years, I can't say I can ever envisage even the smallest possibility that there is a heaven or a hell, or a "hereafter" - but I guess if you are thinking hypothetically, then the scenario you draw could quite well be possible!
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
30 Jul 07
That is the whole purpose of spreading the Gospel, alnilam, so that everyone in the world will have the chance to get to know and believe in God. That is why Christ is not supposed to return to earth until the word of God has reached every corner of the world. So no one will really have an excuse.
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@vivienna (582)
• Venezuela
28 Jul 07
Dear alnilam, I will not presume that God really exists but tell you what the Bible says to your point. According to the New Testament, all men are sinners by nature and all men are responsible to God for their sins. The Good News are that Jesus Christ -God himself- took over this responsibility by suffering the punishment for it. This Good News (or Gospel) is eventually spread by thankful people who were saved. Now we must pay attention carefully: in consequence to the above, there are three groups of people:
1. Those who learned to know the Gospel and were moved to believe that Jesus is their savior as well. They repented of their former sins and God pardoned them. They cease to be culprits. But the old and corrupted nature is still there, they can sin again! Yes, but now the way to God is open, they can ask for pardon at any time and not only this, God's own Holy Spirit works within them, their old and sinful nature undergoes a process of transformation that will last their lifetime. When they die, God will judge them, but he will see that their sins have already been washed away by Jesus and that throughout their life they tried to "walk, as He walked". This groups is declared "save" from now, but it depends on yourself to live following God's principles. If you break them again and again, you're likely to enter the next group.
2. Those who learned to know the Gospel and where given many opportunities to turn to God but rejected stubbornly to repent and to ask for pardon. That's the only thing God is not able to forgive. Why? Because his justica can't give pardon when none is asked for. These are the people that we must worry about, the more as it is never to late, not befor the last breath, that a man or a woman may render to God. This group is condemned by its own decision, but anybody can take the step to enter the group of the saved.
3. Those who never learned to know the Gospel in a way they could understand what it is about. They live according to the laws and customs of their culture, their religion. They know to tell Good from Evil, according to the interpretation they have learned. They can be "goo" according to the understanding they have of being good. We learn from people in precivilization that there are very clear rules about respect for human life, human relations, etc. Those who lived according to what CONSCIENCE shows them as good -and in lack of Gospel's Good News-, will be judged by what their own conscience pronounces, better said, by their pure conscience, before it got insensible under the influence of life and society.
So you see, God's justice and God's love already worked together and your "conspiracy" isn't a conspiracy at all. Just one thing more: we cannot prolongue the decision into the next life, we must make it here and now. Thanks for that interesting question!
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
28 Jul 07
Not believing in God and not knowing who God is are two totally different things. If you choose not to believe in God and not obey his law that is your problem. If you never knew about God then that is another story. How can you obey something if you never knew about it? One thing I do know is God is a merciful God and a just God.
For example, lets take someone that has severe mental disabilities. They more than likely lack intelligence to be able to comprehend God, Religon and so on. When they die would God condemn them to Hell? I seriously doubt it. Than again, I am not God, I cannot judge.
Also, there is more to "getting in to heaven" than just believing and going to church. God would look at your whole life and judge you on that.
We are all sinners, including Christians. A sin is a sin in Gods eyes. No sin is greater than the other. For Christians, we have the ability to repent for our sins and be forgiven.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
28 Jul 07
interesting example you gave there on mentally disabled people. some of them are not aware of the world around them, so it is a fair lesser chance that they would be aware of things including God. so again if god exists he should not condone them to hell just because they are unbelievers.
Thank you on your comment.
@bharatibajaj (133)
• India
28 Jul 07
Hi! GOD is present everywhere & dwellsin everyone.Each person has to pay for his own DEEDS...AS you sow, so you reap!!GOD is the witness for everyone's Account of deeds,He knows if we do our sins knowingly or unknowingly & gives us accordingly,be it in this birth or the next.So if we believe in GOD, have faith in HIM, &accept things as they come,believe that whatever happens, happens for our GOOD,we would not have any doubts,& would stop thinking of HEAVEN or HELL,sins , lies,etc.Follow your conscience , & reach great HEIGHTS & stop thinking anything else.GOD BLESS!!
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Well for one, G♥d is forgiving and doesn't favor anyone, but once you die, the choice you made is the choice you will be judged with.
And for two, it is getting to the point where there are no cold people, (as in never heard the gospel), because of our technology, just about everyone knows, there are no excuses.
And for three, people who believe has their sins cleansed through Y'shua,(Jesus), so those sins are throw in the deepest of oceans.
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